
Void WIzard in HP

Well, I'll be brief. A new writer, I write when I have inspiration or free time, English is not my native language. According to the plot , a non - standard or standard rebirth , the hero of the OP , but not immediately and well , read on if you want to find out . / A man who was robbed of emotions and the world who wanted him dead. But he adapted and decided to seek knowledge and magic, but his world was ordinary and very mortal. As a result , he died having lost all connection with the world . But because of his perseverance, he developed a unique soul and the Higher Beings responsible for sending the souls of mortals sent him to the world he wanted. There he is waiting for knowledge, opportunities and many incredibly strong creatures who will be happy to profit from his uniqueness.

mamun_220 · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Prologue) My story

Like all these stories, mine began on Earth. An ordinary life, an ordinary job, a hobby to read books, then fan fiction. Well, or so it was seen from the outside. Since childhood, I began to notice my apathy. Well, it started when walking and playing became more and more boring, after that video games stopped being fun. For a while, studying gave me a little feeling , but that 's gone too . By the age of 20, the whole world turned gray and after 5 years of traveling around the world, I lost all feelings. Not that I didn't like it, the emptiness brought peace and relief.

Then I realized that something was missing in this world, and as I said about books and my hobby, well, I needed magic. Not necessarily a magical world or a cultivation world, but definitely something of this. So I went on to travel, to search for this great and wonderful energy. After visiting many temples, asking all the Buddhists or Taoists. Having learned meditation and patience. I... I didn't find anything. I could go into deep meditation, clear my mind, I was even able to feel life in everything because of the heightened sensations and the fact that emotions do not interfere. BUT nothing. An empty world, I would even say dead with people and their problems. Only their problems .

I can't say that I was disappointed, because there can be no disappointment without emotions. But the last thread connecting me to this world is gone. Having found no pleasure, no dreams, no love, an empty and gray world. Most importantly, having lost the connecting link, I died at the age of 30.

Just don't imagine that I killed myself or was run over by you know who. No.

Everything is much simpler or more complicated. Depending on which side to look at , well , it doesn 't matter the main thing is that I died and ... and nothing.

Not that nothing. Just the same world, but empty. To make it easier to describe it, I am still aware of myself, angels do not fly in the sky and demons do not cook anyone in cauldrons.

It's just the same world is just all in a white-gray haze and I'm the only one here. The most important thing is that I feel great here. It's like being wrapped in a warm blanket, lying on a comfortable bed and listening to pleasant, soothing music. No fuss, no problems, nothing that can annoy or interfere. As if the soul itself has returned to the place where it should be. You yourself have returned to the place where you should be.

I just want to disappear into this place and don't need anything else. Well , I would probably even dissolve here , but instead of dissolving , I decided to sit down in meditation and feel , I do not know what I want to feel , but I know for sure that I need to do it . It's like a cry of the soul to start acting, I started acting and didn't miss the chance . If you miss it , you can only regret forever .

Sitting I do not know how long, but I can say I really felt something. It was everywhere and nowhere at all.

But I know that this is something that needs to be absorbed and the longer and more the better. After an unknown amount of time. I feel like I'm full. It also feels like I've become much lighter and at the same time cleaner and heavier. Yes, I became much cleaner, as if I used the best bathroom and at the same time ate the best food.

"What an interesting mortal, you were able to stay in this place for so long without losing yourself a bit. In addition, he absorbed the pure energy of the soul and the cosmos."

"So the gods finally decided to come to me."

"Oh , don 't you want to ask who I am , where you are and how long has it been ?"

"I can guess that I am where the souls of mortals gather to dissolve, are you some kind of goddess of Death , Reincarnation, or just someone who has to deal with souls like me."

As for how long I've been here, it doesn't matter.

"Ho, what an interesting mortal, what are you right, we are in a place known to collect the souls of the dead to absorb their memories and emotions, then sending them to further either reincarnation, or to share to increase all souls."

" So , what will happen to me ?"

" Well , usually they either forcibly purify , or leave it like that until they themselves eventually dissolve . But you're a special case. Firstly, you have already given away all your emotions during your lifetime. Secondly, because of this, you did not die and your soul was able to adapt to the void, which happens extremely rarely. And it's not 1 in the whole world or dimension. Usually this is 1 in several thousand dimensions , despite the fact that these dimensions should be at the highest stage of development , this does not apply to your world ."

"And then ?"

"Well, then I'll make an exception and let you go to some world."

" Then send me to a world where there is magic."

"Well, it's not that simple. You see , even though you 're such a special soul , you 're still from the lower world . But don't worry, I have just the world that suits you, so good luck."

Well, this is the first chapter, tell me how it is and tomorrow I will release the second.

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