
VOLDER: Tales of Blood Bond

Ludmila Benson's life couldn't be more complicated than this. Her career was at stake, and not an ordinary stake by any means. The higher-ups in The Daily Wire newspaper shut down the investigation report that she had worked on Mayor candidate Bill Kovach about his embezzlement and corruptions. It was either staying as a mediocre junior reporter for the rest of her life or taking a once in a lifetime risk that could save her career. Of course, Ludmilla wouldn't give up without a fight. She wouldn't back down until the mastermind behind all of this tumbling down along with Kovach. But Ludmila's reckless plan to install bugs in Sebastian Moran's office, the mastermind and Kovach's sponsor, turned into a boomerang for her. It wasn't information about Bill Kovach that Ludmila got, but some other dangerous information her ears shouldn't have heard. And Sebastian did not remain silent when he found out that he had been tricked, for him, revenge tasted the sweetest when he bit it at the right time. Would Ludmila run from Sebastian, who's already determined to get her soul and body as compensation? Could she reveal Sebastian's dark side that he's been hiding so carefully all this time? (Definitely R-rated and very adult, so please beware that we're going to hell together.) Thanks for dropping by! ;)

ceciliaccm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


"Oh my God," I moaned pathetically. I buried my face in my hands, trying to suppress my embarrassment.

What's more mortifying was that I couldn't even remember anything at all from last night, but this man saw it all!

"Ludmila," Sebastian called my name again. Since when did he call me by my first name anyway... and wasn't that too intimate? Though he did ask me to call him 'Sebastian' too.

I opened my eyes slowly and stared at his attractive, yet brooding and dark face. Why did he look so angry— no that's not exactly an angry expression.

Sebastian looked very upset.

"Let me see your injuries," he continued in a low rumbled voice. He really was upset right now and a bit furious, but why?

"It's only bruises," I answered tersely. "Are you okay?"

He looked a bit surprised by my sudden question and then frowned at me. "I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that."

"Mr. Moran—"

"Call me Sebastian," he cut me curtly. That troubled look came over his face again.

Now it's my turn to frown at him. There's no way he was upset over my bruises. "Did I come at a bad time? Because we can reschedule this if you are busy."

"Are you trying to run away from me?"

"What? No! You look upset so I assume there must be trouble at work or something," I explained.

"...or something," he whispered in a strangled voice. Now he looked angry and was definitely angry at me.

"Did I do something wrong? Are you still upset over the bouquet?"

"Ludmila..." The look he gave me revealed nothing but exasperation. "Just let me look at your damned injuries!"

I stared at him incredulously. "Why are you so obsessed over some bruises? I just fell and bruised myself last night."

"Because," he bit out frustratingly. Sebastian took a deep long breath trying to calm himself. "Just let me look at it, maybe I can help a little. Take off your clothes."

We were still in his living room, in front of the large window that looked out to his massive back garden and the scenery of San Francisco, and he asked me to take off my clothes right here, right now in broad daylight.

I wanted to argue but the look on his face made me shut my mouth. Well, whatever, I was going to sleep with him anyway.

I started to unbutton my white blouse while trying to remember what kind of underwear I wear this morning.

Shit. I wore my plain white cotton bra today.

"Take it off," he ordered again after seeing my hesitation.

"Can't you at least say 'please'?!" I threw him my pissed off look.

Sebastian nodded slightly, watching me more closely now. "Please."

I took off my blouse and threw it to the nearest sofa on my right. "Do I need to take off my pants too?"

"No," he replied softly. He moved closer slowly and stopped right in front of me, his dark gaze stared intently at the bruises on my arms and chest.

Being this close to this man made me aware of how utterly masculine he was.

Everything about Sebastian radiated power. From his striking figure, so tall and lean, and his intimidating presence— which I was thankfully immune from, by the way.

"It looks ugly, but it doesn't hurt that much," I continued uneasily while he kept his silence, squirming a little under his intense gaze.

