
Viscous dragon

What happens? When Oberyn Martell decides to raise Jon as his bastard.... Hello guys this is my first novel so there will be mistakes so plzz let me know if u have any problems in comments hope u enjoy..

shiv6511 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The wildlings


Jon stepped of the boat and was met with a sight to behold. Before him, stood the so called King beyond the wall along with an assortment of men and women who looked as wild as the land before them. Jon was hardly one to be intimidated but, even he had been shocked by the giant that made its way to the King's side. Rhade, Tyr, and the rest of his men quickly took a step back. They were nervous. They had never seen a giant before and just the presence of one quickly put them on edge.

"By the great stallion!" Tyr said while putting his hand around the pommel of his arakh.

Rhade agreed with him. He had never seen anything that big before and the thought of this being one of many frightened him. With every step the giant took the ground shook, as even the earth fought with it for dominance.

"Steady." Jon said to his men while slowly making his way towards the king beyond the wall. His men heeded his words and followed but, they still kept their hands on their pommels. They did not know these men and until they did, their swords would be at the ready.

Jon and his men stood one meter from Mance, his wildlings beside him. Suddenly a small commotion made its way from behind the wildling army. Jon actually gave a small laugh as the man he considered a friend made his way to the forefront. The man strode through the crowd buckling his pants and fastening his undergarments. Apparently, Jon's arrival had taken his friend by surprise.

"So you decided to finally show. I thought you'd be here on the morrow." Bronn said as he made his way to Jon's side. Jon quickly gave the older man a fierce hug.

"Well, I knew how annoyed you would be if I came before you did, so here I am." Jon said causing both the Dothraki and the wildlings to laugh.

"Cheeky lil punk." Bronn said before turning towards Mance Rayder.

Bronn turned to Mance and said, "Mance Rayder, let me introduce you to Jon Sand. Khal Drogo's envoy.

Bronn then turned to Jon.

"Jon Sand, this is Mance Rayder. King beyond the wall." Bronn said.

Jon walked up to the man and extended a hand. Mance quickly accepted it allowing the wildlings and the Dothraki to quickly follow suit.

Mance turns to his men and claps his hands.

"Today we welcome new friends. Let us feast and show them a proper northern welcome." Mance says.

All the Dothraki and the wildlings make their way into the long house to begin a great feast.

The next day…

Jon, Rhade, and Bronn sat on one side of the fire while Mance, Tormund, and Varamyr six skins sat on the other. Both sides were still feeling the effects of last night's celebration but, both knew that now was a time for business. Deals needed to be done and if they wanted to leave before the seas became unpassable then they couldn't waste time dawdling.

"So, what is it that you propose Jon Sand?" Mance said.

"I assume made you aware of our plans?" Jon said.

"Aye, but, I want to hear it from you. I want to hear your terms as you say them. It helps me determine if yer lying or not." Mance said.

Jon gives a nod of approval.

"Aye. A wise decision. One that I myself would pick."

Mance nods while taking a horn of wine.

"My Khal's terms are simple. For every boatload of iron rock we will give you enough glass to construct ten medium length glass gardens. For every boat load of copper we will give you enough glass for five glass gardens. Gold and furs will be exchanged for market value." Jon said.

Mance smiled at the deal. He knew how beneficial it was to the Free Folk to have glass gardens and this deal would bring them plenty of glass for the winter. Add to the fact that iron rocks could be found everywhere near Hardhome meant that mining the rock would be no great difficulty. Still, Mance wanted to test the young man. Bronn had sung his praises ever since he came north and Mance wanted to believe him.

"How about weapons. Are they part of the deal?" Mance asked.

Jon took a sip of his wine before answering.

"They can be. The Dothraki Nation isn't opposed to selling you weapons like the North is but, it would have to be equal trade. We maybe friends but, we won't give things away for free." Jon said.

Mance nodded.

