
Chapter 1 - Arrival in Kuoh Academy

Chapter 1 - Arrival in Kuoh Academy

Zarian glanced around the crowded hallway with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Kuoh Academy was the premier High School in Japan, known far and wide for its prestigious curriculum and elite student body. And yet, as Zarian surveyed the scene, it struck him as a hive of degeneracy and debauchery.

The students were dressed in a motley assortment of uniform and casual wear, their loud voices and boisterous behavior causing Zarian to wince. How could anyone expect to learn in such an environment?

As he navigated the crowded hall, Zarian couldn't shake the feeling that he didn't belong. It was as if the world had gone mad, and he was the only sane person left. He was determined to stay in control, to keep his cool and maintain his stoic demeanor.

Despite his best efforts, however, something about the atmosphere of Kuoh Academy set him on edge. Maybe it was the way the students stared at him, their curiosity and disbelief apparent. Or maybe it was the sense of foreboding that Zarian couldn't quite place, a feeling that something was horribly, horribly wrong.

As he reached the entrance to his new classroom, Zarian took a deep breath and pushed through the door. The room was large and well-lit, with rows of desks stretching out in front of him. Standing at the front of the room was a petite, dark-haired woman, her eyes locked on Zarian with a mix of intrigue and suspicion.

"Are you the new English teacher?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I am," Zarian replied, his voice steely and self-assured. "And you must be my first student."

"My name is Sona, student council president of Kuoh Academy," the woman said, her eyes still fixed on Zarian with an intensity he found unnerving. "And I'm a bit surprised to see a new English teacher starting in the middle of the school year."

Zarian shrugged, trying to appear casual. "I'm a bit of a late arrival, thanks to some unexpected circumstances," he replied, his voice neutral. "But I'm sure I'll be able to catch up in no time."