"Can I touch you?" he murmured.


I thought he wanted to touch my bruises but then his eyes slid to my mouth. I stiffened a little when his hands held my face tenderly.

"What... what are you doing?" I blurted as he nuzzled my jaw.

"I'm sorry... just a little." His warm lips murmured slowly on my skin. My heart hammered in my chest as I felt his sensuous mouth slide along my jaw.

Sebastian pulled me against his hard body.

"God, sorry, Ludmila, I can't... I have to..." he murmured again as he stared down at me with his molten amber eyes before clamping his mouth over mine as if his life depended on it.

My eyes fluttered closed. Sebastian devoured me with his smoldering kiss, he held me so carefully as if he was holding a porcelain doll. But his kiss on the other hand...

I gasped and moaned while Sebastian slipped his tongue into my opened lips.

My hands gripped his biceps tightly, at this moment his body was my only anchor in this world.

Suddenly I felt something sharp piercing my lip. I opened my eyes in surprise but closed them again when his tongue licked and nibbled my lips with eagerness.

What was that? I thought dazedly, trying to identify the stinging sensation in the middle of his passionate kiss.

My body was thrumming all over the places, filled with unfamiliar hot pulses and strange sensations.

Did he bit me? I tried to concentrate but failed when his sensuous lips nipped at me again.

When his kiss ended, I turned my face to the side and tried to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" he whispered while his hot breath caressed my sensitive earlobe. I shivered like a limp leaf on his embrace. "Did I hurt you?"

"Yes— Yes and no," I managed to answer.

Sebastian helped me sit on his sofa. "Wait here, I'll bring you a drink." And he was gone instantly.

I sat on his comfortable sofa, almost naked with only my pants and my unflattering cotton bra and still very much dazed from the kiss.

My hand went to my still damp lips and touched them slightly. It still stung and throbbed a little, but it didn't bleed anymore.

So he really did bite me.

But it was weird, it didn't feel like my lip was pierced by his blunt teeth... I remembered the quick stinging sensation, it almost felt like being pierced by a pointy sharp needle.

A sense of deja vu came over me so suddenly.

Was I imagining things? I shook my head and put on my blouse to cover myself.

Sebastian went back with a glass of thick red beverage in his hand. He offered me the glass and I peered at the drink dubiously. "What is that?"

"Tomato juice. It's good for your bruises," he explained before taking a seat next to me.

"Thank you." I took a sip to be polite and tried my best not to cringe.

The tomato juice tasted a little bit off, it's sweet and tangy but there was also a subtle metallic taste. And the thick consistency made it harder to swallow.

God, it's awful.

"You have to finish it."

I lifted an eyebrow at his bossy tone.

The tips of his wide mouth raised a little when he saw my irritated face. "Please. I made it for you."

I sipped again, trying my best not to gag in front of him. "What is this made of?"

"A mix of tomatoes, pomegranate, red dragon fruit, and a dash of lime juice. It's supposed to be healthy for you."

I gulped down the rest of this nasty concoction and grimaced.

"That's my girl." He grinned warmly at me and took the empty glass from my hand. That dashing grin made my stomach flutter nervously.

"Wait, Sebastian." I grabbed his hand before he got up from the sofa. "Are we... going to sleep together tonight?"

He blinked slowly and then a teasing light appeared in his warm eyes. "Right... I almost forgot you always ask before kissing someone," he muttered in an amused tone. "And apparently, you did so too before sleeping with someone."

"What?" I frowned at him. "What are you talking about?"

Another sense of deja vu came across my memory again, this time it came over with a sharp pinch on my head.

"Ouch!" My hand went to my head instantly.

When I looked up to Sebastian, every trace of teasing glint on his eyes had vanished and changed into a grim look.

Hi! Thank you for reading this far. If you like this story please send me some love, a review or a power stone would mean the world to me!

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