Mance takes out some scrolls and ink. He dictates the terms of the deal and has two copies made. He gives both copies to Jon to inspect. Once Jon inspects the copies he hands them back to Mance. Mance takes out a small jar and cuts his hand. He lets the blood spill into the jar before handing it to Tormund and then to Varamyr. The Jar is half filed with the blood of the Free Folk before Varamyr hands it to Jon. Jon follows Mance's lead and cuts his hand in the same way before handing the jar to Rhade and Bronn.

Once the jar is filled a quill is produced. All parties sign the trade agreement solidifying trade between the Free Folk and the Dothraki. Both parties smile knowing what a momentous deal this was.

Before things could go further, Varamyr's eyes roll to the back of his head stunning the Jon and his men.

"What magic is this?!" Rhade said.

Mance looks at Jon. He sees surprise and a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Relax my friends. Varamyr is a warg. We have plenty of them here in the North. It is a gift passed on by the First Men." Mance said.

Jon is intrigued. He had heard stories about wargs in Dorne but, like many others he thought they were all legends. He never actually thought he'd meet one.

"Warg?" Rhade asked Jon.

"It's a gift here in the North. I thought it was legend but, I guess I was wrong."

Rhade gestured for him to go on.

"It is a gift born to certain families. The gift allows you to share sight with animals you've bonded with." Jon said.

Rhade eyes widen as he realizes the value of such a gift. It would take the art of scouting enemies to a whole new level. Rhade is broken from his thoughts when Varamyr decides to speak.

"I've found the culprit behind some of our lost kin. It is two leagues from here and it is enormous." Varamyr says.

"What is it?" Mance says.

"It's the largest Snow Bear I have ever seen and it's feeding on one of Rattleshirt's scouts." Varamyr says.

Mance leans back while Varamyr comes out of his trance. He knew that the bear needed to be dealt with but, most of his men were out scouting for likely mines. They were a couple days away from Hardhome and by the time they came back the bear would be gone. Mance looked across the flame and suddenly an idea came to his head.

"Jon Sand, how would you feel about a hunt?" Mance said.

Jon thought about the proposition and quickly agreed. His men had been stuck on the sea for weaks and they were itching for battle. He had heard about the wild creatures of the North and if the size of the giants was anything to go by, he wondered what a northerner like Varamyr considered big. At worse, this hunt would make for a great story. Jon looked to his left and Rhade seemed to have the same idea. Rhade gave Jon a nod and Jon couldn't help but smile.

"We'd love a good hunt." Jon said.

One hour later….

Jon had mustered his fifty men and their horses at Hardhomes entrance. With him were Varamyr and Tormund. Mance decided to stay back with his men to defend Hardhome. Jon and his men readily agreed. His men thirsted for Northern glory and they would have it.

Jon looked back at the men and laughed. Many of his men it seemed had mounted a lady last night. According to Tyr, the northern women had never seen skin as dark as theirs before and they found it exotic. Up in the north Dark skin was a rarity and a dark skinned man who was the Essos version of a wildling made for an unbeatable combination. In fact, he could hear Tyr boasting about his conquest right now.

"How did you get that black eye?" Rhade asked Tyr.

"It was the wildling woman of course. She rode me harder than any woman I've ever had." Tyr said.

Rhade looked at him like he was crazy before saying, "That still doesn't explain the black eye."

Tyr looked at his friend and gave a hearty laugh.

"That's just it. In the middle of riding me, she got it in her head to punch me in the face. I tried to fight back but, I was too drunk to push her off. She smiled as I tried to push her off and in her mind she thought it made me buck harder. This of course earned me another punch to the face before I finished. "Tyr said.

Rhade and the rest of the people around him looked at him like he was a fool before one of the Dothraki started laughing. One the damn was broken the whole horde of Dothraki started laughing and sharing stories of their similar experiences. Some had been choked and others had been punched as Tyr had been. All in all, it was a different experience for the horse people. Unfortunately, for Jon. It was one in which his people relished in.

"You better watch out Jon, I heard some of the women talking about you too." Tyr said.

