
Voodoo and Hoodoo: HP. [Dropped for now]

Death through unexpected means gave him a chance to live a second life in a world he knows, yet also foreign at the same time. [(Warning: English is my second language, so some spelling mistakes and bad grammer are to be expected);PS:it will be an AU] I don't own anything but the OC's. Harry Potter belongs to JK.Rowling and Warner Bros. [P.S: the story will be writen by both me and the help of an AI.]

Thanathos27 · Book&Literature
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Market, shopping and... what is that?

A slight history of the Cajun-People:

The Cajun people are a distinct cultural group that originated in the Acadian region of Canada, which is now known as Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. The Acadians were French colonists who settled in the region in the 17th century, but were forcibly expelled by the British in 1755 during the French and Indian War. Many Acadians fled to Louisiana, where they eventually became known as Cajuns.

Cajun culture is a blend of French, Spanish, African, and Native American influences. They are known for their distinctive cuisine, which includes dishes like gumbo, jambalaya, and crawfish étouffée, as well as their lively music and dance traditions, such as zydeco and Cajun two-step.

Cajun culture is also characterized by a strong sense of community and family, with many Cajuns living in close-knit rural communities and maintaining close ties to their extended families. Religion is also an important part of Cajun culture, with many Cajuns being devout Catholics.

One of the most distinctive features of Cajun culture is the Cajun French language, which is a unique dialect of French that has evolved over time to incorporate elements of other languages, including English, Spanish, and African languages. While the use of Cajun French has declined in recent years, it is still spoken by many Cajuns and is an important part of their cultural heritage.

Overall, the Cajun people are a vibrant and resilient cultural group with a rich history and unique traditions. Despite facing many challenges over the years, including discrimination and the threat of cultural assimilation, the Cajun people have managed to preserve their distinct identity and continue to contribute to the cultural landscape of Louisiana and beyond.

[Narrator POV]

The Cajun Market, built in 1817, is the main market for wizard kind of the southern states. What makes Cajun market special is the location it is in. The first settlers reported strange activities happening in the swamps. Saying spirits were seen, ghost of dead relatives and so on. On asking the native people from the Houma tribe, their answer was that the realm of the spirits to the mortal world was at it thinnest here, making it sacred grounds to them.

Another thing making the market on of a kind is their style of housing. As the Houma tribe told them about the swamps, they warned them to respect it and to not cut down trees to make their homes if they didn't want to be cursed by said spirits. So in turn, they used magic to transfigurate the trees in making them larger and hollow on the inside. Each house had been made in this style, making it unique. Rows of such house can be seen here.

Cajun market has only a few shops in it, but because of the lack of quantity doesn't mean they don't have their quality. Those shops have all the things a wizard would need: robes by Figgins everyday clothes, cauldrons in Elliots Potion and Potion Equipment, other not so important equipment like scales, gloves, telescopes and wands from Noona Bagga's.

Those are some of the bigger shops around. Last but not least, the most important rule here:

Do not apparate to the Cajun market. Reason for this could be for the superstition of the native american, saying something like that would anger the spirits. For a much more logical answer would be of the past attacks that happened here. Scourers, a ruthless band of wizard mercenaries, rounded up every witch or wizard that was worth of some money. Those would in turn be burned on the stakes. Because of them, everyone has to travel via by boat or on foot to the market.

But enough of that, as we last left off both Louis introduced Damian to the magical market. Lets get right into it.

[Damian POV]

Dad brought me here to shop for new learning material, saying I learned everything they wanted to teach me for the most part. But as I developed faster then they anticipated, they've come to the conclusion that I was ready for learning some more unorthodox techniques. He explained it to me as we walked through the market, looking for new source material.

Some of the more boring stops where when we went to Elliot for new Potion equipment. Man that was annoying, having to stand there, trying to listen to an eighty-something old man rambling on and on about cauldrons, different Potion ingredients or appliances on Potions. I would have drunk the draught of the living dead just to get away of that old coot.

Dad brought us to Miss Figgins to tailor me my first wizard robes. Their selection varied from different styles to wear. I went with a gothic set of clothes: dark heavy robes made of brocade with a cloak made of velvet purple and black. A pair of fingerless gloves made from leather. And to top it of, a pair of tall, laced up leather boots. Give me a top hat and a plaque doctor mask, and I would have my edge lord outfit complete. All that costed 75 galleons, not cheap I tell you that.

On our next stop was to Pursha's pet Imperium, buying a months worth of dog food and Shampoo for Charlie. 'So that's where they always buy Charlie's food. I was wondering where they got it, considering I tried giving him some other brand of food. He's a bit of a picky eater'

Our last stop at Bulger's book store, was whe dad gave me a bundle of 15 galleons, telling me that I should buy myself some books of my interest. Good thing this store had some books with Braille in it, the alphabet for people with blindness. Yet, even tho there were books that I could use myself, none of them were for my interest. Book after Book, each time feeling the title and inscriptions of the books, was met with disapointment, as all were either some fairytale book or some history book. As I was ready to go home with dad it happened. One book fall from it's shelf on my head. I recoiled in pain, falling to the floor clutching my head. After the first few seconds of recovery from my accident, I got myself up and inspected the book. Grabing it from the floor made me realize how big and heavy it is. It's thickness was maybe 3-4 inches.

