
Villainous Dimensional Chat Group Alternative

Reboot of my Original Villainious Dimensional Chat Group, why did I Reboot this? well the whole reason i dropped the Orginal is that the direction i was going wasnt interesting and the whole entire 2nd quest that was done along with the first quest wasnt too interesting after thinking about it so ive decided to Scrap it and make this New one instead. Im sorry if you liked the Original but i didnt as much after looking back on it after making plenty of other stories since then so i decided to restart this one all over again. you can read the original Synopsis on the original one but short of it is Dio woke up 60 Years earlier than cannon and somehow got a Smartphone to make him part of this Chat Group. though this time this is completely DIO and not him merged with someone else this time so he knows his own plot being a major difference and some of the original chat group members will change as well with only a few staying from the original one. This is a complete Restart so this will go differently than before, hopefully. And the Cover is obviously not mine and belongs to their respective artist and all characters belong to their respective creators.

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140 Chs

Gathering Allies

After earning the world I put the rest of the stand arrowheads into the chats storage function before I headed back for Cairo as I began to make plans to start everything on my own personal conquest of world domination.

Though I won't become this worlds ruler in the light and make all nations now to me, no that's to troublesome, why would I, DIO, want to deal with politics and everything of those lousy humans beneath me?

No I will go through the process of controlling this world from the shadows as I see no need in not using my 'human' resources to my advantage.

And now that I know about other worlds with their own stories now I'm thinking about an even bigger and greater picture of making all of those worlds kneel before me and making them my own.

As I was having these thoughts I was able to reach Cairo at relatively fast speeds around the time the sun had just risen across the horizon.

So reaching the capitol of Egypt I first started off by finding a real estate agent and looking over the many mansions here in Cairo to call my own home base with to my surprisal that the place I would call my home here in Cairo was recently built up.

So seeing that I used my charm and 'politely' 'coerced' the real estate agent to 'willingly' give me the mansion at no cost at all.

And by that I mean I stabbed a flesh bud into the back of his skull made him an unwilling pawn of my own as he gladly gave me the keys and the deed to my mansion to truly call it my own as I left him to his own devices.

"Now I know that it is roughly 57 years before what would have happened would have unfolded if fate still played out the same way, but since I'm here so early all of my future 'allies' aren't even born yet so I can't call upon them for help, except for two…." I talk to myself as I pull out my compass once again as it points me to the other side of Cairo so I head off in that direction.

Not long after while using the rooftops to ignore all the walking monkeys on the ground below I came upon an inconspicuous and hidden shop away from prying eyes before I came and entered.

The place even though was dimly lit from the light outside barely coming through the thick curtains that covered the front door that is until a woman appeared before me, "Welcome to my humble shop, how may I help you today?" She asked welcoming me in.

A beautiful young woman with white hair, tanned skin and pale green/gray eyes, she was wearing a headband around her head to keep her long white hair in place as much as possible while she wore a multi-colored scarf around her neck nearly matching her headband as she wore a tan long sleeved coat over her rather low cut dark tan shirt underneath while having a bandage covering up the entirety of her left arm.


"Hmmm, I came to get my tarot card reading, though it says here that reading would be free of charge if I can determine my own fate?" I say looking at a signboard in front of her small counter.

"Yes but of course! But you should know that if you guess wrong I'm going to have to charge you double for being incorrect." She says while squinting her eyes as she looks at me.

'He is very handsome but from his clothes and his looks I can tell his a foreigner and a rich one at that.' She thinks to herself as she looks me over.

'This will be easy money to gain to help fix this crappy house of mine…. Though I have this strange feeling that he…. Might really know his fate…. If true then….' She thinks to herself as she watches the foreign man contemplating some things.

"Hmph! Fine then! I'll take you up on your offer then!" As I knew for a fact that fate favors me already but I at least have some insurance just in case.

She just smiles widely as she motions me to follow after her before we go in back to a much more darker room with only candles keeping the lights lit for all to see.

I sat down with her sitting down in front of me as she began to grab a set of Tarot cards and began to shuffle them before setting them down and setting them in front of us both.


*Tick… Tick.... Tick...*







*….. Tick…Tick Tick*

"So now are you ready to have your fate read?" She asks as she looks at me as she sees my nonchalant posture.

"Of course I am and I already know what will be drawn as it will perfectly match my fate." I said with a slight condescending smile.

"Alright then, so what is the first card?" She says as she places her finger on top of her deck of tarot cards waiting for my answer.

"The past will be the reverse Devil card." I say while I look at her.

And just as I nod at her she draws the card from the top and it was indeed the devil card drawn in reverse.

"So you liked to create chaos and mayhem in your past, you cared for nothing and no one so long as you could get what you want no matter the consequences, I see, then what of the present?" She says intrigued I got the first card right but that's not impossible to get one right but it is harder to get the card and guess whether it is in the upright or reversed position like that.

"The Emperor in the Upright position." I say with absolute confidence as I nod as she draws the card as her hand is shaking from seeing I was right a second time in a row, not impossible but extremely unlikely and if it happens a third time…. She then pulls herself back together and looks back at the man in front of her.

"The Emperor Tarot card represents the highest leadership, a head of state, or the most exemplary and powerful person in the realm, so you are a leader or a leader in the making are you? Alright then tell me, what is your future." She said as she placed her hand nervously on top of the tarot cards once more.

"The World, right side up." And with a nod she shakily grabs the last card and in shock drops it from her hand as it is indeed the world, she was absolutely gobsmacked from what she is seeing.

She was shaking with both excitement and anticipation as the man stood up and sat down on the table in front of her before he pulled out an arrow head in his hands and asked the woman before him.

"Enya Giel, do you believe in gravity?" I say as I watch on in amusement at her astonishment as she watched the arrowhead spin on its own before pointing straight at her as I grab her bandaged hand with my free one as I stare into her eyes and very soul as my natural charm and charisma wins her over both in heart and soul.

And before she can even respond I unravel her bandages and reveal to her that her left hand has completely reverted to a normal left hand and not a backwards right hand that she was born with making her eyes widen in astonishment.

"Fate has lead me to you Enya, my future in this world will be long and bright and I need those who believe in me and follow me to the ends of the earth to be at my side, for I, DIO! Will make this world bend its knees and worship the ground I walk upon, so now I ask, will you join me Enya?" I ask as I stare deep into her eyes as she nods eagerly hearing my speech and has her own personal belief in following after a man who truly knows his own fate.

"Yes DIO-Sama! I promise you that I will follow you wherever you need me and whatever you wish to do with me I will always remain loyal to you until the bitter end!" She shouts out in determination as the fire began to burn in her eyes.

I smiled, "Good, then grab your things and send whatever you can't carry to this address, we have plenty of work to do." I say with a grin as I gave her a slip with the address for my new home on it.

(New Mission! The World on Fire!)

Well now, things are about to get even more interesting it seems…