
A Subjugation Request

The Chatswall Forest is in the east of the town. Goblins, kobolds, Direwolves are the main inhabitants of the forest. The number of Direwolves have increased and come out of the forest to attack the villagers and their livestock. To control their numbers, they periodically put up a Subjugation request.

Arriving at the Forest, Aren went towards the Point where Direwolves usually appear according to the information provided by the Guild.

A group of Seven Direwolves appeared within his sight, hearing him approach they were growling to intimidate him. Taking a deep breath, he charged headfirst into their midst before quickly drawing the sword from its sheath to cleave the Direwolf that jumped at him, baring its fangs, in two.

Before taking advantage of the momentum to kill the Direwolf making a sneak attack from behind. After the death of two of their brethren's they became cautious and surrounded him. When one took the initiative to attack from the front the rest attacked from his blind spots leaving him no choice but to defend.

Another Direwolf had already arrived and had bitten his wrist. The moment its sharp canines pierced through his flesh, He was in so much pain that he almost passed out. The blood vessels at his wrist had also been roughly torn by the Direwolf, causing his fresh blood to instantly spray out.

It was the first time he had fought with such cunning monsters that could perform such tactics, but they were still no match for him. The Direwolves charged at him as he waved his sword to kill them within a single blow.

Five minutes later, sitting on the ground cover in wounds Aren looked at the bodies of the five dead Direwolves and burst into laughter. If it had been a month ago he would have run at the First sight of these monsters let alone killing them for a living.

Taking out his dagger he began cutting their Left Ear as prove of his kill before collect the monster core from their bodies.

However, danger would always arrive before one has become well-prepared. It would appear before you could keep your head down, and if you were to make a mistake, you might be left skating on thin ice.

At that moment, his heart suddenly began to pound heavily while blood all over his body rushed to his head. In a split second, He felt dazed and worried as his face turned pale.

He suddenly became covered in cold sweat, as he had realized that something terrifying was staring at him within the grass. He didn't know what the thing hidden in the grass was, but it was certainly not friendly.

Slowing putting the Monster cores in his Dimensional storage pouch before taking his sword in hand, Aren slightly recovered his composure. Widening his eyes, he gazed at the wild bushes, wanting to see through what was hiding inside.

Then, a Direwolf drilled out from the grass with eyes fixed on him. Its entire body was covered with beautiful silver fur. It was over two meters tall, and its steps were graceful. This Direwolf was Different from the rest not just by its size but by the Deadly Blood lust Aura emitting from it in waves.

Looking at the corpses of its pack members its blood lust intensified. This Direwolf appears to be the pack leader of these Direwolves.

With red eyes, The Pack leader glared at him. After looking straight into its eyes, Aren could already feel its hatred and Bloodlust.

The Pack leader moved with great agility as it closed the distance. With Sword in hand Aren Assumed a Defensive Position.

Its movements suddenly changed from being graceful to being savage, and it suddenly transformed into a blur as it pounced at him. Its previously soft paws suddenly had sharp claws emerge from it as well.

At the critical moment, He suddenly moved, as graceful as the wind as he dodged the its pounce, and then stabbed out with the sharp sword in his hand.

The stab was extremely forceful and straight, and as fast as lightning. If it managed to land on its body, it would be able to borrow the charging force of the Pack leaders Attack and tear its body open.

"Huh?" As he stabbed his face suddenly changed. The sword tip had met with a powerful blocking force. The fur had blocked the tip of the sword, preventing it from penetrating through.

At the Same time the Pack Leader suddenly sent its tail whisking towards him. Unable to dodge in time, He quickly used his sword to block.

Its tail landed against the blade like a heavy iron whip, and the powerful force knocked him flying away, his body slamming against the trees.

Bang! The trees trembled and broke violently.

"Roar!" It immediately followed up with another pounce as it slashed at him with its claws. With a Leap he immediately dodged to the side Before Preparing to attack.

With a howl, the Beast immediately pounced again, opening its massive maw and revealing its sharp fangs as if to devour him whole.

Raising His Sword Aren Sidestepped before following it up with an attack to cleave it in two from its mouth. What he didn't expected was for the it bite his sword in two.

Losing your weapon during a life and death battle never ends well. Injured, Stressed and weaponless, Aren Immediately dropped what remained of his weapon before making a run for his life.

Aren's cowardly retreat left It dumbfounded before it chased after him. Taking out his dagger, they clashed with each other again and again as he made his retreat, but he could run as fast as the Pack Leader chasing him.

His last beacon of hope was to take advantage of the topography and trees.

The best terrain to take advantage of would be river, assuming it was present. Unfortunately, there was no river nearby; however, luckily, there were Trees everywhere.

Many Kobolds and Goblins that crossed their path were killed skillful scarified to delay its approach.

The Chase finally ended half an hour later when a Group of Adventurers came to his rescue upon hearing the ruckus they were causing near their camp site. With skillful team work they Archers shot arrows to provide room for Aren to retreat. The Healer cast a Healing Spell to Aren to heal his injuries and recover stamina.

The Tank of their Team bashed the Pack leader with its shield successfully Diverting his Attention from Aren allowing him to leave the Battle field. A fireball hit its back while his attention was diverted. Turning around he came face to face with 2 warriors blocking its path.

Arrows Rained down on its body while the Tanker smashed him into the group with its shield before stabbing it with his sword.

Injured and Tired from the earlier chase it was eventually killed by the group.

"Your Quite Lucky Brat, A second later and you would have died. Names Kaven by the way." Kaven introduced himself raising his hand.

"Aren, Thanks for the help." He answered shaking his hand.

"That's one tough beast you pissed off." Kaven

"All in a Good day's work." Aren replied before they burst in laughter, which was short lived due to his broken ribs. The Captain of the Group laughted louder at his pain before calling the Healer of the Group.

"This is Alina The Healer of our Group. He is Aren the Damsel in Distress." He introduced ignoring Aren's indignant protests.

After the Introductions, Aren clenched his teeth as Alina put his bones back in their sockets before healing his injuries. Within five minutes, he was on his feet again.

"Done, Your as good as new. Remember Healing spells only enhance your bodies Healing Ability. BE sure to Eat until your stomach explodes upon your return. So, no strenuous Activity for two Days." Alina Advised Aren who nodded his head in acknowledgment.

"We are heading deeper into the forest otherwise you could have returned with us to the town. We have cleared the monsters in that direction so keep following it till you reach the town." Karen informed him as he pointed towards the East.

"Again, Thanks for your Help." Aren replied before bidding them Farewell.