
Visionary Airey

What kind of life will Airey have in this new world? Living for 38 years as a blind man on Earth, Airey now finds himself in a new body in a new world. Experience together the excitement and adventure as Airey learns to use his new vision as a power and his enhanced senses as a tool to stay alive. Chapters are uploaded daily.

James_Harrison0 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 8 – Storage Vision

Title awarded: Survivalist

Skill Level increase: Cooking Lv. 4

As I chomped down on the cooked fish, I examined the title "Survivalist".

Survivalist – Title provides 20% increased success to hunting, fishing, and starting fires.

I certainly can't complain about that! Catching fish and starting fires should be easier in the future. I finished both fish and a few more red cucumbers. Now it was time to understand Storage Vision. Upon reading the description, I got very excited.

Storage Vision – Grants void storage of any items within 10 feet of the user.

Really? Do I have void storage through my eyes? I looked down at a fist-sized rock on the ground and activated Storage Vision. Sure enough, the rock disappeared! Accessing the skill again, I pulled the rock out again. I started putting multiple items into Storage Vision – 10 red cucumbers, 2 rocks, a couple of sticks, and another fish that I just caught. When I thought of the skill again, I could picture every single item inside and imagine what I wanted to withdraw. It was incredibly easy to use! Life in a fantasy world has already impressed me.

Over the next 2 hours, I caught 8 more fish and stored them directly into Storage Vision. I had to kill them first. It appears that anything alive cannot be stored. Suddenly, I had an odd idea. I attempted to store water. When I made the attempt, I watched a cubic foot of water just disappear from the river, quickly overtaken and replaced by the current. When I accessed the skill, I could withdraw just a trickly of water into my hands. Now that I knew I could use this skill for drinking water, I checked the other items in the storage. Nothing else was affected by water, nothing was wet. Food and drink issues have been mostly resolved now. This gave me quite peace of mind.

My Fishing skill leveled up to level 3 while I caught 4 more fish in the river. I decided that this amount should be more than adequate to get off this mountain. I headed towards the shack in the woods before sundown. I wandered a bit more this time, a bit more confident in myself as I walked through the forest. Now that I was not limited in carrying capacity, I stored over 20 more red cucumber and a couple of "blue fiddleheads" in the storage system. I also grabbed some clover and other ingredients that appeared would be helpful either for cooking or potions.


As I entered the large clearing around the shack in the woods, I heard a huffing sound. Instantly, I readied myself. While I was at the riverside, I had upgraded my spear by tying a sharp rock on its tip. Nevertheless, I did not consider my weapon to hold great value against any serious prey. I was a warrior against the fish. Otherwise, I was still a peaceful man with zero combat experience. It came as a surprise when I stared at the hulk of a wild boar with long tusks and red eyes. The beast looked angry and ready to charge. It was around 3 feet tall and 8 feet long. Half my mind was considering the amount of meat such a beast would have. At the same time, the other half of my brain was screaming at me to RUN! I was a level 1 weakling with eyes that sparkled. I couldn't imagine my body handling much damage. I refused to give up on the second chance that this world was giving me.

The shack was still too far for me to flee. I stored my makeshift spear into my storage and jumped to the side of a large tree. Hoisting myself up, I rested on a large branch around 10 feet in the air. It was not a comfortable seat, but it would have to do. The boar was intelligent enough to stop before colliding with the tree. In fact, it began shaking the tree with its tusks. This thing was a bit too smart! First, I tried waiting out the boar, but soon realized that the creature had a lot of patience. After 20 minutes, it was still in position under the tree, waiting for me. What should I do? I started to put together a plan.

Updated Status Screen:

Name: Airey

Age: 18 Years Old

Race: Human

Allegiance: None

Occupation: None

Level: 1

Experience Points: 6/25


Vision Master


Language Comprehension (Master)

World Transfer Package (Received)

Analyze Vision Lv. 3

Storage Vision Lv. 1

Sound Sensitivity (Mastered)

Smell Acuity Lv. 8

Tracking Lv. 4

Cooking Lv. 4

Trade Negotiation Lv. 4

Emotional Intelligence Lv. 9

Social Intuition Lv. 6

Mental Fortress (Mastered)

Fast Learning (Mastered)

Hiking Lv. 2

Botany and Herbalism Lv. 3

Tool Creation Lv. 2

Fishing – Lv. 4


World Traveler

Master of Senses

Mind Defender



Strength: 36

Constitution: 47

Mental: 89

Dexterity: 85

Intelligence: 73

Wisdom: 80

Charisma: 64

Total Mana: 400/400