

Jisoo, Jennie, Rose and Lisa are four sisters with powers who live a simple life with one goal in mind - to graduate from the best school in town, Majestic University. But their life turned upside down when their deceased parents left them a will forcing them to study in a secluded school- Abraxas University. Little did they know that their quiet college life will turn to be a complete chaos as they got involved in a game of life and death called VINDICTUS. A game reigned by three notorious groups... BTS, EXO and IKON. 4 girls and 21 boys. Witness their own struggles as they face their own battles. Battle for dominance. Clash of beliefs. Test of loyalty. And lastly... War of Hearts. How will they win this game where losing comes with the deadliest punishment? Welcome to Abraxas University! The school where winning is survival and... Losing is death

serendipitylover_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 5 - Ability Sorting Part 2


Run Rose! Run faster! You have to get away from that place.

I kept on running and running with tears streaming down my cheeks like a river, not looking at where I am going. I have to find a large body of water. Only water can make me calm.

After a few minutes of running, I suddenly stoped when I saw a sign that says- Swimming Pool.

This! This is what I've been looking for.

I went in front of it and was about to go in when I saw that it's locked. Aisht! Why is it closed when I needed it?

I got no other choice but to destroy its lock. I don't care if I'm trespassing as I long as I get rid of this guilt that I'm feeling right now. Using my power, I shot a pointed shard of ice through the lock, opening the gates.

I went inside and swam directly into the pool water, not minding that I will get wet.

Water gives this extraordinary calming effect on me and I don't know why. Maybe because of my power.

When I thought of my power, I can't help but remember what happened earlier during the Ability Sorting.


I can't believe that a professor can be this handsome. He looks young, maybe around 25.

"You may now start."

I looked for my target. Ah! That vase would be perfect.

"Would you mind if I will destroy that vase?" I shyly asked. Ofcourse I don't want to break something without permission.

He smiled. "Ofcourse you may."

I closed my eyes and focused on my target. I redirected my energy to my hands and within split seconds I threw an ice dagger to the vase and shattered it to pieces.

"So your power is Ice Generation and Manipulation. Interesting!" He smiled widely in my direction, making me smile back to him.

"Am I done here? What class am I included?" I asked pretty excited. I hope I can be in the same class as my sisters.

He suddenly become serious. "Not yet. You have to do something for me."

I smiled at him, waiting for his task.

"I want you to use your powers on him." He pointed at the guy kneeling at the center. I stood rooted at my place, completely shocked on what he said.

"Excuse me sir. What did you said again?" I must have heard him wrong.

"Attack him using your powers."

"No! I won't use my powers to hurt someone." I looked at the boy and saw him full of scars and bruises. He might have been through so much.

I was about to walk away from him when I saw Chichu unnie at the front smiling. But suddenly her smile changed to a look as if she's in pain. She kneeled and held her head, screaming agonizingly like she's dying.

"No! Unnie!" I reached for her but I was stuck in my place, watching her. I cried harder seeing her state.

Then I heard Mr. Donghae's voice.

"I can do that to her, you know. I can make her scream in pain, as if she's dying."

"Please stop it! Stop it!" I covered my ears as I sob continuously.

"I've heard, she's next. Do you still not want to obey me?" He looked devilishly in my direction.

I looked at his eyes, full of anger. "I'll do it! Just don't touch her!"

I positioned my palm towards the blonde haired boy's direction. "I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." I said to him as I started shooting ice daggers at him, closing my eyes as I did it.

"How marvelous! I really like your power." He started writing something in his notebook. "I'm assigning you to Class A. Congratulations!"

"Am I done here?" I asked with a glint of hatred towards him.

He closed the notebook and smiled widely at me."Yes. We're done."

