
Visionary Airey

What kind of life will Airey have in this new world? Living for 38 years as a blind man on Earth, Airey now finds himself in a new body in a new world. Experience together the excitement and adventure as Airey learns to use his new vision as a power and his enhanced senses as a tool to stay alive. Chapters are uploaded daily.

James_Harrison0 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 4 - An Inexperienced Master

Let's see. If I wanted to be a combat expert, I would probably choose Elements, Shadow, or Duel Master. But I had no interest in fighting, so I didn't think any of those would match my inexperienced and peaceful nature. Farm Master sounded a bit fun, so I kept that one on the "maybe" pile. Mental Master was far too scary for me to consider. I did not think a manipulator of the mind would be very welcome in most places. With that thought, my mind was sidetracked with thinking of Val and the brewery. Would I never hear her sweet voice again? Now that I was able to see, I was even more curious about what Val looked like with her auburn hair. There was no use toiling over that now. I had an important decision to make!

Vision Master had me the most excited. Every day of my life, I told myself that I would make the most of having eyesight. In fact, this was a no-brainer! Vision Master, final answer! Somehow, it just felt like a choice made for me specifically.

You have selected Vision Master. Please confirm your decision as the change cannot be reversed.

I confirmed in my mind and then my world, my new world turned upside down. Warmth flooded my chest as I felt sizzling energy running through me. The stinging sensation seemed to flow through my veins as pressure seized my body. Like a poison infiltrating my system, it felt like this unknown intrusion was trying to enter every inch of my body – my bones and cartilage, my heart, my brain, and even my teeth and fingernails. The stress on my brain appeared to be too strong for me. As if the oxygen was cut from my brain, I blacked out and lost consciousness. I vaguely recalled my head dropping to the desk I was sitting at.

I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. Again, I expected to be back in my home in Michigan. It must have been an elaborate dream, right? My face was slumped forward on a wooden surface. I knew I was not imagining it. I tentatively tried to open my eyes. Sure enough my face was still plastered to the wooden grain of a small desk, still in the world of Vando. As I lifted my head, more messages appeared before my eyes.

Congratulations! Vision Master has been successfully integrated. Initial Perk of Analyze Vision has been added to your skills. Please select STATUS to review recent system changes.

I was grateful that changes would not always appear before my eyes. I could choose to review my status when I wanted to. I decided that this was as good a time as any. With my mind, I pictured the word "status".


Name: Airey

Age: 18 Years Old

Race: Human

Allegiance: None

Occupation: None

Level: 0

Experience Points: 0/1


Vision Master


Language Comprehension (Master)

World Transfer Package

Analyze Vision Lv. 1


World Traveler

Master of Senses


Strength: 10

Constitution: 10

Mental: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Charisma: 10

Total Mana: 50/50

Well, that was a lot to unload! Much of these statistics were familiar to me, thanks to my experience with audiobooks and fantasy stories. I was somewhat surprised that the system had given me a new name! I focused on the name Airey. Sure enough, a message popped up when I focused on it for more than a second.

Names are assigned to the system by parents after birth. In the case of there being no parent, such as with a World Traveler, the system will assign a name to the individual automatically.

So, the system deemed it necessary to give me a new name in this new world. I was not disappointed. Nicholas Steele was no more. The biggest challenge would probably be getting used to the new name when someone called me. That is assuming that I would find people somewhat soon!

I had a whole lot of questions about the items on the status screen and decided to analyze most of the lines out of practice. Although I was supposedly a Vision Master. With "0" experience, I was a very inexperienced master. My excitement grew as I learned of my vast potential!