"huh." Jon said. He hadn't heard any of the women talking about him. If they had, he had a right to be concerned.

"What did they say?" Jon said.

Tyr's shoulders began to shake as had other Dothrakis.

"They said you were the prettiest man they'd seen in their lives and that if it wasn't for Mance, they'd steal you away from us and make you theirs." Tyr said before letting out a big laugh.

Bronn, Rhade, Tormund, and Varamyr laughed out the loudest. The thought of Jon getting stolen was just too good to be true.

Jon didn't find it funny and quickly put on a scowl. This in turn caused the troop to laugh harder. Jon shakes his head at his so called friends.

Suddenly, Varamyr stops laughing as a hawk flies over head.

"We're here. "

Jon looked at the sight before him. In front of him were paw prints that were larger than any animal he had ever seen. Everyone stopped to look at the prints in the snow before all of them unsheathed their blades. Half of the Dothraki unsheathed their arakh's while the other half unsheathed a new weapon from their horses. It was called a pilum. All Dothraki had one equipped on their horses. It was fairly new and it had been standard issue for only a year but, it's effectiveness in hunting and battle was unparalleled. It gave a means for the Dothraki to stop war elephants and their like easily. In fact it gave them the edge in any conflict where heave animals were used.

"Get ready. " Jon said while he unsheathed his sword.

The Wildlings had never seen a pilum before and were intrigued. They were given orders by Mance to observe how the Dothraki's battled and if those paw prints were as fresh as they seemed, they would see soon.

"Raaaaaaaawr!" came from the side.

Jon's horse bucked up but he was able to keep it steady.

"Scatter!" Jon ordered as a beast almost as big as a mammoth came crashing through the trees.

The Dothraki closest to the tree line did not scatter fast enough and were thrown by the paw of the enormous snow bear. Already two horses and their riders were down on the ground as the others fought their frightened horses for control.

"Spread out. Tyr, your men are up first." Jon ordered.

Tyr heard the order and gathered his men. He took eight of them and rode towards the beast. When they were ten feet away they launched their pilums at the snow bears side. The snow bear dodged several of the spears but, three had found their mark. They hit the beast and immediately bent as they were supposed to but, the beast wasn't fazed. It ran towards Tyr pilums dragging on its side and knocked the Dothraki over. It bit Tyr's horse's neck causing it to buck Tyr from his mount.

"Tyr!. Rhade cover him. "Jon said.

Rhade quickly got 10 of his horse archers on the side opposite Tyr's and let them loose.

"Knock arrows….Loose!" Rhade ordered.

10 arrows flew at the bear's right side, hitting it in its hind quarters.

The snow bear roared in anger as arrows pierced his side. The bear seemed more irritated than injured. He quickly turns to Rhade trying to run him and his archers down.

"Bronn, take some men and get Tyr and the others." Jon said.

"2nd pilums to me." Another ten men gather to Jon with pilums in their hands.

Bronn quickly takes some men to gather the ones who are injured and return them back to safety.

Jon and his men rode closer to the beast. When they were within ten feet they let loose there pilums. All the pilums hit their mark but, the bear was still agile. It was slowing down and bleeding like crazy but, it was still dangerous.

Jon and his men rode too close. They had sacrificed range for a sure hit and although their pilums aim was true, the bear's malice was strong. It had seen Jon's men get closer and had charged them head on. The range was so close that jon's horse couldn't turn back. Its neck was quickly slashed by the bear's claw. The horse went down taking Jon with him. Its weight fell on Jon's leg trapping him underneath the animal. The bear took another Dothraki down but, its eyes quickly return to Jon.\

"Oh shit." Bronn says while helping Tyr from twenty feet away. He sees the snow bear turn towards Jon and lock onto his downed form. Bronn quickly takes stock of his weapons. He has no bow, no pilum, and only a sword on his side. He looks to the ground and an idea comes to his head. Bronn might not me good at many things but at some things he was a master. One of those things just happened to be pissing people off.