After that encounter I ran away without looking back at the guy I've just attacked. I ran away like a coward.

~~~ End of Flashback ~~~

I never imagined in my entire life that I will hurt somebody. I know it's a strong power but I never thought it could injure someone. I remembered my conversation with Jennie unnie before, I told her that I like her power and she told me she likes mine. That's the truth tho. I would rather have Jennie's power of making people feel good than this destructive one.

I'm now floating on the pool contemplating what I've done. I am a coward and a monster. I should've checked what I've done to that man but instead I ran away. Tears continuously stream down my face as I felt my body relaxing in the cold water

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

I stand up immediately after hearing someone shouting at me. What is his problem?

I composed myself and went out of the pool dripping wet. I looked where the shout came from and saw a blonde-haired guy starting at me with angry eyes wearing only his swimming trunks.

I was rooted in my place, completely surprised at the view in front of me. I haven't seen an actual body of a man but seeing it now I can't help but admire it. He's not that tall of a guy but his body speaks masculinity with his hard muscles and toned abs.

The abs! He have six pack abs and I can't help but drool at the sight of it. And his eyes, damn! It's so piercing he looks at me as if he wants to own my soul. He's so hot.

"Can I touch it?"

"What did you say?" He looked at me like I've grown horns.

Oh my God! I can't believe I said that out loud. Rose, you're an idiot!

"What I mean is, does this place have your name in it?" I asked him confidently, raising my eyebrows, as if his hotness doesn't affect me. That's it Rose!

Mr. Abs smirked at me. "Why? Does it have your name in it?" He slowly walked towards me with his eyes not leaving mine.

His stare is too much for me that's why I averted my eyes and looked anywhere but him. I started walking backwards, away from him.

"No...but..." I answered back as I felt something hard behind me. I looked back and found the wall. Oh no, I'm trapped!

He successfully reached me and trapped me, both of his arms at the side of my head. His face is an inch from mine and with one wrong move, our lips could touch, that's why I averted my eyes to the right. He gazed at me, waiting for me to continue what I was saying.

"What I mean is...is that...uhm...this place...doesn't...be...belong to anyone that's...w...why...anyone...can use it." I can't believe I'm stuttering at his presence. Seconds have passed and I heard nothing from him. I looked back at him and I flinched at what I saw.

He's staring at me with full of loathing and fear started creeping through my body, as if I'm in danger.

"No woman! I repeat. No woman! Have the right to talk to me like that! Do you hear me?" He held my face and I can feel his nails digging at my cheeks. "If I say this place is mine, this is mine. You got that?!" He released my face but kept his hands at the side of my head.

My eyes started glistening with tears but I prevented myself from crying. I shouldn't show this guy that I'm weak and easily bullied.

I find him staring from my head to my toe, as if he wants to devour me. The nerve of this guy! He licked his lips and whispered something in my ear. "You know what, you're not bad yourself. You look pretty, to be honest. Although too innocent for my liking." He brought his face near my neck and I can feel his hot breath as he spoke. "I saw you looking at my abs earlier and I know you wanted me."

I was rooted at my spot as he began kissing me. He started out slow, feeling my lips for the first time. Seconds passed by and the kiss started to go deeper, kissing me hungrily as if he's been starved. MY FIRST KISS! This jerk just stole my first kiss!

Yes, I'm attracted to him earlier but right now all I feel about him is disgust and hatred. How can a guy act like this? I won't allow another guy controlling me, after what happened to me at the gymnasium.

He kept on kissing me deeper, his tongue asking for entrance and I allowed him, kissing him back just so I could start executing my plan. When he's so busy attacking my lips, I trailed my hands to his hard abs, down to his pants.

He stopped kissing me and stared with surprise evident on his face. "So eager. I like that." I pulled his head and kissed him again, harder this time.

