
VOLDER: Tales of Blood Bond

Ludmila Benson's life couldn't be more complicated than this. Her career was at stake, and not an ordinary stake by any means. The higher-ups in The Daily Wire newspaper shut down the investigation report that she had worked on Mayor candidate Bill Kovach about his embezzlement and corruptions. It was either staying as a mediocre junior reporter for the rest of her life or taking a once in a lifetime risk that could save her career. Of course, Ludmilla wouldn't give up without a fight. She wouldn't back down until the mastermind behind all of this tumbling down along with Kovach. But Ludmila's reckless plan to install bugs in Sebastian Moran's office, the mastermind and Kovach's sponsor, turned into a boomerang for her. It wasn't information about Bill Kovach that Ludmila got, but some other dangerous information her ears shouldn't have heard. And Sebastian did not remain silent when he found out that he had been tricked, for him, revenge tasted the sweetest when he bit it at the right time. Would Ludmila run from Sebastian, who's already determined to get her soul and body as compensation? Could she reveal Sebastian's dark side that he's been hiding so carefully all this time? (Definitely R-rated and very adult, so please beware that we're going to hell together.) Thanks for dropping by! ;)

ceciliaccm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Sebastian parked his shiny black SUV right in front of my office building.

He opened the passenger door and I got in quickly after muttering my thanks. Just like before, his existence began to attract the attention of the nearby passerby.

I didn't own a car so I wasn't familiar with car brands.

But this car was definitely a luxury car. My fingers stroked the soft leather seat underneath me gingerly, enjoying the smooth feeling as Sebastian opened the other door and got behind the driver seat.

He sat and put on his seatbelt securely before turning his gaze to me.

"Do you have any idea how expensive this parking spot is?" I murmured to him while still stroking the seat. The Daily Wire main office was right in the middle of a central business district so the parking price was quite expensive, but I guess he could afford it.

A slow smile — his first genuine smile today — worked its way across his face and into his eyes. But it vanished quickly and turned into a frown.

I could see his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. Why was he so angry today?

Hearing me asking to throw away his Daisies bouquet must have hurt his ego deeply, huh?

"I'm very sorry about earlier," I muttered quietly. "I didn't mean to throw away your flowers."

Sebastian closed his eyes sighed in exasperation. When he opened them again his mood changed visibly. I could see it from his relaxed stance and the warmness of his gaze.

"Let's get going before the parking ticket broke my bank account."

I blinked at his sudden joke.

Sebastian moved closer and pulled my seatbelt to fasten it. His face was so close I could detect his fresh minty breath.

"Why does he always smell so good?" I blurted out my thought before I realized it.

He stopped instantly and turned his face to me slowly. His sparkling amber eyes stared right into my mouth intently. My face felt hot from embarrassment.

"I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"If you don't shut that beautiful mouth right now, I'm going to kiss you right here, right now, until everybody who walks on this street sees us," he warned me with a little growl.

"O... Okay!" I squeaked and then shut my mouth immediately. Me and my stupid mouth! But his threat gave me butterflies in my stomach. This stupid fluttery sensation made me feel even more embarrassed.

Sebastian pulled himself away and started to drive in silence. His dark mood came back again.

Should I pay him back for the bouquet?

No, it would only make him even angrier. Well, there's nothing much I could do in this situation.

After twenty minutes of driving in silence, I realized that weren't heading to his nightclub. "Where are we going?" I asked breaking the silence.

"To my house."

I frowned and looking out the window at this unfamiliar street we just passed by.

Was this Russian Hill? I remembered vaguely I've visited this area once for an interview before. Rows of big houses and mansions stood on this road. The more we drove, the distance between the houses seemed even further apart.

"Why... are we going to your house?" I asked quietly even though I could already guess his answer.

His gaze still fixed straight ahead. "The bed at my home is more comfortable than the bed at Magnus."

Well, that's romantic.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Moran—"

He cut me abruptly. "Call me Sebastian, Ludmila."

Alright, then.

"Well, Sebastian, I don't think I can sleep with you today." He asked me to call his first name, so might as well be frank about it. "I had a little accident yesterday, so my body is still... a bit sore."

"What kind of accident?" He asked with a low voice.

"It's a bit embarrassing," I admitted reluctantly. "I can't remember what happened, I think I tumbled a little, but I'm sure I drank too much yesterday."

He didn't answer so I went on again to explain myself. "I don't usually drink until I pass out. I never did it, but yesterday was a bit rough for me, so..."

Oh... My God. Mouth, please, stop it!

I didn't mean to tell him my pathetic life stories, but my loose mouth couldn't stop itself.

"Let me see it," he murmured softly, his voice changed from curt to

"See what?" I turned my head to him and at the same time this car turned into a large gate that opened automatically.

I knew he must be very rich, this man bought The Daily Wire on a whim to stop my newspaper from releasing the report on Bill Kovach after all.

But I didn't know he was this FILTHY rich.

Sebastian Moran was probably almost as rich as Phillip Morgan, or maybe more...

This mansion had a massive garden surrounding the property. Because the location was at the top of a hill, you could see the view of San Francisco clearly from the garden.

Sebastian stopped his car in the parking lot — it even had a private parking lot! — right in front of the three-story house.

The house looked modern and very artistic, if I didn't know this was a residential house I might think this place was a museum.

When Sebastian got out of the car, I got out too.

"What... what did you want to see?" I repeated my question while following him through the foyer. Sebastian threw his keys into a decorative marble bowl as he passed it.

We went through an open kitchen large enough to accommodate fifty people at a time. It had state of the art appliances and everything was organized and squeaky clean. A humongous crystal chandelier was hanged in the middle of this big room.

My God, this house was ridiculous.

Various works of art, either sculptures or paintings, adorned every corner of the room. The enormous glass walls provided the views of San Francisco from atop Russian Hill.

"I want to see your injuries." He suddenly stopped and turned to face me. He stood stiffly and a strange emotion passing across his handsome brooding face.

"I really did fall yesterday, I'm not lying to you!" I snapped annoyedly. "Let's meet this Wednesday, my bruises will be gone by then." It would have been easier if I called him to cancel our meeting earlier!

"I didn't mean it like that, Ludmila." He put both hands in his trouser's pockets and then sighed heavily. This was the second time he sighed in front of me today. "You have no idea how worried I was last night."

I frowned at him. "What do you mean? Did we meet last night?" The dreaded feeling I felt this morning started to emerge again.

He nodded before sliding his gaze away from me. "I wanted to take you home, but your father's assistant insisted to take you home instead."

Oh no.

I gasped and stared at him without blinking. "Did you attend Morgan&Company's anniversary party last night?"

"Yes," he answered quietly. His eyes were staring intently at me again. His mouth was grim when he spoke again. "That's why I need to make sure that you're okay."

Did he... see me pass out last night?