
Violet Shinigami (Bleach Self Insert)

The events of fate are deviated from their original path when a soul who doesn't belong is reborn in the society. Yea, that's all you gonna get synopsis-wise, I mean it's a SI-OC, what more could you want? Just read the damn thing. The mentioned names don't have anything to do with relationships and relevance btw

BoombaTheSaint · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Her Stalker

She hurled the body of the maddened fool — with no small amount of strength — at the rocky far wall as soon as they blurred into the cavernous hideout.

"Crazy bastard!"

She cussed out while glaring, dark pupils having turned into slits in more annoyance than outrage. She should have taken heed to Kisuke's warning.

To think Hisayuki would be able to sass them out immediately after they made landfall. Did he really have some kind of clairvoyance ability as her friend had suspected? No, if he did he wouldn't have went after Ichigo, but instead headed towards her.

But the information he had in his possession…and her cat form, he shouldn't have been aware of them.

The bastard bellowed out a laugh, hearty and joyful as he reduced the force of her throw mid-flight so that he merely bounced rather than crash into the wall.

Another one of his odd abilities, this one a variant of Reiyoku manipulation by the looks of it. Truly, his finer control would have been much appreciated in the Onmitsukidō unit.

His hand motioned into a familiar gesture…

Hakudo #79

Then again, he was a talent that could have flourished in any division.

"Let's not bring forth the attention of the Old Man and his band of misfits, shall we: Kigai no Jōmon!"

Numerous hexagonal pieces emerged from the high-level kidō and quickly formed into a barrier that limited quite significantly the happenings of the inside.

Yoruichi wasn't taken aback, at least not as much. If she had to be honest, Hisayuki was perhaps the most skilled Kidō master this side of existence. Surpassing exceptional talents like Azashiro and Tessai.

But bias did flavour her opinion of the man…

Building tension in her legs, she jumped and spun, tossing the Anken she'd hidden in her boots with phenomenal acrobatics. Hisayuki mimicked her jump with grace only slightly lacking behind hers as he dodged and caught her knives…

Despite the use of his Reiyoku, no fluctuation or feel of his strange Reiatsu registered on the senses, instead fading into the ambient with commonality.

"Oh, Yoruichi-chan, my little kitten. How I missed you so…"

He said after twisting himself into a graceful land and stand. She noticed how his Reiatsu had gone back to non-existence, a technique that to this day still eluded her.

Had he cut it off upon they initial impact? She knew that had he wanted, he would have been able to dodge her with minimal effort…it had already been proven that he was sensitive enough to note a person even with a suppressor shrouding their Reiatsu.

She initiated Utsusemi, tuning it a bit to its max as she zoomed into the grinning bastard with debilitating kicks and punches, as dust picked from her passage. Booming and cracking sounds erupted from their exchange, and to her surprise, he matched her Shunpo and Hakuda with his, meeting her blow for blow.

'This bastard, when did he…?'

Grinning, she brought into existence three speed clones who rushed him at the same time with three different attacks. Not to be outdone, Hisayuki unsheathed his zanpakuto with utter grace, a Hadō spell already on his lips.


The level 78 Hadō came out in a powerful blazing violet arc, Hisayuki strange Reiatsu having had degenerated the fundamental core of the Kidō spell.

Her clones vanished without achieving their intended task, but that was within her margin of expectation.

The wind around her started to roar, swirling and cutting and crackling with minor lightning.


She activated her imperfect technique as she dashed towards him, trailing behind her a line of electricity. Reaching him, she spun with a vicious kick to his neck.

It wasn't enough to incapacitate, but it would hurt.

Her immense Reiatsu manifested into reality — bypassing the Reiatsu-concealing cloak Kisuke had provided her — as her restraint slipped. In her accelerated state, she saw a flicker of surprise flash on his face before it was replaced with a calculative look.

His haori rustled as the focus spike of his Reiatsu broke through hers, sending dozens of stabbing jolts throughout her body, enough to grant him an opportunity to muster an adequate defence.

His zanpakuto rushed protectively to his neck in dragged speed as his mouth parted once more…



She quickly redirected her motion with the wind caused by her Shunkō before she could be sent flying by the doubled force of her attack.