I can't believe I'm doing this. When my sisters hear about this, they might have an heart attack. Or worse.

As our tongue fight for dominance, I got my hands inside his pants and felt his boxers under my touch. I trailed it downwards until I reached his prized possession. His eyes grew wide as I try to hold it. I can feel it's hardness and I can't help but smile to myself.

Let's see if you can still be excited as this.

I gathered my energy throughout my body and concentrated my power to my hands. While kissing, I smirked at him and saw his eyes grew big as he realized something. I released my power and coated his beloved member with my ice.

He fell down and started screaming as I went out of the pool area and ran as fast as I can.

I can't help but laugh at the first time I've done something like that- turning someone's prized possession into a popsicle. And I don't even feel bad doing it because he deserves it.



Aigo! Where are Lisa and Rose?

I've been looking for them for an hour. Where did those two go?

I've searched the cafeteria, the library and even the forest outside the gymnasium and there's no sign of them.

I looked back at the gymnasium and I can't help but be pissed at what happened to me back there.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

Oh my God! I can't believe I have a handsome gym professor. I can't help but stare at his beautiful face. But something about him feels wrong. I don't know what it is but I felt it the moment I walk inside this gym which looks like a conference room.

"You may now start demonstrating your power." Mr. Donghae stated.

I started thinking of a way to demonstrate my power. "Sir can I use my power on you?" I politely asked.

He raised his eyebrows, surprised by my question. "Why me?"

I smiled at him. "Sorry for the sudden question but my power requires another person. Since the two of us are the only people here..." I looked at him and prayed that he understand what I was talking about.

"You're forbidden to use your powers on me." He pointed at the center of the room. "You can use him."

I looked at where he was pointing and I was shocked to find another student inside the gym. He's a blonde boy who wears no shirt and is kneeling at the ground. What made me surprised was the amount of scars that he has.

"Really? I'll try it to him?" I asked again. What really baffled me is this boy's presence. Why is he here and why does he have many scars?

"Yes. You may now start." Mr. Donghae stared at me, waiting for me to show my ability.

I stared at the boy in front of me and I kneeled so that our eyes are leveled to one another.

"Hello. Who are you? My name's Jisoo." I gazed at him as I spoke through his mind.

He suddenly lifted his head, shocked at what happened to him."You can speak in my mind?"

I smiled at him. "Yes. I can. We can now communicate using our minds. By the way, what's your name?"

He stared at my eyes and his face suddenly become serious. "That's not important. Please listen to what I'm about to say. Do not show him your true powers, especially if it's a powerful one. This power is okay. But if you have other powers, don't let him know. It's for your safety."

I was astonished of what he said. I didn't expect him to say things like this. It's like a warning to me. This warning increases my suspicion that this professor is up to no good.

"Don't worry, I won't. Thank you for the warning." I thanked him, feeling grateful that he thinks about my safety.

I was still thinking about this boy's warning when Mr. Donghae spoke suddenly. "Ms. Kim Jisoo, have you started using your powers?"

I stand up and answered him. "Yes sir. As a matter of fact, I'm already finished using it on him."

"That's it? What is your power?" He looked at me incredulously as if he can't believe I'm done.

"Telepathy. I can communicate with others using my mind." I said proudly.

"Oh. Is that all? You don't have other powers?" I remembered what blonde boy said that's why I lied.

"Yes. That's my only power." He started writing down in his notebook and his smile earlier faded, as if he's not impressed with me. I have to do something. I want to be at the top class. "But wait sir. I'm really smart and..."

"Class F."


"Since your power is useless in combat, I'm designating you to Class F."

"But sir..." I tried to protest.

"The evaluator's decision is final and cannot be changed. If you want to change your class then practice more and prepare for next year's Ability Sorting." He closed his notebook and waved his hands towards the door. "You may now go."

