
Life Essence

Due to over exhausting himself from the earlier battle, Aren is left with no choice but to take a three days' rest at home. His neighbor Alice sends her daughter to bring some leftover goods from her store for both to enjoy over some tea. It was quite clear that that she was trying to play matchmaker.

A month has passed since he had arrived to in this world of sword and magic. There was just so much he could learn within a day. Let's not forget that he had to earn money to pay for his daily necessities otherwise he would have shut himself in the library until he had memorized the whole library by heart.

If it was the modern world he would never have put such an effort in his studies after all who will waste time in memorize all those useless facts that are forcefully stuffed down our troughs. It isn't that hard to understand that everyone will prefer magic books over useless facts in a dull and boring book. So, you can understand Aren's enthusiasm in his pursuit to find ways to learn magic.

However, Lisa didn't share the same enthusiasm as him which left her no choice for her but to drag him out of his house every afternoon to enjoy some fresh air. This time they were out shopping at the bazaar.

"Why am I here again?" Aren asked as he took another bag of groceries that Lisa just bought from the stall owner.

"I am helping you buy groceries for dinner which you have been neglecting in favor of eating outside." Lisa replied with a glare as she paid the man 5 coppers.

"I have been too busy lately." Aren defended himself.

"Busy, you call locking yourself in that library of yours 'Busy'." Lisa retorted.

"You were never this enthusiastic about finding ways to learn magic before. I can still remember that disappointing look you wore when you found about your in ability to learn magic." Lisa said with a giggle.

"Hey, That not funny." Aren protested, "I was quite disappointed, you know."

"Of course, it is. Most people just give up and focus on improving their strength as warriors instead, but you have been more focused on the magical aspect with a passion never seen before even though you know that it's impossible." Lisa declared as she checked her shopping list.

"Nothing's impossible in this world if you put your mind to it and keep a positive attitude." Aren insisted, 'After all I thought transmigration was impossible' "Even though I don't have a magical core it does not mean that I can't form one."

"That's nothing more then an old legend. Let's consider if it's true. where will you find an Ancient Technique that's long lost for who knows how long? Or do you think you can make such a Technique yourself?" questioned Lisa as she challenged his narrow-minded thinking, "After all every mage that have knowledge far surpassing yours were so incompetent that they could not even complete a such a simple task for years. Now, here comes a person no knowledge of magic what so even who thinks he can complete such a task within two or three months by locking himself within a library."

Aren winced in pain as if her every word was an arrow that kept piercing his heart. "Alright, Alright, Shish, aren't you blunt, you could have phrased it more politely."

"It would not have sunk in otherwise." Lisa laughed at his discomfort, "Let me tell you a secret that guarantees a large improvement in strength for warriors that you will not find in any book." Teased Lisa as she kissed his cheek before immediately increasing her pace.

Aren looked on dumbfounded she increased the distance between them. "Damn it, wait up you can't tease me like this." Aren shouted as he ran after her.

Lisa stopped near the blacksmiths workshop as she waited for Aren. "Why are we here? Didn't we buy everything on the list." Aren asked as Observed the Workshop.

"The merchants at the bazaar don't sell above D rank weapons therefore we will order a custom C Rank blade." Lisa asserted.

"C rank Blade! Are you out of your mind. Do you know how expensive a Rank weapon is?" Aren clearly objected to her assertive attitude.

"Is it more expensive than your life?" inquired Lisa with a raised brow watching him squirm at her question. "Besides didn't you earn enough money from that subjugation mission?"

Admitting his defeat Aren entered the store with a sigh lamenting about his empty wallet he custom ordered a C Rank Blade.

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Aren inquired.

"You will have to catch me to find out." Lisa teased as she pulled both his cheeks playfully before she dashed out of Aren sight.

By the time Aren caught up to her every muscle in his body started protesting due to the sudden strain on them. It was bad enough he is carrying all those groceries, but he just had to run all the way back home as well.

"I'm Home." Aren called out as he almost collapses at the front door due to exhaustion.