The cover of the book was blank, with no indication of what was writen in it. As I was about to open it-,"Damian, it's time to go.", said my father, who in turn found me with the book in my hands, thinking I found something of my interest. Well he wasn't wrong, as it's contents were unkown to me made me both curious and tense, as it could be a cursed book, ready to eat my face of the moment I open it. I brought it to the store owner, asking him about the book and its origin. "Ah that, that belonged to an old family friend of ours. Told my Grandpa to put it on for sale, don't know why but he accepted and put it on the shelf. Been here for a century. Don't see any use for it as I can't read what he put in.Any way, that book would be 12 galleons.", he said as he rung our total of 140 galleons.

[Back in the Dupont Residence]

Putting the book on my desk, I made my way to the living room to hear what will happen with my lessons.

As it was Dad's day of teaching me, he took charge and explained all the new source material we gathered today.

The list of books and their summeraies went as followed:

The book of Spells

A collection of Spells for health, riches and luck

The secrets of High Magic

Instructions for the secret use of high magic

Moon Magic

Moon phases, Wisdom and mystical energies

Goddes Magic

Spells, Magic and Rituals of divine origins


Folklore, Myths and Legends around the world


The History of Potions, Powders and Murderous Practitioners

Death and the Afterlife

A Chronological Journey from Cremation to Quantum Resurrection

The Occult Book

A Chronological Journey from Alchemy to Wicca

Symbols of the Occult

[2 hours later]

After having dinner with my family, I made my way back to my room to inspect the book I bought. Having recalled what the store owner said about the book, I opened it to find out why.

I soon understood his meaning, as the book was indeed in braille, but nothing I understood. The inprints didn't make sense, no real words are in it.

For the last 15 minutes I tried to decipher the inscriptions without any progress. Frustated, I throwed it to the other side to calm my nerves down. "Young master, is everything ok? Tilly is worried about young master", Tilly's voice came outside my room, wondering what was going on.

Having calmed down, I told Tilly that she didn't need to worry about me. As I opened the door, Charlie, who I haven't seen him since early in the afternoon, sprung at me licking me from head to toes.

"HAHA, stop Charlie, that tickles!", ordering Charlie to stop, Tilly went up to me, with her head on the floor, "Tilly's sorry she couldn't stop big dog to lick young master! Please forgive Tilly!"

"It's okay Tilly, it wasn't your fault anyway. Charlie's behaviour is mostly on me. He's taking that from me, always trying to mimic me like a... mirror!", as I said the last part, something in my brain clicked. I aske Tilly to retrieve me the book I've thrown to the other side. As she went to retrieve the book, my thoughts went from 0 to 100, 'Mirror, why didn't I think about it sooner', recalling a memory of my past live about Leonardo da Vinci. That genius was a left handed person. He had trouble writing down his research because of the ink always smearing on his hand. So in turn to eliminate that problem, he wrote from right to left, making it look like some gibberish writen on it. But putting that infront of a mirror, and you would the text he's actualy writen on it. Having thought of that, I took the book Tilly had in her hands and tested it out. And low and behold, it all started making sense:

"Introduction to "The Art of Blind Wizardry" As a wizard who has been blind since birth, I have faced many challenges in my life. But I have also discovered that my blindness has given me a unique perspective on the world of magic. Through years of practice and experimentation, I have developed a technique for blind wizards that allows us to perceive and manipulate magic in ways that sighted wizards cannot.

This book, "The Art of Blind Wizardry," is the culmination of my life's work. It is a guide for blind wizards who wish to master the art of magic, and for sighted wizards who wish to understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with blindness.

In these pages, you will learn the fundamentals of blind wizardry, including how to perceive and manipulate magical energy without the use of sight. You will discover the importance of sound, touch, and other senses in the practice of magic, and how to use them to your advantage.

But this book is not just about the technical aspects of blind wizardry. It is also about the philosophy and mindset that are necessary for success. You will learn about the importance of patience, persistence, and creativity in the practice of magic, and how to cultivate these qualities within yourself.

Throughout the book, I will share stories and anecdotes from my own life as a blind wizard, as well as the experiences of other blind wizards that I have met throughout my travels. These stories will illustrate the challenges and triumphs that come with being a blind wizard, and the unique perspectives that we can bring to the world of magic.

But this book is not just for blind wizards. It is also for sighted wizards who wish to learn from our experiences and perspectives. By understanding the challenges that we face, sighted wizards can become more empathetic and inclusive in their practice of magic, and can learn new techniques and approaches that they may not have considered before.

Ultimately, "The Art of Blind Wizardry" is about the power of diversity and inclusion in the world of magic. It is about recognizing that every wizard, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, has something unique to offer to the world of magic. By embracing diversity and learning from each other, we can all become better wizards and better people. So, I invite you to join me on this journey into the world of blind wizardry. Whether you are blind or sighted, experienced or new to the world of magic, there is something here for everyone. Let us explore the mysteries and wonders of magic together, and discover the power that lies within us all.

John Ebinizer Blood



[Authors note:all the books I've listed are all real and to buy:

The book of Spells by Nicola de Pulford

Secret of High Magic by Francis Melville

Both Moon and Goddes Magic by Aurora Kane

Superstitions by D.R. Mc Elroy

Poison by Ben Hubard (forworded by Sophie Hannah)

Death and the Afterlife by Clifford A. Pickover

The Occult Book by John Micheal Greer

Symbols of the Occult by Eric Chaline]

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