~~~ End of Flashback ~~~

I'm pissed. Super pissed!

I can't believe that this school ranks the class according to magical ability, not intelligence. How about students like me who aren't magically gifted but are good in Math and Science. Why are we treated unfairly?

I kept on walking and walking when I'm now at the front of a beautiful room. Daebak! It's so beautiful, like a room for rich people. I was about to go in when the glass door is locked. There are no door knob but a finger print scanner! What the heck! I peeked inside when someone touched my shoulder.

"Excuse me miss. But only Class S students can enter that room."

I looked at the guy behind me and I was caught speechless. He have a pointed nose with plump lips. But what caught my attention is his light pink hair. I never thought that pink hair will be suitable for a man but here it is. It suits him well. One word to describe him- Handsome! He's like a prince straight out from a story book.

He's with two other guy, one with dark hair and he looks so bored. While the one have orange hair but has a smiling face.

I stared at them completely rooted on my spot. I've never seen men this handsome before.

"I know that I'm handsome so please stop staring. It's creepy." The pink-haired guy told me, weirded out.

Yup he's like a prince. But a narcissistic prince! I know that he's handsome but he doesn't have to say that in front of my face. I'm hating him already.

The black haired guy put his arms around pink guy's shoulder. "Stop saying things like that all the time hyung. It's kinda annoying."

Pink guy spread his arms wide. "Why? It's true you know. No female in this world told me that I'm not handsome."

"Then try asking her then. Let's see if that's true." The orange-haired one pointed at me, smiling.

Mr. Pink-haired stared at me and created the handsome sign using his fingers and put it under his chin. He finally asked, "I'm the worldwide handsome, right?"

Aisht! He's so full of himself. I really hate narcissistic guys because my boyfriend, I mean ex boyfriend Bobby is one. He really thinks he can get all the girls in this world because of his looks. That's why he doesn't feel any guilt breaking up with me. Wait, why am I even thinking of that jerk?

I was about to tell him he's not handsome when my head started to get fuzzy. I stared at his eyes and saw it turn white. I'm hearing his voice in my ears, "Tell them that I'm the most handsome in the world." He continuously repeat it like it's a chant, even though his lips are not moving.

Aha! He's a whisperer! I've read it somewhere in a book. Whisperers tell people what to do. They can control people's actions.

His power is so strong, I can feel myself following his order but I tried my best to stop him. His still staring at me, raising his brows and I can feel that he's getting impatient of my silence. No way I would let him do this.

I activated my telepath and said this to him through my mind. "If you think you can make me say it, then think again. I will never follow your order. Never!"

His eyes grew big and I know he got my message. I can feel myself overcoming his power. I won't let another narcissistic guy play with me. I won't let others think lowly of me especially what happened at the gym.

I stared at him and smirked. "No! You're not handsome! My ex boyfriend's even more handsome than you." He was shocked at what I said, his mouth hanging open. I can hear his friends saying "Ooooohhh" and the orange-haired guy started laughing. The truth is he's really handsome, but I have to teach him a lesson.

I was about to go when I stopped on my tracks and faced him. "And please stop being so full of yourself. Not everyone can be charmed by you."

I flipped my hair and walked away from them.



I was amazed as I stare at our gym professor. I can't believe teachers here have looks. And he fits in my type because I like sexy men.

"You may now start demonstrating your power. Use it on him." He pointed at the center of the room.

And there I saw a blonde guy kneeling, completely topless. Oh! So sexy! I can't help but smile at him as I stare at his sexy back. But my smile slowly faded when I caught a glimpse of his scars. There are lots of them, on each part of his body. Some cuts are oozing with blood and I can see bruises that turned purple under the light. I can't see if his face have bruises because he's looking down, staring at the floor. Even though he's kneeling I can't help but notice that he's having a hard time doing that because he's slightly shaking. Maybe he also bruised his knees.

"What do you mean use it to him?" I can't help but ask.

"Attack him. Use your full power on him. That's the only way I can evaluate your power." He said nonchalantly.

"WHAT THE HELL?! You mean this guy have been constantly tortured by around 30 students earlier? Are you out of your mind?" I said incredulously. What kind of a professor allows his student to be tortured for the sake of evaluating. And there are still around 10 students outside waiting for their turn.

"I appreciate it if you talk to me with repsect Ms. Kim Jennie, I'm still your professor." He looked sternly at me. But that doesn't affect me.

"No! I will not do it. I won't hurt him." I stared back at him, not flinching.

"So feisty, I like that." He exclaimed as his eyes turned black. Fog started to spread throughout the gymnasium and I can feel my head getting heavy. I suddenly saw the faces of my sisters all crying in pain. I tried my best to shield my ears from their loud cries.

So he's an illusionist! I've read from Jisoo's book that illusionists can create scenes which feels true but in reality it doesn't. He's not gonna trick me.

"Stop blackmailing me. I still won't hurt him." To tell you honestly, I don't have any powers that can hurt him. I just don't want to be blackmailed or used by others. It pisses me off.

He smirked. "I can hurt your sisters you know."

