
Void WIzard in HP

Well, I'll be brief. A new writer, I write when I have inspiration or free time, English is not my native language. According to the plot , a non - standard or standard rebirth , the hero of the OP , but not immediately and well , read on if you want to find out . / A man who was robbed of emotions and the world who wanted him dead. But he adapted and decided to seek knowledge and magic, but his world was ordinary and very mortal. As a result , he died having lost all connection with the world . But because of his perseverance, he developed a unique soul and the Higher Beings responsible for sending the souls of mortals sent him to the world he wanted. There he is waiting for knowledge, opportunities and many incredibly strong creatures who will be happy to profit from his uniqueness.

mamun_220 ¡ Book&Literature
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45 Chs

The author's little word

I hate 2 things this year. These are restless guests and the government , which decided to raise the price of gas by 2 times.

Fuck, seriously what were they thinking when they did it. Now, there are rallies all over the country. Add to this the terrorist acts and looting.

So now, because of this mess, the Internet has been turned off. There is no connection with the outside world and I could not release the chapters. I had 4 chapters planned for last week. I wanted to release 3 more chapters this week. But I can't.

Forgive me, all those who have been waiting for new chapters. From next week everything should stabilize and I hope that everything will stabilize. You can wait for the daily releases.

Don't worry, I won't drop this fic. I have big plans for him.I already know in which world he will make the most of all his druidic powers. I also came up with what kind of world he can capture and it's not HP.

It will also be the most non-standard worlds. Of course, he will get into Marvel, but it will definitely not be soon. As you can see, I'm raising the difficulty level of the HP world and the Marvel world will be one of the most dangerous worlds.

Okay, enough spoilers. I'm going to raise your expectations now, and then I won't be able to meet them. Plus, I just started writing about Hogwarts and after that he will be fighting vampires for a while. In general, there are many plans and I want to implement them all