"Just put those bags on the table in the kitchen. If I had known you will work up a sweat over a jog I would have reconsidered out running you. Never mind I will prepare dinner while you go take a bath." Lisa mocked Aren as she is pointing towards the bathhouse.

"But" Aren insisted.

"No buts, You Stink." Lisa Interrupted Aren as she left for the kitchen completely ignoring him.

"Shish, What's her problem." Grumbled Aren as went to his room to pick fresh clothes to change into after a nice bath after he put the groceries at the table.

Meanwhile Lisa had busied herself in the kitchen to prepare dinner. She might look focus in preparing dinner however she was operating on autopilot as her mind was preoccupied worrying about Aren's the sudden change in his personality. Since she was occupied helping her mother and aren was busy with his new hobby of reading magical books therefore it was hard to notice any difference. But the more time she spends with him the more changes she had started to notice in his behavior as if he was a new person entirely.

The Aren she knew had a lot of knowledge regarding warriors and sword techniques but this Aren is completely clueless. A month had passed since Aren returned from that long mission he took outside the city. After running out of money he took various missions to hunt monsters but there had been no visible increase in his strength as if he had forgotten how a warrior increases his strength.

There is something seriously wrong with Aren. He doesn't even possess common knowledge that is crucial for every adventurer. He even lacks a complete understanding of what it means to be a warrior. The are magical books and sword techniques in the library but there is no book in there that will explains How a Warrior Raises his Strength? therefore he should be clueless about it thus proving her suspicious.

After enjoying a delicious dinner made by Lisa it was about time she told him the secret method to rapidly raise your strength.

"Before I tell you the secret let me ask you something first. Aren Do you know what the Difference between a warrior and a Mage is?" Lisa questioned.

"Difference? A Mage performs magic to attack while a warrior depends on his Physical strength." Aren answered.

"Let me rephrase that, A Mage absorbs Mana to increase her strength so how does a warrior increase his strength." Lisa inquired.

"By doing physical exercises." Aren Guessed.

Lisa sighed at his ignorance. "No, A warrior increases his strength by absorbing 'Life Essence'."

"Life Essence" Aren said perplexed.

"Yes, Life Essence is absorbed in little amount when you kill a monster. A warrior absorbs Life essence to increase their strength. However, the amount is so small that it is almost negligible therefore there are techniques available to increase the absorption of life essence. The Higher Ranked the Technique the better the absorption." Lisa Explained

"I see, but there are no Life Essence techniques in the Library for warriors." Aren asked puzzled.

"Don't be stupid, who will put a Ranked Technique in the library where anyone can find it." Lisa chirped, "I seem to remember you bragging about it before. Try to remember where you put it."

'Damn looks like I will have to search the whole house to find it.' Aren thought as he scratched his head while pretended to having trouble remembering it. "Sorry, I don't seem to remember."

Lisa huffed in annoyance as she asked, "Can't or Don't remember? Really Aren what going on?"

Looking at her serious face he knew within his heart that she was on to him. Laughing Awkwardly Aren explained how he was woke up in a forest with amnesia and survived due to the timely help of Sir Garen who happened to be in the area.

"Damn that girl, how dare she neglect to inform me about this? It is about time I had a heart-to-heart talk with Lila." Lisa hissed. 'That girl always hides important details from her. The nerve of that girl, so what if she works at the guild and her pay is greater than her. She is still an ordinary person just like her therefore she has nothing to act superior about.'

"Calm Down, Relax, she must have forgotten from all the that work as the guild leader's assistant." Aren Appealed on her behalf.

"Calm Down, Calm Down, that girl is the reason your so ignorant. What if you have gotten your self killed." Lisa Roared in rage scaring the hell out of Aren.

"Don't you dare leave this house until you have mastered and memorized the basic survival skills and knowledge." Lisa commanded before she left in a hurry.

To scared to speak Aren watched her close the door with a bang causing him to flinch. 'Shish! What's wrong with the girls of this world."