"I know you wouldn't do it." It's my turn to smirk now. "Ms. Hyuna specially takes care of us. When she found out that you hurt us, she wouldn't think twice of getting back at you. You wouldn't want ot be at her bad side, would you?"

My mind can't erase the look on his face. The smirk is gone and he looks so pale. He looks scared right now.

Aha! Gotcha! Honestly, I really don't know if Ms. Hyuna really cares about us, I only tried using her as a bait for me to find out his weakness. And as shocking as it may seem, Mr. Donghae is afraid of Ms. Hyuna. Just the mention of her name can make this powerful illusionist cower in fear.

"Mr. Donghae, I will show my powers to you if and only if you release him." I bravely stated, pointing at the guy kneeling at the center of this room.

"I can't do that Ms. Jennie. Ms. Hyuna is the one who instructed for him to be here. We don't want to be at her bad side, do we?" He asked me the same question I asked him.

"What?! Is this true?" I can't believe this.

I was still looking shocked of his revelation when I heard blonde dude speak for the first time, still looking down.

"Enough! I'm touched that you care about me but could you just use your power and get this over with." He talked fluidly as if he's not injured. I can't help but be amazed at this guy. Almost 30 and more students used their powers on him but he can still talk as if nothing happened. He's pretty strong though. I thought he's done talking when he said a word that breaks my heart.


I stared at him and realized what he's saying. He's tired and want this to be over. He saying it as if we can't do anything about it. That we've got no choice.

I walked until I'm standing in front of him. "Okay I'll do it! But just because you asked for it."

I kneeled in front of him so that we can be of the same level. I really don't know why I started acting like this in front of this guy. I'm not the type of person who protects other people and I only protect my sisters. But there's something with this blonde-haired boy that makes me want to protect him. I don't even know him but my heart keeps on telling me that I have to protect him no matter the cost.

And there's only one thing I could do in this moment and that is to ease his pain.

I gathered my energy and directed it to my hand. I placed my hand on top of his hand and started pouring my magic to him.

I started healing him.

And yes. You read it right.

I have healing powers.

It's my true power. My controlling of emotions ability is just part of my healing powers.

I adjusted my position so that Mr. Lee wouldn't have an idea on what I'm doing. My parents made me promise to keep my healing ability as a secret because they don't want anyone taking advantage of me.

I started healing the inside of his body. I can feel his broken ribs and seconds passed by I can feel his bones clicking to their original position. I started healing his damaged organs and prevented them from bleeding. After fixing his internal injuries, i worked next to his outer ones. Some of his purple bruises returned to their original

skin color. I stopped the blood from flowing through his cuts but I left the scars so that it wont be suspicious. I left just the small bruises. I healed him in a way no one will notice.

I'm doing my finishing touches when he stared at me, eyes wide realizing what I'm doing to him. After I finished, I stared back at him and my breathe caught in my throat at the sight of him. His nose is pointed and those lips! It's so plump I want to kiss it. But his eyes! Is it gray or blue, I really can't tell but it's so beautiful. I'm still staring at his eyes when he gave me a box-like smile and shyly said...

"Thank you."

We stared at each other for a long time when we heard Mr. Donghae cough.

"Are you gonna start now, Ms. Jennie?" He looked at me impatiently.

I stood up and faced him. "Yes. The truth is I'm already finished."

He was shocked for a moment. "Then, what is your power?"

Blonde-haired boy grabbed my arms, looking at me seriously, shaking his head sideways as if saying something.

I shrugged my shoulders, weirded out with blonde boy. "I can control people's emotion. I can make someone sad to happy. See?" I said proudly as I pointed to blonde boy slightly smiling.

"That's it? All those talk about not hurting him and your power is just making people happy? What a disappointment Ms. Kim Jennie. I was expecting something more." He wrote something in the notebook that he's holding.

"Class F. I'm designating you to Class F since your power is so mediocre, it can't be useful in combat." He gestured toward the door. "You may now go."

"Well I didn't expect anything anyway."

