
VOLDER: Tales of Blood Bond

Ludmila Benson's life couldn't be more complicated than this. Her career was at stake, and not an ordinary stake by any means. The higher-ups in The Daily Wire newspaper shut down the investigation report that she had worked on Mayor candidate Bill Kovach about his embezzlement and corruptions. It was either staying as a mediocre junior reporter for the rest of her life or taking a once in a lifetime risk that could save her career. Of course, Ludmilla wouldn't give up without a fight. She wouldn't back down until the mastermind behind all of this tumbling down along with Kovach. But Ludmila's reckless plan to install bugs in Sebastian Moran's office, the mastermind and Kovach's sponsor, turned into a boomerang for her. It wasn't information about Bill Kovach that Ludmila got, but some other dangerous information her ears shouldn't have heard. And Sebastian did not remain silent when he found out that he had been tricked, for him, revenge tasted the sweetest when he bit it at the right time. Would Ludmila run from Sebastian, who's already determined to get her soul and body as compensation? Could she reveal Sebastian's dark side that he's been hiding so carefully all this time? (Definitely R-rated and very adult, so please beware that we're going to hell together.) Thanks for dropping by! ;)

ceciliaccm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


The sound of mumbles followed by laughter could be heard from Phillip's private study slash office.

Damn it. I was hoping Phillip would meet me alone.

I didn't want to meet his corporate friends, or worse...

"Is he with his family in there?" I asked anxiously before halting my step. I'd rather be alone than to be in a place where... where I wasn't wanted. I knew I look like a coward, but everyone had their own weakness and limit.

I still remembered the feeling of their cold and hostile glare when Phillip told his family that I was his daughter.

Arthur almost opened the study room's doorknob, but he stopped and turned around to face me. His sympathetic gaze hurt my pride a little. Why couldn't kind old Arthur be my biological father?

"Mr. and Mrs. Morgan are inside with their guests," Arthur replied with his gentle tone.

Oh, no. I felt sick.

"Do you need a moment, Ludmila?" He continued with an understanding gaze.

I swallowed nervously. "No." I hate how shaky I sounded just now. "No, it's alright," I repeated with more confidence and smiled at him.

Arthur nodded and finally opened the study door, he announced my arrival to the group inside. "Ludmila is here."

I clenched my fists tightly and plastered a flat smile on my face before stepping inside.

Four pairs of eyes glanced in my direction instantly. One with a cold glare, one with a false warmness, and the other two with curiosity.

"Ludmila! God, you look great! I'm happy that you spare some time for this old man." Phillip Morgan's voice boomed around the room. I flinched a little and tried to maintain my smile.

At sixty-five, Phillip Morgan still looked sharp and lively. He was also in good physical shape, with his tall and athletic posture and a pair of intelligent blue eyes that seemed to see through everyone.

He's what you called a silver fox, his handsome face and charismatic smile made him even more likeable.

I hated him.

Thank God I had my mother's eyes.

"Happy birthday, sorry I didn't bring any present with me this evening." His company anniversary party tonight was also to celebrate his birthday. I stood awkwardly near his large wooden desk because there wasn't any chair for me to sit in.

"Bah! What nonsense! Your presence is my gift." Phillip laughed cheerfully.

Doria Morgan stood suddenly to kiss my cheek politely. "You look beautiful, darling."

This woman only acknowledged my existence when Phillip was present.

She also looked great at fifty-five with the help of some fillers and botox here and there. And those fake breasts... dear God, they were still as intimidating as ever.

I tried to stifle my shudder. "Thank you, Mrs. Morgan. You look stunning tonight."

She sat back and busied herself with rearranging her gold shimmery dress.

I glanced briefly at the other two men who sat on my right before staring at Phillip again. "Well, it seems you're pretty busy. I think I will excuse myself—"

"Oh, actually, I want to introduce you to Colin Hearst." He nodded to the blond man sitting on my right. His voice sounded proud. "Our brightest senior Associate in the company. I expect he will be a partner in a few years."

I stared at Phillip dumfoundedly. So what?

"That's... impressive. Congrats," I replied politely.

The blond man stood from his chair and offered me an overly friendly smile.

Judging from his face, he's in his late twenties with medium height, a pair of hooded blue eyes and Patrick Bateman vibes. Pretty handsome, but not my type at all.

Men like this usually into women like Doria Morgan. The younger version of her, of course.

"I've heard a lot about you for the past few weeks."

I wondered what Phillip said about me. I wanted to roll my eyes at that thought.

He held out his hand to me so I shook his hand. But Colin Hearst chuckled slightly before pulling my hand into his mouth and kissed my knuckles gently.

What the...

My smile froze on my face while a faint snort could be heard from the man who sat on the other chair. I glanced at the man sharply but returned quickly to Colin Hearst when he let go of my hand. I resisted the urge to wipe the back of my hand on my precious satin dress.

"Phillip didn't lie when he said that you are very beautiful. He should've introduced us earlier."

Urgh, no thanks.

"Thank you, you're very kind," I replied still in a polite tone. Why did I have a bad feeling about this situation?

