
VOLDER: Tales of Blood Bond

Ludmila Benson's life couldn't be more complicated than this. Her career was at stake, and not an ordinary stake by any means. The higher-ups in The Daily Wire newspaper shut down the investigation report that she had worked on Mayor candidate Bill Kovach about his embezzlement and corruptions. It was either staying as a mediocre junior reporter for the rest of her life or taking a once in a lifetime risk that could save her career. Of course, Ludmilla wouldn't give up without a fight. She wouldn't back down until the mastermind behind all of this tumbling down along with Kovach. But Ludmila's reckless plan to install bugs in Sebastian Moran's office, the mastermind and Kovach's sponsor, turned into a boomerang for her. It wasn't information about Bill Kovach that Ludmila got, but some other dangerous information her ears shouldn't have heard. And Sebastian did not remain silent when he found out that he had been tricked, for him, revenge tasted the sweetest when he bit it at the right time. Would Ludmila run from Sebastian, who's already determined to get her soul and body as compensation? Could she reveal Sebastian's dark side that he's been hiding so carefully all this time? (Definitely R-rated and very adult, so please beware that we're going to hell together.) Thanks for dropping by! ;)

ceciliaccm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


I tried to blink back my tears while walking around this mansion aimlessly.

Every time I heard the sound of footsteps or people talking, I avoided it by walking away or slipping inside one of the many empty rooms. This monstrous mansion was a maze, so it's easy to avoided people.

The architecture and interior of this mansion were inspired by the eighteenth-century palaces mixed with contemporary design, so there were lots of paintings and useless ornaments scattered all over the place.

This place didn't feel like home at all.

I missed my cramped but warm apartment. The only ornament I had was a set of fancy scented candles I got from Zoey's wedding.

I sniffled a bit before searching for the nearest mirror to check my complexion. I was in some kind of empty library. This place had several massive bookcases, a liquor cabinet, a set of red leather sofas, and a fireplace.

That damned old man.

Why was he so interested in my life anyway? I sniffled again and found a small decorative mirror hanging near a renaissance style painting.

My dull brown eyes stared back at me blankly.

My face seemed okay-ish, I was uneasy because I was one of those ugly-crier types of people. Only the tip of my nose looked a bit red from too much sniffling.

At least nobody saw me crying, except for Phillip.

I hated how pathetic I felt right now. It was humiliating to show him that his words affected me so much. I was supposed to be calm and indifferent in front of him, like how Sebastian Moran behaved in public.

Gahhhh.... I thought about him unconsciously.

But I felt much better after thinking about him. Tomorrow I would forget about this mess because I had another problem to worried about... like sleeping with him. A nervous flutter started to bloom in my stomach.

See? Problem solved.

I took a deep calming breath to settle these damned flutters.

I heard a clicking noise from the library door and my body jolted instantly. It was too late to hide because whoever it was already got inside when I whirled my body around.

A sneering grin greeted me from across the room.

"What a pleasant surprise," his gentle yet mocking voice addressed me.

I grimaced.

"I was searching for you, by the way. I thought you would be at the party now."

"Great," I muttered to myself. "What are you doing here? Going to propose to me again?" I knew I was being rude, but he wasn't that charming to me either. Although his face was indeed charming. I stared blatantly at his dashing appearance while he leaned on the door.

There was something familiar about him. What was his name again? Phillip called his name earlier in his study. Was it Devlin?

One corner of his mouth twitched amusedly, it looked strangely familiar but I couldn't remember where I had seen it before.

"No, I'm sorry, I was joking earlier."

I crossed my arms and leaned on one of the bookcases, imitating his relaxed posture. Men like him liked to be superior and intimidating. "So why are you searching for me?"

"I'm curious about you."

I made a face.

He lifted his hand and stroked his clean-shaved jaws. His glasses slid down the bridge of his nose slightly but he ignored it.

"You know, for the past few days I've been wondering about Miss Ludmila Benson from The Daily Wire..." His lecherous gaze wandered all over my body slowly. Even though we were pretty far apart I still wanted to shudder at his predatory gaze. "...and why my brother seems so interested in you. But after seeing you in person, I begin to understand him a little bit."

"Excuse me, who are you again? Are you Colin Hearst's brother?" They didn't look alike at all.

"No," he answered softly, but there was a dangerous tone in his voice. His expression gradually turned completely expressionless. "I'm Sebastian Moran's brother."

I blinked in surprise. "Wait, there's another Moran?"

Everything came into place instantly. Why he looked so familiar and why he treated me with hostility. He must've thought I was some kind of bimbo who seduced his brother for a news scoop.

Well, he wasn't exactly wrong.

But aside from that, would you just look at him? I continued to stare at him, admiring Moran's good genes. He had a darker pair of eyes compared to Sebastian's startling amber eyes, those eyes were closer to brown eyes than amber.

"If you're here... then is he here too?"

The 'HE' in my question was obviously Sebastian Moran.

A grin edged his mouth, it made his face look even more attractive. Unlike Sebastian, this person seemed more approachable, albeit a bit rude too, but I could understand where his rudeness came from.

