

Jisoo, Jennie, Rose and Lisa are four sisters with powers who live a simple life with one goal in mind - to graduate from the best school in town, Majestic University. But their life turned upside down when their deceased parents left them a will forcing them to study in a secluded school- Abraxas University. Little did they know that their quiet college life will turn to be a complete chaos as they got involved in a game of life and death called VINDICTUS. A game reigned by three notorious groups... BTS, EXO and IKON. 4 girls and 21 boys. Witness their own struggles as they face their own battles. Battle for dominance. Clash of beliefs. Test of loyalty. And lastly... War of Hearts. How will they win this game where losing comes with the deadliest punishment? Welcome to Abraxas University! The school where winning is survival and... Losing is death

serendipitylover_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

CHAPTER 4 - Ability Sorting Part 1


I'm stil dumbfounded by what we found out. Off all the school our parents send us, they chose a school for children with powers. Supernaturals, that's what people call us, according to Nayeon. The four of us are still processing this new information when someone talked through the school's sound system.

"Good morning students. One by one I will call each one of you to enter the gymnasium. You are required to demonstrate your power and I will evaluate it depending on your performance. Please give it your best."

The voice is from a man, maybe around the age of 30? His voice is husky and so deep like it came from underground. It sounds sexy.

"Park Jihyo"

Gasps can be heard from the students as each of us have been called. I noticed that the students who were called didn't go out through the same door they got in. That's why we can't ask them what happened inside.

"Kang Daniel."

A few names have been called, probably more than 20 people and I'm still debating on how I will demonstrate my power.

"Kim Lalisa"

Rose tapped my shoulder. "Yah Pokpak! He called you already."

I stared at my sisters with nervousness taking over me.

Jennie held my hands. "It's going to be okay Lisa. You have a great power."

"Goodluck Lisa. I know you'll be great." Jisoo unnie encouraged me.

I walked slowly towards the gymansium as I feel all students staring at me. I started doing breathing exercises to calm myself down.

My mouth opened widely upon seeing the gymnasium. What kind of a gymnasium have marble floors, lamps on each corners and huge paintings hanged on the walls. It doesn't look like a gymnasium, but a conference room. The only difference was, there's only one small table at the front.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Kim Lalisa."

I was startled after hearing his voice. I faced him and was shocked again, this time at the person staring at me.

He have dark hair and beautiful piercing eyes. He looks so manly and I'm guessing he's around 30 years old. He's standing in front of us wearing a gray suit and pants making him look regal. I can't help but smile at him. I'll admit it. I finally have a crush on someone and that's him.

"Good morning to you. I'm professor Lee Donghae. I'm your gym instructor. But for now I will be your Ability Sorting evaluator."

He cleared his throat and continued, "Please go at the center and start demonstrating your power."

I walked towards the center but what really caught my attention was the boy kneeling at the middle of the room, his back facing me. He's not wearing any top that's why I can clearly see his body. What drawn me to him was the multiple scars all through out his body. With his head hanging low, he's chained and doesn't look like he's moving. What is he doing here?

I stand beside the boy, waiting for his instruction.

"Should I start now?"

"Yes you may."

I gathered my energy around my mind. I can feel energy seeping throughout my body as l search for an object I could use. After looking for one, I directed my energy towards the lamp sitting at the corner of the room. It started to float and I brought the lamp towards my hand, holding it.

"Good. So your power is Telekinesis." He smiled and started jotting down notes in his notebook.

After seeing how impressed he is with my power, I can't help but smile at him. I really take pride on how good my power is.

When I thought that we were already done, he started to say words that sent chills down my spine.

"Now. I want you to use your power against him." He said nonchalantly.

"What?!" I can't help but ask. "I don't get it. What if he got hurt?"

"That's what he is for. He's the object of this evaluation. We have to use someone so that you can use your power to your full potential."

I started being scared of him. What kind of a professor subjects his students to this harsh punishment.

I stared at him and spoke bravely. "What if I don't want to do it?"

He smirked and started walking towards me. When he's in front of me, he whispered, "I know that your sisters are outside waiting for you."

Fear started creeping throughout my body. No. It can't be. He wouldn't do it. He can't.

"Do you know what my power is?" He smiled widely. "Illusions. I can create horrible illusions which can inject nightmares to your sisters and make them go insane. Do you want to see it?"

Fog started spreading throughout the gym. Then I saw my sisters faces, all crying in pain. Their painful screams started to fill the whole gymnasium.

Tears started streaming down my face and I covered my ears while knealing on the floor. "NO! NO! Stop! Please don't do it! I promise I'll do it. Just please don't hurt them."

"Nice choice Ms. Lalisa. I like obedient children." He walked away from me, going back to his initial position at the front.

"Now start!"

More tears started coming out of my eyes as I stared at the boy silently kneeling in front of me. I'm really sorry but I have to do this for my sisters. I started to gather the energy pulsating through my body. Against

my will, I directed my energy at the boy and he started floating.

"Throw him across the room." Mr. Lee commanded.

With my power, I threw him at the corner of the room. I heard a loud thud and he's now lying on the floor, almost lifeless.

"Very good. Now throw him through the wall." He ordered again, with a devilish glint in his eyes.

Tears poured down my cheeks like a river as I heard his command. I closed my eyes and used my energy to carry his almost lifeless body and flung him to the wall. I heard a loud thud, followed by a loud groan coming from the boy.

I opened my eyes and found the boy lying again on the ground, but this time with blood oozing from his mouth. I can't help but bawl my eyes out. My horrible sobs can be heard throughout the gymnasium.

