
Vision Nexus in blue lock

A boy finds himself inexplicably transported to a new world where he discovers he possesses a mysterious system called the Nexus Vision. This system promises to evolve his abilities as he navigates this unfamiliar universe, setting him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and opportunities.

Fw_Vanity · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Damn how’d I get here








My eyes flutter

"Karou wake up!"

I open my eyes to see a little girl around the age of six, with curly, ash gray hair styled into four playful ponytails with a middle bun. Oh, that's not normal; she has vibrant, intense orange eyes sparkling with anticipation and energy, contrasting with her dark skin.

Taking in my surroundings, I seem to be in a bedroom, most likely a kid's bedroom, with soccer posters. And wait... I look more at the poster; it has a man with short, spiky platinum blonde hair. He also has piercing blue eyes that convey intensity and focus, a fair complexion which contrasts with his blonde hair and blue eyes.

He looks horrifyingly similar to Noel Noa.

"Hey, are you listening to me? Mom's waiting for us to get ready for the park," the little girl says, whining a little bit.

"Who's that in the poster?" I say, ignoring what she said.

"What? That's your favorite player, Noel Noa," she says, looking at me like I'm stupid."






What the fu-


As the door bursts open, a lady in her late twenties or early thirties strides into the room. Her hair, a darker shade of gray bordering on black, is arranged in two buns with a few loose bangs framing her face. Dark, like her daughter's, her complexion exudes warmth and vitality. Yet, it's her eyes that captivate—a gentle, golden hue that seems to hold the wisdom of ages, contrasting beautifully with her dark skin and radiating kindness.

Fixing her gaze on me, she queries, "Why aren't you getting up? You asked all yesterday to go to the park."

But as her words fill the room, a strange sensation washes over me, and the world around me fades into shades of gray. The woman's voice slows to a crawl, stretching syllables into elongated echoes that reverberate through my mind.

Desperately, I attempt to rouse myself from this surreal state, to break free from the sluggishness that traps my limbs, but despite my efforts, I remain frozen in place, trapped in a bewildering limbo of time and space.


Host is fully conscious!

"Huh, what the hell, what is happening—"

You were transported to this world you know as Blue Lock for the sports gods' entertainment.

"Wait, what? Can they see what I'm doing right now?"

Luckily, they won't see everything you do, just matches for when you enter Blue Lock.

"But I haven't played soccer before. How can I just become a player that can entertain gods?"

That's the good part. They've been kind enough to give you a system that can help with that called the Nexus Vision.

"Huh? What can I do with that?"

I'm able to evolve with you, unlocking new abilities as you grow into a stronger and more skilled player. I also offer you protection against injuries by reinforcing your body with a divine aura and calming your mind during critical moments.

"That's really cool, but how do I get new abilities?"

You'll know once you touch a soccer ball.

As the conversation abruptly ends , the world gradually gains color again, revealing the woman, whom I assume is my mother, talking once more. Her words hang in the air, filling me with a mix of confusion, excitement, and determination. It seems I've been thrown into a world of soccer, with gods as my audience and a mysterious system as my guide.

"Karou, your cousin is already downstairs waiting for you. You know how impatient he gets when waiting."

"Alright, Mom, I'll get ready," I say, playing along.

Walking to the bathroom, I glance at the mirror to see a young teen about thirteen with curly light ash-colored hair that falls just above his shoulders. His eyes are a striking, vivid orange, giving him an intense and fiery gaze that stands out against his cool-toned hair. With a lean, athletic build, I realize I won't need to train as hard for physical strength.

"Damn, I'm going to be a problem when I grow up."

The thought crosses my mind as I prepare to face whatever awaits me downstairs

Anyways, I put on black Adidas shorts with an orange and black Under Armour shirt, the colors blending seamlessly with my own fiery orange gaze. Tying my black and orange cleats snugly, I make my way downstairs.

"Ryu, stop doing handstands in the middle of the living room with a football," the woman says exasperatedly, her tone already tinged with frustration despite the early hour.

Wait, Ryu?