"Well, I always thought you guys would make a perfect pair. I mean look at you!" Phillip interjected with a satisfied laugh.

"My beautiful daughter here works in The Daily Wire. She got accepted at Wharton but unfortunately, Ludmila had set her heart on literature and journalism. I tried to persuade her but well, she's always a firecracker since the start! Stubborn like her father." He said it with such a proud smile that it started to creep me out.

And what the heck? He was playing father now? And playing cupid on top of that?!

I decided to slid my eyes to Doria Morgan briefly, she sat stiffly on her chair like a wax statue. Clearly angry that Phillip told his guest that I was his daughter.

I needed to fix this quickly.

I touched my collarbones with the tips of my fingers to look like I was moved deeply by his speech.

"Oh, my... Mr. Morgan has been so kind to me." I tried my best to sound sincere. "My father, Arthur Benson, has been working for him since forever so Mr. Morgan always treats me like his own daughter."

Colin Hearst blinked confusedly at my explanation. "Wait... You're Arthur's daughter? I thought you're Mr. Morgan's daughter?"

I could feel his interest in me fall drastically.

Phillip's proud smile faltered when our gaze met, I held his gaze while answering Hearst' question. "Yes. My name is Ludmila Benson. Arthur Benson is my father."

This bastard planned to use me for his networking plan. Now I remembered who 'Hearst' was. His father owned an oil rig company or something, he must be filthy rich, that's why Phillip need this connection.

There was a heavy silence before Phillip spoke again.

"Can all of you please excuse us for a moment?" His warm and friendly tone returned again. "I have to catch up with Ludmila... And Devlin, I'm sorry, but can we speak later?" He asked the other man.

I looked at the man who rudely snorted earlier. His light brown eyes stared back at me from behind his glasses. Now, this man looked more of my type. Aside from his rudeness, of course.

Slightly older than Colin Hearst, nice sharp jaws, well-groomed thick dark hair, and a mole on his sensuous wide mouth was a plus. He wore a neat moss-green suit that complimented his eyes so nicely.

I smiled slightly at his blatant stare.

But my smile vanished instantly when he winked at me.

I took it back. Sleazy, playboy men were definitely not my type.

"I understand," replied the man before standing from his chair. "See you at the party then." He followed the other two who already vanished from behind the door but stop suddenly and glancing back at us.

"Although, if the lady doesn't mind, I would like to offer for your daughter too, Morgan."

"Offer for what?" I replied flatly. I added a disgusted frown too because Phillip couldn't see my face right now.

A grin suddenly appeared on his handsome yet wicked face.

A hearty chuckle emerged from behind me. "Well, we can discuss it later. See you at the party," replied Phillip warmly.

"See you later, Phillip... Ludmila."

These rich scummy men... They thought they could get anything if they had money. I rolled my eyes and turned my back at him.

We waited until the door of this study clicked shut and Phillip rose from his chair instantly with an exasperated sigh. "Why did you say that to Coline Hearst?"

"Last time I checked my last name is still Benson," I answered curtly. I sat on Colin's chair and crossed my arms defiantly. "What are you planning? Ah, wait, I don't want to know. Just don't involve me in it."

Phillip didn't answer me immediately. He went to his liquor cabinet and poured himself a glass of whisky before chugging it in one gulp.

"Colin is a nice man, and he can take care of you. If you marry him you can do anything you want and not struggling with your... your measly job in The Daily Wire. I heard about Bill Kovach situation, and it didn't look good for you, Ludmila."

Ah, tales as old as time.

This old man had the same mindset as a seven-year-old girl who watched too many Disney Princess movies. He thought that if I couldn't marry a filthy rich prince charming then I would be miserable for the rest of my life.

I took a deep breath to calm down my anger. "I don't need a man like Colin Hearst. I can take care of myself perfectly, and I like my measly job! And I'll pay the five thousand grand as soon as possible if you could give me more time. So stop interfering with my life!"

Phillip whirled around and he stared at me, a disappointed frown marring his forehead.

"I just want what's best for you! I know you hate me and I'm aware I'm not a great father. Still, I want all my children to be happy and comfortable in life. Why are you so intent on making your life miserable? You don't want my money, you don't want my help, then what do you want from me?!"

I froze in my chair while staring at him in disbelief.

My past resentment and fresh anger rose again until my body was aching all over. I had to grit my teeth to stop myself from lashing out and falling apart at the same time in front of this man.

"Didn't I just say it?" I whispered bitterly while my eyes starting to blurred. "Just let me live my life. Can't you just treat me like a mistake and let go?" I pleaded with my croaked voice.

Phillip stared at me with a stunned expression on his face, his blue eyes looked genuinely hurt. "She said that too when she left me... You really do look like your mother, don't you?" he mumbled bitterly.

I couldn't take it. I stood from my chair and turned my back at him. "Let's stop playing father-daughter. Goodbye, Phillip."

I started to walk and opened his study door, but then he talked again. His voice was still breaking. "I'll call my lawyer to change your last name to mine. I should've done this a long time ago."

"There's no need. After I pay all of my debt we don't need to continue this relationship."

With that, I slammed the door behind me and the first hot tear fell down from my eyes.