I was about to go out the door when I suddenly feel dizzy. I gazed back at the blonde guy I healed. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I hope I helped him that much because there are still around 10 students outside waiting for their turn. I hope he can endure it.


I went back at the dorm wishing to see my sisters. I think they're here already because I didn't see them outside the gymnasium.

I'm still 10 steps from our room room when I saw Chichu running towards me, completely panicking.

"Jennie! Rose and Lisa!"

"Why? What happened to them?" I started to feel fear inside me when I remembered what that jerk of a professor told me.

"They're crying so much. I don't know how to stop them." She looks really worried.

We went to me and Lisa's room and saw both Lisa and Rose sitting at the sofa crying their eyes out with tissue on their hands.

"What happened to you girls?" I sat in front of them waiting for them to answer.

"That monster! He asked me to throw that boy to the wall. I don't know what to do because he blackmailed me." Lisa answered, sobbing hysterically.

Rose answered sobbing as well. "Me too. He asked me to use my powers on him and I did. I attacked him with daggers of ice. What if I killed him unnies?"

The dorm is now filled with their loud cries and I can't help but smile at them. Not because their crying but because I'm proud of them. I'm proud that my sisters are kind enough to feel guilty hurting someone unintentionaly. They really are good hearted.

I felt so happy that I helped that guy. I can now ease their guilt. "There's no need for you to cry, you know. You were forced to do it."

"But Nini, I saw blood coming out of his mouth. What if we killed him?" Lisa exclaimed, still not convinced of what I said.

"No. He's not dead. I still see him alive when it was my turn. Although I saw scars in him." Jisoo explained.

The two girls started wailing so badly, my ears started to get hurt.

I can't take this anymore. "Stop it you two! He's completely fine. I healed him."

"You did what?!" The three of them asked in unison.

"Unnie, I thought you're not allowed to use your healing powers?" Rose asked as she stopped crying.

"It's alright you know. Seeing the two of you bawling your eyes out, I'm glad I did it." I smiled at them and continued. "And besides I healed him to a point that it's not noticeable. I left the scars so that Mr. Lee wouldn't suspect."

Lisa stared at me. "He's really okay? No more blood coming out of his body?"

"Yes. I fixed him pretty good. So stop crying you two." I sat in between them and hugged them. Jisoo also joined us.

We let go of one another and was about to stand up when I heard Lisa's voice.

"I can't believe we have a professor as horrible as that."

I can't help but agree. "Yeah! He's such a dick!"

"Yah! Jennie! Watch your language." Jisoo slapped me at the back.

I glaced at the two youngsters and find them blushing. Their faces are so red.

Jisoo can't help but exclaim. "See? Their blushing because of what you said."

"Yah! We're not blushing." Lisa said.

I made myself comfortable at the sofa as I stared at our maknaes faces. What bothers me is that whenever we watch movies or korean dramas they don't react like that when they hear the word "dick". There's something that smells fishy around there. What happened to this two?

"Oh by the way. What classes did you end up with?" I asked leaning my head in the sofa, feeling sleepy.

"I'm Class A." Lisa smiled.

Rose also smiled at me. "I'm Class A too. But I still hate that professor though."

"How about you Chichu?" I can't help but ask her. Although I already have an idea.

"I'm Class F. Happy?" Jisoo looks so sad, tears started appearing at the corner of her eyes.

"Don't be sad. I'm class F too. But isn't that great? We're on the same class." I smiled at the maknaes. "I'm happy for the both of you. Our maknaes are really better than us."

Jisoo stomped her feet as if a child not given a candy. "It's not fair. I'm the smartest among us."

"Chichu, let's just accept the fact that in this school, the both of us are nobodies." I said as I laughed a little at her. I really like teasing Jisoo. Jisoo pouted, her lips could have stretched a mile away.

I stood up from the sofa. "I'm going to bed. I guess that healing thing I did earlier took most of my energy. Good night."

I was about to enter the bedroom when I heard Lisa and Rose say something. "Thank you for healing him unnie."

I smiled at them and lay on top of my bed, thinking about the boy I saved. I closed my eyes, sleeping like there's no tomorrow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER END ~~~~~~~~~~~~