Turning my attention to the young boy executing a flawless handstand, I can't help but notice his untamed mane of hair. It's a striking mix of blond and dark streaks, giving him an air of wildness and intensity. His eyes, sharp and intense, gleam with a golden hue, adding to his predatory, almost animalistic appearance. Despite his youthful features, there's a sense of confidence and maturity in his demeanor that sets him apart.

With a fair complexion that contrasts starkly against his vivid hair and striking eyes, he commands attention wherever he goes. He exudes an undeniable presence, a force to be reckoned with, even at such a young age.

"But Auntie, I'm practicing my control! Look, I haven't dropped the ball once!" he replied, grinning upside down.

She crossed her arms, her expression stern but concerned. "Ryusei, I know you're passionate about football, but this is dangerous. Please, get down now."

With a sigh, he gently rolled the ball off his foot, flipped back onto his feet, and caught the ball. "Alright, alright. But you have to admit, it was pretty cool," he said, his grin returning.

She shook her head, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yes, it was impressive. But safety first, okay?"

"Got it, Aunt Hana," he said, giving her a thumbs-up before tossing the ball in the air and catching it with ease.

Whoa, what the hell? I don't think this was in the canon. It seems like I'm in an alternate universe where I'm related to Ryusei freaking Shidou.

The realization hits me like a shit ton of bricks, sending a shiver down my spine. Everything feels surreal, as if I've stepped into a parallel dimension where the lines between reality and fiction blur. Ryusei Shidou, the legendary soccer prodigy, is now apparently my cousin, and I'm caught in a whirlwind of disbelief and confusion.

"Hey, Kaoru! Did you see that?" he called out, his grin widening. "Pretty awesome, right?"

"Oh, uh, yeah?" I say, unsure of the dynamic between me and Ryusei.

Ryusei tilts his head, noticing my hesitant response. "What's with you, man? You're not acting like yourself. Usually, you'd be all over this!"

He steps closer to me, his gaze intense. "Are your brain juices not flowing right? Don't worry, Karou, we're going to the field. Just wait until then!" His eyes gleam with a certain crazed intensity, adding an element of unpredictability to his demeanor.

As the little girl comes downstairs, she brings a breath of fresh air with her. She wears a light and breezy pink Nike t-shirt, adorned with a playful pattern. Paired with her t-shirt, she wears comfortable matching Nike shorts. On her feet, she sports a sturdy pair of sneakers, seemingly ready for whatever adventures await her at the park.

"Alright, that's everyone. The park isn't that far; it's just a couple of blocks down," Hana Ashi says, grabbing her keys and purse as she prepares to lead the way.





As we arrive at the park, the scene is alive with the laughter and shouts of children enjoying the sunny day. Ryusei wastes no time and eagerly drags me towards the soccer field,shouting about how sensational it's going to be playing football

I already see four kids there playing around at one goal post

"Hey why don't we do a football match me and my cousin versus you four"Ryusei says confidently

The first kid, a short, chubby boy with a backwards hat, exudes confidence as he speaks up, "That's dumb, there's six of us. Why don't we do a three v three?"

Ryusei dismisses the idea, his enthusiasm unwavering as he retorts, "Nah, I don't like that. It's more fun this way." He casually picks his nose, seemingly unfazed by the others' objections.

The skinny, tall kid, visibly annoyed, reluctantly agrees, his arms crossed over his chest. "Okay, have it your way. Don't get mad when you lose. You get the ball first."

As we prepare for kick-off, I take a moment to observe the appearance of the four kids:

The short, chubby kid with the backwards hat has rosy cheeks and a mischievous glint in his eye. He wears a baggy t-shirt and shorts, his hat perched precariously atop his head.

The skinny, tall kid stands with an air of annoyance, his thin, angular face displaying his frustration. He wears a worn-out jersey that hangs loosely on his frame.

Another kid has curly hair that sticks out in all directions, giving him a slightly unkempt appearance. He wears glasses perched on his nose and a bright-colored jersey that clashes with his shorts.

The smallest of the group, a wiry boy with freckles and glasses, has a mischievous grin as he eagerly anticipates the match. He wears a faded jersey and oversized shorts, his youthful energy palpable.