I heard Mr. Lee clapping. "Excellent! What a good job you did there." He started writing again in his notebook, not caring that his student was bleeding in front of him. "You have very good power Ms. Lalisa. A power useful in combat. With that, I will designate you to Class A Congratulations!"

I stared at him full of hatred and disgust. If looks could kill, he should be dead by now. My mind can't still process the things he made me do and I can't believe a professor could be such a monster.

"That's all. You can go now." He waved his hands as if swatting an insect. "And by the way, use the door at the right. We don't want others to have an idea what's happening here."

I was about to go out when I looked at the boy and found him kneeling again at the center of the room. I went near him and whispered, "I'm sorry." He didn't say anything and just nodded. I hope someone will save him.

I ran away. Away from that demonic professor. Away from the boy I tortured. Away from that horrible place. Tears started streaming down my eyes again, making my vision blurry. I ran and I didn't know where I was going. I wiped my eyes and found myself in front of the shower rooms. Still crying, I went inside and sat on the floor of one of the cubicles. I brought my head on top of my knees and started weeping horribly.

My mind can't accept the fact that the power I'm so proud off will be the one that I'll use in torturing people. That if only I don't have one, I won't be here in this God forsaken place.

A cried for several minutes until there's no more tears left to cry. With puffy eyes, I decided to face my sisters and talk to them. I stood up and was about to go out the cubicle when I heard someone enter the shower room. He's whistling as if having a good day.

"What the heck?! What should I do?" I whispered to myself. It's obviously a guy. I can't believe I entered the men's shower room. If he saw me, he might think I'm a pervert. What an unlucky day!

I can see his silhouette through the tinted glass of this cubicle. What?! Of all the cubicles here, he still chose this one I'm in?

I'm still panicking when an idea came to mind. Why I haven't thought about that.

When he entered the cubicle, I instantly turned myself invisible. So smart Lisa! I'm grateful I still have this power with me.

Thank God this cubicle is a bit big that two people can fit in and move around. I'm now scaling the wall, circling my way towards the door when this jerk with me locked the door. Hell! What do I do now?

I was still thinking about my escape plan when the guy in front of me started stripping his clothes!

"HELP! SOMEONE'S DOING A LIVE SHOW HERE!" I can't help but scream inside my mind.

He took off his coat. My mouth felt dry at his gesture. He then started taking of his white shirt. When he completely discarded it, my breath was caught in my throat.


I don't know what words can be used to describe it. His face is so handsome, along with his cute bunny teeth. His body is well built like he's been working out and those toned abs!

He's freaking God-like!!

I can't! I can't take how hot he is. It is my first time seeing a man's body. I didn't even know what I did to deserve seeing this. I guess this is my reward for what I've experienced earlier.

Lisa! You're still blessed!

I'm still marvelling his own body when his hands went to his pants. I froze in my place. He wouldn't! It can't be!

In one swift motion, he tugged down his pants...along with his boxers!!!

Shit! He's naked in front of me! In front of me! Oh no my virgin eyes!

I closed my eyes and was determined to keep it that way when I heard dripping water coming from the showers. I opened my eyes and my heart stopped for a moment, I thought I'm dead.

"SOMEONE SEND AN AMBULANCE! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE." I mentally screamed as I watch him bathe himself.

I was so busy watching the droplets of water cascading down his hard body when I accidentally looked at the lower part of his body.

"Kyahhhhhh!" I can't help but scream while covering my mouth and closing my eyes.

"Who was that?" He asked suddenly as he turned off the showers. I guess he heard my muffled scream. When he heard nothing, he turned the knob again and continued his bath.


I can't explain what I saw but I almost fainted when I caught a glimpse of it. I can't believe my eyes aren't virgin anymore.

I can't take this anymore. I have to get out of here before my nose starts bleeding from his hotness.

With my hands, I held on the tiled wall and started moving inch by inch. I stopped on my tracks when I heard the shower being turned off. He is now putting shampoo in his hair, massaging it. I took another step sideways, when I felt him reach for the shower knob. There were shampoo around his eyes that's why he reached for the knob with his eyes closed. He extended his hand until he took a hold of it and gave it a squeeze.

Not the knob....

but my BOOBS!!!


He opened his eyes as he heard my scream, seeing me covering my chest, now visible.


He screamed at the top of his lungs, covering his private part.

"YOU PERVERT! Why did you touch my boobs?!" I was blushing so hard.

"HEY! I didn't know you were there!" He yelled at me, both hands pointing at my direction.

I can't look directly in his eyes due to embarassment. I rolled my eyes and mistakenly looked down.

I immediately closed my eyes. "YAH! COVER YOUR THING! YOU PERV!"

He looked down and realized that his member was uncovered when he raised his arms earlier. He took the towel and placed it to his waist hurriedly.

"Why are you here anyway?! It's the men's shower room." He looked at me suspiciously like I'm some kind of pervert. I mean yeah, I saw his whole body, but that wasn't my intention. "Wait. Are you one of those girls who makes herself invisible just to watch men showering?"

"NO! I...um...I just..." I really don't know how to explain it to him.

"I knew it! You pervert!" He held my arm and started dragging me away. "I'll report you to Professor Donghae."

I pulled my hand from him but his grip is too strong. He kept pulling me until we're at the door of the men's shower room.

I was panicking already thinking that I will face again that monster of a professor when I thought of something.

Using my power, I lifted a shampoo from inside the cubicle and brought it on top of his head. When he noticed that I'm staring at the top of his head, he looked up and in an instant I opened the shampoo, pouring the contents in his eyes.

"Arghhhhhhh!" he shouted in pain as he let go of my hands.

"I'm sorry but I have to go." I whispered to him as I ran out of the shower room.


I heard him scream as I ran as fast as I can, away from him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~