
Void WIzard in HP

Well, I'll be brief. A new writer, I write when I have inspiration or free time, English is not my native language. According to the plot , a non - standard or standard rebirth , the hero of the OP , but not immediately and well , read on if you want to find out . / A man who was robbed of emotions and the world who wanted him dead. But he adapted and decided to seek knowledge and magic, but his world was ordinary and very mortal. As a result , he died having lost all connection with the world . But because of his perseverance, he developed a unique soul and the Higher Beings responsible for sending the souls of mortals sent him to the world he wanted. There he is waiting for knowledge, opportunities and many incredibly strong creatures who will be happy to profit from his uniqueness.

mamun_220 · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Chapter 28)

"Professor Snape, I wanted to ask you if you could allocate me a laboratory for potion experiments."

"Greengrass hasn't even been a month since the start of your studies, and you want to get a personal laboratory that is available only after year 5 and then only to the best students." Snape said and looked at me sternly.

"Well, I wanted a small free class, which I will equip myself and I will replenish the ingredients at my own expense."

"You are still a first-year student and I will have to bear the consequences for you, so tell me why do I need this additional responsibility?"

"Because I'm a genius and I love potions?"I answered with a smile.

Snape sighed and went to his office.

"Come on, show me how much of a genius you are, if you surprise me, then I can let you train with me this year. For the next one, based on the results of the internship, I can allocate you a small class, if not, then be ready to clean the boilers by the end of the half-year." said Snape and I followed him.

I need my own laboratory to experiment not only with potions, but also with rituals. Without this, my progress in learning these branches of magic will be greatly slowed down.

Of course, money and sacrifices are needed for experiments on the study of rituals.Money won't be a problem for a while, but there will be gervais. I don't want to completely become a dark wizard, because it will not only blacken my soul, but also damage my mind. That's why I have to support the way of the grey wizards.

As a result, I can use mice and rats for victims. Find the place of their purchase, the place of their placement and food for them. All this requires money and space.

To do this, I will need a chest with an extension, but it is not easy to get it. I have to solve all these problems before the second year.

"Well, here are all the ingredients available to you, you must prepare either your own potion, or a potion that is several years ahead of your training." said Snay and provided me with a cupboard full of various ingredients.

Some of them I can't even recognize, and some of them should be explicitly banned because of their high toxicity and instability.

I went to the cabinet and began to choose the highest quality ingredients and, most importantly, inexpensive.

Snape chuckled contentedly and nodded his head at me .

I went up to the cauldron and with a wave of my magic wand set fire to the wood, throwing in a few more so that the fire would burn for a while.

Then I poured clean water, while filling it with my magical energy for a better understanding of the readiness of the potion.While the water reaches the right temperature, I started processing the ingredients. After cleaning the twig, cutting one fruit and moistening a few petals, I began to add them in turn.

Slowly stirring, I reduced the heat and with a wave of my magic wand added the toxic root of the tree of death.

Although the tree is called the 'tree of death', it is not actually fatal, it just releases pores once a year that are fatal to certain types of insects and plants. And the ancient wizard will see this tree around which plants and insects were dying called it so.

Steam began to rise from the boiler, which, if inhaled, could pollute the lungs and the wizard would have to undergo special treatment, or walk for a couple of years with a strong cough and lack of oxygen at night.

Waving a magic wand, releasing the wind, I sent this steam into the cleaner. In every laboratory of a self-respecting potion maker, there should be a special cleaner that cleans the room and keeps the air clean.

A few hours later, the potion was ready. I took out a specially treated bottle and carefully poured the potion with a ladle.

Closing the bottle, I put the potion in front of Snape.

Snape took the potion and examined it carefully, opened the lid and sniffed its scent. After shaking him a little, he nodded and took out his magic wand. After waving it a couple of times, he nodded again and looked at me.

"Barbarian potion, good quality and proper preparation. The effect should work from 10 to 20 hours. To be honest , I 'm surprised that you know this potion and its recipe . Now it is considered a lost potion and its preparation should be at the level of students who have devoted themselves to potions and have reached the 5th year of study. Well, after school 3 times a week, come to my office, and now you can go."

Nodding to Snape, I left.

A Barbarian potion , one might think that it increases body strength or magical energy due to negative consequences , but no.

This potion was developed by a genius wizard during the Barbarian Wars. Then medicine was too bad and there were few warriors, so in order to win battles and reduce losses, this potion was invented. It uses magical energy, after the energy of the body to quickly recover from wounds right during the battle. Of course, this does not make you immortal, but in a couple of minutes it closes the wound , and in a couple of hours it completely restores it. The downside is that after the expiration of time, the toxins in this potion will still consume the energy of the body and if they do not replenish it in a couple of weeks to a month, then you can die. Of course, it can be used for weight loss if you weigh under 300 kilograms and will eat for 20 people a day for a whole month. Then all the toxins will come out of your body and you will become a slim young man. However, if you do not begin to maintain this diet during the action of the toxin, a painful death awaits you.

What you won't do for the sake of losing weight.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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