
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

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Quest! The World on Fire!

(Description: In the World of One Piece a great change that is about to shift the tides of the world is about commence! Chat member ZEHAHAHA! Better known as Marshal D. Teach has set his plans in motion to become one of the new Emperors of his world.)


(1. Help Teach Raid Impel Down, the most secure prison in the world and gain an army of pirates at his (or yours) beck and call.)

(2. Escape Impel Down with his (or your) army and head for MarineFord, the Headquarters of the Navy and the symbol of 'Justice' and Order in the world run by the World Government.)

(3. Help decimate the Marines and destroy MarineFord.)

(4. Help Kill the strongest man in the world, Edward NewGate.)

(Optional Objective: Defeat any of the Warlords of the sea.)

(Hidden Objectives: Parameters must be met to have Objectives revealed.)

(Number of members: Any but a minimum of one is required.)

(Failure to complete or failure for anyone to join results in termination from the chat group for good and your fates will be reset to before joining the group.)

(A/N the things in () inside the objectives only those excluding Teach can see such as making their own personal pirate army to back them up)


Looks like I don't have any real choice, out of everyone my fate has changed the most and knowing that without this chat I would have been killed by those damned Joestars it seems I have to go and help the bastard out, though it looks like I can also do things my own way but in the end all I have to do is cause chaos, as simple as that.

Junko: So who's going? I know I'm not, the sea water messes up my hair, plus I'm more of a plotter not a fighter.

Muzan: Sunlight is a big weakness of mine still so that will be a no.

Medusa: Pass, I have research to deal with…. Then again there are rewards for doing these things right? Maybe I should go….

Ainz: I would but I get seasick easily….

Junko: Can a skeleton get sea sick?

Ainz: I was human once you know, I only was on a boat for a company wide party, let's just say that I couldn't leave the bathroom the entire time, I don't have a stomach now but I won't feel good so I'll pass.

Teach: Then you just need to get your Sea Legs Boney! But I understand so who else is coming along to cause some chaos Huh? DIO? All For One?

AFO: As much as the thought is intriguing I'm currently using some of the things bought from the shops to improve my health, maybe in the next one I'll join but for now I'll pass.

DIO: Heheheh sure why not? I've recently gotten a power up, and this is the perfect chance to test my new powers.

Teach: Great! So Medusa and DIO are joining in on all of the fun! How exciting! Finally I'll become one of the strongest pirates in the world by the end of all of this!

Medusa: I got to prepare somethings but I'll tell you when I'm ready.

DIO: Just give the signal as I'm ready at anytime.

I then close the phone as I sit back and relax on my couch as I pull out a book to read as Enya is busy tidying up the place and having more of her things brought into this large manor to fill this place with even more item.

"Dio-sama, I have finished setting up the rest of the manor." She says respectively to me as she bows her head.

"Good, now I think it's time I rewarded you for your efforts and your loyalty in me." I say as I walk over to her as I grab one of the many arrows that now line my studies walls and walk up to her with one.

"Hold out your hand." And she complies as I hold it and stab the tip of the arrow into the palm of her hand before pulling it out as she clutches her hand as a ghostly mist like stand forms behind her.

"Congratulations Enya, your one of the lucky ones to unlock your stand with the help of the stand arrows." I say as I look at her misty skeletal stand that floats behind her.

"Thank you Dio-sama for this amazing gift! Though I hope you would honor me by naming my stand yourself." She said as she bowed towards me.

"Of course, for you will be the one who judges my enemies I shall name you stand Justice!" I say giving her stand its true name.

"Justice! Thank you Dio-sama I shall use this gift you have given me wisely." She smiled happily for what I have done for her.

"Good, now go train your stand and get used to it powers, I have some work to do." I say as she bows to me and leaves the room leaving me alone once more.

Feeling a vibration from my phone I looked at it before confirming transfer as time stops as I'm whisked away to the world of One Piece.



Grandline, Paradise, on a ship heading towards the prison island of Impel down, within the ships captains quarters, two flashes a bright light appeared as two people appeared before the captain of the ship.

"ZEHAHAHA! Welcome to my humble ship friends from afar!" Teach said as he stood up, standing nearly 12ft tall but the room was built to accommodate his large size as he looked down at his new 'friends' from the chat group.

"Ugh, this place reeks of alcohol." The woman woman said covering her nose.

"How do you think a feel then? Vampires sense of smell is much more heightened, only positive is I don't need to breathe any of this in like a human." I say back in response because I can't stand the heavy scent of alcohol as I looked at the two of them.

Medusa is a woman with a fairly average physical build, and a large, black, dotted snake tattoo winding down either arm.

Her facial features consist of eyes containing yellow irises with black pupils, and blonde hair arranged in a spiked style, with two long strands extending downwards framing either side of her face, that entwine each other like a caduceus snake to rest upon her chest.

She wears a black body-length suit with a hood, which extends downwards to her knees, the hood itself is adorned with an eye-like marking upon either side which, interestingly, when worn in addition to the shape of her hair, gives it the appearance of a snake's mouth, with teeth and fangs.

Medusa also has a tail that is shaped like an arrow, it is notable that she is a barefooter - never wearing shoes, so long as she is not in disguise that is, with unique toenail and fingernail polish that is black featuring yellow arrows pointing upwards.

As For Teach, he was a messy man, missing some teeth with scraggly black hair and a scraggly beard on his chin.

He was wearing an open red shirt showing his rather hairy chest and belly with a yellow sash around his waist over his green pants with three flintlock pistols and a alcohol flask under the sash wearing a Black Sea Captains coat like a cape on his back.

If you were asked what a pirate should look like, Teach would fit that bill to the letter, he's got the looks, demeanor and even…. The stent has to back up those claims….

"Let's get this over with, the sooner this is done the sooner I can take a bath, just being here makes me feel disgusting…." I say as I shake my head, I may enjoy blood and slaughter and getting messy in those scenarios happens but this place reeks of alcohol and unwashed bodies, a combo that I absolutely detest being around.

"Agreed…" Medusa said as she was already reflexively using her arrow shaped tail to keep her feet off the ground as much as possible.

"Oh! You two hurt my feelings…. But oh well, beggars can't be choosers, I'll let you meet the rest of my crew and will be reaching out destination in a few hours so just get yourselves ready as even though it will be easy getting in, the tough part will be getting out." Teach said as he walked to the door as both me and Medusa reluctantly followed after him.

The quicker this is done, the faster I can go home, and I'll just kill everyone and anyone that gets in my way.


🎆🎉Happy New Year Everyone 🎉🎆