I'm getting ready for kick-off. The moment Ryusei kicks the ball to me, the same thing happens again—the world seems to lose colors, and I find myself frozen, unable to move.

"Hello, host. This is the main function of the Nexus Vision," a calm, almost mechanical voice echoes in my mind. "You are able to incorporate physical abilities and vision abilities into your moveset, turning you into a star soccer player."

The world around me remains in shades of gray, everything still and silent. I can see Ryusei and the other kids, their movements frozen in mid-action. The ball hangs in the air, suspended as if time itself has stopped.

Please choose your first ability

*Belial Eye

*Meta vision

*Akashi's "complete" Emperor Eye

*Kise's "Copy" of the Emperor Eye

*Kuroko's Quasi-Emperor Eye

A list of options appears in front of me, hovering in the air as if projected by some invisible force. My mind races as I scan through the choices, and instinctively, I select one.

"Ding! Choice accepted. It takes a moment to incorporate into your body," the voice informs me.

A strange sensation washes over me, as if someone blew a gentle breeze across my eyes. The world gradually returns to motion, colors flooding back into my vision. The sounds of the park—children laughing, the rustle of leaves, distant conversations—fill my ears once more.

Suddenly, a surge of information floods my brain. The football match unfolds before me with incredible clarity. Every detail sharpens into focus—the subtle shifts in the kids' stances, the way they position themselves on the field, and the intent behind their movements. I can see the muscles in their legs tensing as they prepare to sprint, the determination in their eyes as they chase after the ball.

It's as if time itself has slowed down, granting me a heightened awareness of everything happening around me. I anticipate their actions before they occur, predicting their passes, shots, and defensive maneuvers with uncanny accuracy. My mind maps out the trajectories of the ball and the players with a precision that feels almost supernatural.

I watch the short, chubby kid with the backwards hat as he gets ready to intercept the ball. I see the way his weight shifts subtly, revealing his intention to block my path. I predict the tall, skinny kid's approach, recognizing the telltale signs of his strategy to steal the ball. Every flicker of movement, every glance and gesture, it's all laid bare before me.With this newfound clarity, I can adjust my own movements accordingly.

As I stand at the kickoff spot, my heart races with anticipation. I glance over at Ryusei, who's positioned a few feet away, his eyes focused and determined. With a nod of acknowledgment, I signal to him, indicating my readiness to begin the match.

Ryusei returns the nod, a confident grin spreading across his face. With a swift motion, he launches the ball towards me, a perfect pass that glides through the air with precision.

I track the ball's trajectory, positioning myself to receive it with expert timing. As it reaches me, I make contact with just the right amount of force and flick it over the first kids head

As the ball comes down, the second kid with an average build rushes forward. With him in front of me, I execute a step over by pretending to kick the ball with one foot but instead stepping over it with the other. Using this quick feint, I trick him, causing him to shift his weight in the wrong direction. As he reacts to the feint, I quickly accelerate in the opposite direction, using the space created to advance past him.

With no defender directly in front of me, I opt for a fancy pass to test my eyes. As I gain control of the ball, I quickly assess the field and spot Ryusei making a run into open space.With a flick of my foot, I execute a "No-Look Pass." Just before making contact with the ball, I glance in the opposite direction of where I intend to pass. Using the inside of my foot, I send the ball flying in the direction of Ryusei without directly looking at him.

The pass catches everyone off guard but Ryusei, who jumps over the tall, skinny kid. He expertly controls the ball with his chest before launching himself into the air and sending it flying to the top left corner of the goal with a bicycle kick.

The kid with glasses dives to catch the ball, but it still goes in.

The game is now in motion, and I can feel the energy coursing through me. With Ryusei's goal, we've set the tone for the match ahead.

/ ?uuss


How's the first chapter.I don't watch football like that but I do like blue lock a lot and wanted to do the story for a while.My goal for the story is to at least reach double digits,whether that be ten chapters or more I want to do at least that.I need help with making the story flow so any criticism is appreciated.