Watching her distance away from him, Hisayuki sheathed his zanpakuto, a lazy smile on his face as he threw back her Anken with little force. She plucked them from the air, deactivating her Shunkō too…

"You grown stronger, Yoruichi-chan. More so than any of the active captains in the Gotei 13. Oh except for Hitsugaya-kun…boy does that kid have talent? The youngest captain in the history of the Gotei, could you believe that? The boy's barely a few years behind Shiro…"

Yoruichi came by a dragged stop with a slight heave. Frustration was starting to fester at her inability to land a hit on the oblivious moron. She knew he was doing this on purpose, the talking and dodging and blocking without actually attacking.

He was mocking her, she just knew it. Settling her nerves, she elected to listen to his endless rambles.

"…both Sùi-Fēng-chan and Yūshirō-kun will be ecstatic, though be careful of Sùi-Fēng, she might try to kill you for breaking her…"

His words weren't a lie, she felt, abundant with as much sincerity and truth as they did playfulness. Even so, Yoruichi was unmoved, the memory of his destructive Hadō still fresh and true.

A scowl crossed her face.

"You almost killed that boy back there, Hisayuki!"

She broke through his happy ramble, causing shame and…guilt to mar his features. Yoruichi had to ignore her reactive instinct to rush to him when his features flashed with a familiar handsomeness, instead sustaining her glare…

"Yeah, I suppose an 88 level Hadō might have been a bit overboard. But I promise I would've just given him a little scare…maybe get back at Urahara while at it."

Of course it came back to their petty rivalry. She wanted to roll her eyes at that last bit, but instead elected to narrow them. Kisuke had told her that Hisayuki blamed him for her postal desertion, hence the warning to look out for him lest he ruined everything in an attempt to spite him.

And it seemed he was right.

Still…she blurred once more, pulling at her Shunkō, and delivered an aggressive kick square on Hisayuki's befuddled face, if only to display her disapproval.

And bleed off some of her frustration.

"That's for being an asshole, you damned stalker."

She let out a tired sigh. Hisayuki was relentless and wilfully ignorant at times despite his keen intellect. She could try to prolong her angry facade, but it would find no success with him. And if she was being honest, she did indeed miss her idiot yandere stalker.

'Besides, I didn't bring any poison with me.'

This time, the lovestruck idiot did suffer an impactful crash against the wall, though his Reiatsu did not quiver even with the massive damage…

"Okay, I deserved that."

He groaned as he got up from the ground, staggering and smiling as a trail of blood started from his nose.


Besides, Kisuke really should have warned Ichigo about him.

She wasn't much surprised when Hisayuki's husky and ardent voice sounded behind her the next moment, as if in sense of her emotions, his arms wrapping around her waist and undoing her clothing with greater familiarity.

"Hell if I didn't miss that aggression of yours, love. I hope you don't mind me taking a few hours from your assignment." He said, nuzzling her ear. "I have a decade's worth of frustration to give back."

The sustained damage flavoured his words with iron, the scent sending a jolt of passion through her spine. In the back of her mind, she wondered if she should feel honoured or angered by the fact that he sought her out primarily for sexual pleasure.

But his voice, his touch, and the familiarity. It would be a lie to say she didn't miss him, craved him and his goofy personality… It bothered her plenty that he didn't come with her when she left despite knowing his inclinations…

'I'll just have to task him with helping me siphon the Reiyoku out of the Sōkyoku.'

He wouldn't deny her, no matter how treasonous the task might be. Hisayuki was always the disloyal type…or should she say loyal? After all, he did wait for her all these years.

At least she hoped he did.

========Author's Notes========

The Saint: Yes, the mc does favour Kidō in combat since I think it's awesome and versatile. And I'm going to have my own twists to the canon events and a few plot points I manage to come across. As I said before, I welcome ideas and suggestions. Just know that the mc won't be the central point of the events happening…

And this is not a waifu journey.

Anyway, what did you think of the combat? Shit's difficult to write, I'll tell you that, but do share your thoughts.

Also have a Patreon in case y'all wanna show some love. (Yea, I'm one of these guys now.)

Bye bye