The snow bear stalked Jon. It was less than six feet away and it was getting closer. It was slowed considerably as it's blood colored the snow behind it. Jon knew it was close to death but, it seemed like it had one wish. Unfortunately for him, that wish seemed to be to unite him with the stranger.

The Snow bear stood on it's hind legs and roared. It let out a tremendous scream that silenced the field around him. Everyone knew its next target. And if they were honest with themselves they were too far away to help him. As the bear roared and prepared to gouge it's immobile victim the most unimaginable event happened. An event so unbelievable that songs and tales would be written of it.

"Raaaaaaar!" the bear belched.


Jon blinked as did everyone else. In fact, even the snow bear blinked at what had happened, Then it happened again.


A snowball had made its way from Bronn's hand to the bears face.

The bear was so incensed that it had momentarily forgot about Jon. But, the moment wasn't long. The bear still had Jon in his sights and it was raring to take his head. At that moment Jon knew his life was over. Images of his uncle, his sisters, and most importantly his father made their way into his consciousness. His only regret was that he'd never see them again. As the bear was about to maul his body, Jon sent a silent prayer to whatever gods the mother he never knew prayed to. He knew that the northerners worshipped the old Gods and with his very life about to end in the Northern wastes, he prayed for these gods to see his men returned home. If he couldn't go home, then he'd give his last praying so that his men could.

The bear was four feet from him when Jon's prayers were answered. Even the men were surprised as a new player in their game made it's way to the field. A great howl followed by as great gust of windblown snow dusted the field. The bear paused as a huge albino direwold suddenly found it's way between the great snow bear and Jon. The northerners and the Dothraki were in awe. They had never seen a wolf of this size before. It was as big as a horse and as fierce as a tiger.

It quickly made its presence known. The bear backed off a couple feet but it wouldn't be denied it's prey. It lunged for Jon but, the direwolf was ready. As soon as it lunged, the direwolf nimbly stepped to its side and lunged for it's neck. The direwolf's strong jaws quickly clamped onto the snow bears neck breaking it in stride. Were the bear not so wounded and slowed, the bear might have had a fighting chance but, it's injuries had slowed it down significantly. It stood no chance against a fully matured direwolf. The bear slumped down and bled to death as it's neck was broken by the wolf's jaws.

The men quickly make a perimeter trying to figure out what to do next.

The wolf let go of the bear's neck and made its way towards Jon. Jon was still pinned underneath his dead horse but, he was strangely calm. He felt no malice from the animal. It almost seemed familial to him. He couldn't explain it but, there was a sense of brotherhood with the beast.

Rhade took his bow and arrow and had it ready but, Jon spotted him quickly.

"Put it down Rhade. He won't hurt me." Jon said.

Rhade shook his head. Was his friend mad? The wolf had just killed a bear that many men died fighting. How could Jon even think of trying to tame such an animal? Rhade looked around dumbfounded as many of the people around him shared his thoughts.

Jon put out his hand. He knew this wolf was friendly. He couldn't explain it but, he knew. It was like the Northern Gods had chosen this place and time for them to meet. Fate and gods were not two words that he put much stock in but, in the here and now, he believed.

"Hi boy. What's your name?" Jon said.

The direwolf walked up to his hand and sniffed it. After a couple of sniffs, he licked it. Soon he was licking the face of the hands owner.

Jon petted the humongous wolf as it licked his face. He couldn't help but laugh. The direwolf was a piece of his heart that he didn't know he had missing. As he pet him a name came to the front of his mind.

"Ghost. You're name is Ghost." Jon said while looking into his eyes.

The wolf gave a happy bark as if acknowledging his new name. Jon smiled. It seemed his world now came in two parts. Before ghost and after ghost. He looked at the wolf and silently made a pact with him. He would protect him and his future pups if he would do the same. He couldn't be sure or not but, in his mind he could have sworn he heard yes. Jon stayed there petting his new companion wondering what else the north has in store for its new found son. Little did he know, his friends thought the same.