"I think I caught a glimpse of my brother's brooding face earlier, somewhere at the party. How strange... He was invited every year, but this is the first time he came to this event. I wonder why..." He was deliberately taunting me now.

"Well, congrats, now you've already seen me in person. Can I go? I'm a bit busy, Mr. Moran." I knew he wanted to see me and gave me some kind of warning to stay away from his brother. What a great sibling.

But I wasn't in the mood. I left my purse in Phillips's study and I had to pick it up before going home. Now that I knew Sebastian attended this party too... I had to go home more than ever.

"Oh no, you can't go home yet. I'm not done talking." He stood up straight and started to walk across the room.

"You pretty little thing... Do you have any idea what trouble you're in right now?" He asked casually while sitting on the armrest of this library leather sofa. "I'll tell you, jail is no fun."

"Geez, you've been in jail?" I shot back at him.

He nodded. "Once, in Monopoly."

I scoffed. "Are you trying to be funny?" What's with that lame joke? I guess being rich and attractive couldn't help his poor sense of humor. Oh, I didn't have time for this!

I started to walk briskly to the door but he caught my wrist when I passed near him.

"Let. Me. Go." I glared at him angrily. "If you want to stop your brother, please do so. But unless Sebastian himself tell me he wants to break off our agreement, I won't back down."

He tilted his head to the left and his sneering grin appeared again on his face. "What's your purpose anyway? Are you that desperate to impress daddy with your achievement?"

His thumb caressed the inside of my wrist lazily.

That did it.

I returned his grin and then leaned down to his ear. "What if... it's not Kovach I'm investigating right now?" I whispered conspiratorially before pulling myself away. That did wipe the smile from his face.

Of course, I was lying. I couldn't bring down Sebastian Moran... yet.

The conversation I heard from the recorder was useless, moreover, it was illegal recording. My best bet right now was to wait and search further about 'Volder'. I was tempted to ask Devlin Moran about 'Volder' but seeing how angry he was right now, I didn't think it was a wise move.

He might look tamer than his brother, but I didn't want to add more enemies to my list. I had enough already.

"Don't do anything you'll regret, Miss Benson, because I can make your life feels like hell," he promised with threatening tone. His eyes turned a few shades darker. Both Moran brothers possessed weird eyes.

I thought it was from the lighting, but when I looked closely it really did transform slightly into a different color.

The alarm on the back of my mind warned me that something was amiss, but I ignored it for now.

I snatched my wrist from his grip while still maintaining my smile. He returned my smile with a scowl.

"Then see you in hell, Devil Moran. Au revoir."

I walked out of this library and didn't look back.


I walked through a dark long hallway heading toward the previous study room. There were barely any people in the house now, everybody was busy attending the party in the garden.

See you in hell, Devil Moran?

Urgh. That's very childish of me.

But in my defense, Devlin Moran was really annoying. Damn him... and damn you too, Phillip! Now it's just a matter of time before everybody knew I was Phillip Morgan's illegitimate daughter.

All I wanted was a peaceful life... But here I was, trying to buy my own freedom from my 'father'.

My life sucked.

For a few moments, I thought seriously about going abroad and changing my name to start a new life.

But then again it's not Ludmila Benson's style to be a coward and running away.

It wouldn't change a thing anyway. I would still be Phillip Morgan's spawn no matter where I ran away. And I couldn't get my revenge if I gave up now.

"You are only five hundred grand away from freedom, Ludy," I muttered bitterly. My long satin dress was swooshing around me as I walk faster.

I would get my revenge. I would definitely—

My steps stopped suddenly when I heard Phillip's murmuring voice, he was talking to Arthur near his study's door. Why was he still here! I stepped back into the hallway's darkness and decided to wait until they go.

I leaned my shoulder on the wall, Phillip was talking about his kids. He had three children with Doria, the youngest was only three years older than me. It seemed that none of his children attend his precious party tonight, he asked Arthur to contact them immediately.

Oh, good old Phillip, couldn't even call his own children without Arthur's help.

"Trying to run away?" His soft, deep voice came out of nowhere.

I flinched a little. Oh, hell. How did he find me?

My heart hammered on my chest loudly. I could feel his body heat on my back while his expensive cologne mixed with his enticing male scent assaulting my nose.

"You scared me," I whispered sharply. I didn't turn to him. Phillip and Arthur were still talking not far from us so I couldn't raise my voice.

Sebastian chuckled darkly, and I must be insane because that voice turned me on.

He didn't touch me but I knew he's right behind me. There was this weird magnetic feeling I felt every time he was near me. "What are you doing here, Daisy, alone in the dark?"

"Trying to avoiding you?" I answered with a touch of sarcastic tones. "How did you find me?"

"A bird told me you're heading this way," he replied coolly.

Devlin Moran's smirking face suddenly popped into my mind. That Devil...

"I met your brother, by the way. What a charming man."

He didn't reply so I went on again, still in a sarcastic whispery voice. "He threatened me he will make my life like hell if I don't stay away from his precious brother. What's he gonna do anyway? Kill me?"

That did provoke a reaction from him, but he was oblivious to my sarcastic tones.

"He threatened to kill you?" his voice turned hard.