
Viscous dragon

What happens? When Oberyn Martell decides to raise Jon as his bastard.... Hello guys this is my first novel so there will be mistakes so plzz let me know if u have any problems in comments hope u enjoy..

shiv6511 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

To the north

The Shivering Sea...

Jon stared out at the Shivering Sea. He was no stranger to boat rides growing up in Dorne but, the sea still made him uneasy. He looked back at his companions and could see they were not holding up any better. The sea was strange and frightening to the Dothraki and yet they still made their journey with him. Their loyalty to him and Drogo was beyond reproach.

Rhade and Tyr came up from behind him. Out of the 50 Dothraki aboard three ships that made their way with him, these two were the most trusted.

"How long until we have reach land?" Tyr said.

Jon laughed. He asked the same question every day and every day he got the same answer.

"Another week, and then we'll hit the city of Karhold. We'll get some provisions and R&R before we head to Hard Home."

Rhade shakes his head.

"I still don't get it Sand. Why are we trading melted sand for a bunch of rocks?" Rhade says.

"Ahh, you think it's a bad deal then?" Jon asked.

Tyr answered first.

"Yes, melted glass is useless. No one in their right mind would trade for the amount of glass we have on this ship. Also, what do we need with a bunch of rocks anyways? We're Dothraki. The only rocks we care about are the ones thrown from catapults." Tyr said.

Jon laughed at his friend.

"Ahh, melted sand might be useless to you and me but, in the north, it's more valuable than gold." Jon said.

"Why? Unless it's for useless decorations, it's worthless. "Rhade said.

"True, to you and me, it's worthless but, to the north. It's life. We're going North of the wall to a place called Hard Home. Do you know why it's called Hard Home?" Jon asked.

Both Dothraki shook their heads.

"It's called Hard Home because, during winter, everything freezes. Hell, even in autumn, the ground is frozen and the snow gets as deep as your knees. In those conditions, living is a struggle and it's a struggle that many lose."

"But, how is a bunch of melted glass going to help them?" Tyr asked.

Jon looked at Tyr and smiled.

"Have you ever noticed what makes glass so special?"

Again both Dothraki shook their heads.

Jon takes a small piece of glass from his pocket and holds it up into the light. The sun shined through the glass, making a translucent shadow on the boats railing.

"Glass is special for one thing and one thing only. It's a solid material that lets sunlight through it walls. Now imagine having a house or a building built with glass?"

Rhade has a sudden look of understanding.

"You could build a house to protect your garden from the snows and cold while letting sunlight in."

"Exactly. In the north they call such buildings glass gardens. With these buildings, you could grow crops all year round. Trust me, glass is as valuable as gold in the north."

Both Dothraki looked at Jon in understanding.

Tyr looked at Jon before asking the next question.

"I get our part of the trade now, but, what good are a bunch of rocks to Dothraki?" Tyr said.

Jon raisd his eyebrow at this while Rhade just rolled his eyes. Rhade answers before Jon even has a chance.

"Because you idiot, those rocks in front of a good smith, make the best swords in the world. Northern steel is renowned for its strength and durability. Imagine an Arakh made of northern steel. Steel so hard that it would take a years to break."

Tyr understood and smiled. His eyes lit up imaging an Arakh made of northern steel.

Jon smirks, knowing something the other two don't.

"That's not the best of it. You only got half the plan my friend."

Both Dothraki turned their heads to Jon. They knew he was Drogo's closest advisor. Why else would Drogo make 50 Dothraki, Jon's sworn blood riders. Even though Jon had only been with them for three years, he was considered blood to Drogo. Brother in all but name. Of course, he would be privy to things they would not know.

"What do you and the Khal have planned Jon?" Rhade asked.

"The plan is to go north to treat with the wildlings or the free folk at Hard Home that much you know."

Both nod.

"Once we get the rocks and I'm to set up a trade route from Hard Home to Karhold. Then from Karhold to Saath by way of Braavos."

Both Dothraki look up in surprise.

"Saath?" Rhade asked.

Jon nodded.

"Yes, Drogo has been negotiating with the King of Sarnor for a while now. In exchange for protection from other Dothraki, Drogo, has negotiated for the city of Saath and Sarnoth to become part of his Khalasar. Essentially, they'll still run the same way they've always have but, now they will have Dothraki overlords. Only senior lieutenants and captains in the Khalassar will take rotations as governor. "Jon says while looking out over the great sea.

"The oldest and wisest of the Khallasar will become governors. It will allow them to learn leadership of another kind while living out their twilight years. It will also allow us a place for the children to learn letters and numbers before they are put out on the battlefield." Jon said.

Rhade and Tyr nod in understanding. Before Jon, the Dothraki life expectancy was short but, after Jon and his changes, the number of lives lost infection, wounds, or death had slowed down considerably. The hiring of Maesters to teach medicine had raised the life expectancy of the Dothraki two fold. Now, it was not so unreasonable to imagine making it to the ripe old age of one and forty.

Jon leaned his back against the railing.

"With Saath and Sarnoth in Dothraki hands, the Dothraki will have access to northern steel. Rocks will flow from Hard Home. From there, they will stop in Karhold where the rocks will be melted into steel bars. The steel bars will make it to Saath and then to Sarnoth. Once in Sarnoth, they will be shaped into Arakh's and Daggers by the smiths we will hire. But, that's only the part you know of. "

Tyr raises his eyebrows while Rhade looks on with a hint of suspicion.

"What else do we not know?" Rhades asked.

Jon gave his friend and sworn blood rider a smile.

"While we are busy doing this, do you know what your Khal will be doing?" Jon asked.

Both friends looked on in confusion.

"What is he doing?" Tyr asked.

"He's going to Valyria. He and the Khalasar will be searching for the secret to making Valeryan steel."

Both Dothraki jump up in surprise. Already, their minds filling with the thought of swinging a Valeryan steel blade. Everyone in the world knew the strength of Valeryan steel, and the Dothraki were no exception.

Both looked at Jon with awe. It was no wonder that the Khal considered this man his second. He and Khal Drogo were a sight to behold. Strength and wisdom combined. Where Khal Drogo was unrefined strength, this man was the opposite. Where Drogo thought of battle strategies on the field, this man thought of the map and logistics. He thought of the steps his enemies wanted to take and countered them ten moves in advance. They both smiled and realized how bright the Dothraki future was. With those two in charge, the world would change, and if they were honest with themselves, Tyr and Rhade couldn't help but want to be there when it did.