
Villain in a South Indian movie

Our protagonist, originally a bright student from the top management college from India suddenly transmigrates into the good-for-nothing son in the movie Ala Vaikuntapuramulo. how will he deal with this sudden change? and all the adversities it brings

Tejus_R_Mandal · Movies
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22 Chs


After Sudarshan left, it was only Raj and Amulya in the booth, Amulya was a little curious about Raj's identity as well. Then Raj spoke to Amulya, "I'm sorry for the late introduction, I'm Raj, my father is the CEO of ARK industries" he stood up and offered his hand to shake hers, Amulya was stunned, she wasn't new to the business circle and she had heard about Raj's name and the shocking deal with Appala Naidu. She also stood up and shook his hand, she was confused as to why Raj wanted to meet her as comparatively, she was just an ordinary person like any other

Raj smiled and said "I'm sure you're curious as to why I'm here, but don't worry let's talk slowly", he motioned her to sit down again and ordered wine, after the wine came in, he took his glass and smelled it. He then said "Amulya, graduated top from her class at IIM Bangalore, instead of taking a job with a 6-figure salary and live well, you chose to start your own business, and that too in the travel agency area where the market was already saturated. Now, my question to you is, why?"

Amulya was a little stunned to hear about herself in so much detail, she gradually collected herself and told "since I was young, my parents have struggled hard and provided me with all they can, I still remember that they wanted to go on a trip to Kashi temple when I was young but had to cancel it because they had to pay my exam fees with that money, after paying the fees, they still had a little money left over but it just wasn't enough to cover all the expenses for the trip. Since then, I've been looking into the travel industry and saw that there was a niche I can exploit and earn money if all things went well. I believe making money is important true, but only if it's a fair trade between people, not while exploiting others"

Raj digested all that she said and nodded, he then said "I like you, your business ethic and also your drive and purpose, I want to invest in your company. I want to invest 10 million $, but for 51% of your company. But don't get me wrong, you will have complete control of your company, you will have the final say", Amulya was stunned, it was a really good offer, but she sobered up and expressed her concern "If you invest that much for that less, you might want to hike up the prices to affect our customers, I wouldn't do that at any cost", Raj smiled and nodded "indeed that's a foolish way to make money, that's not what I want to do, I want to make the pie bigger and get a bigger piece with the same percentage. Basically, I want you to expand the company, the scope of your company is very small, I will help you penetrate into other states and also offer trips to a wider range of countries, that way we can definitely make more money and get our initial investment back easily"

Amulya was surprised at the insight of Raj's plan, she had been struggling to expand her business but now Raj was willing to solve that problem for her so easily, instead of getting investment from others who didn't understand her vision, Raj was the best option clearly. She finally smiled and said "I accept this offer, with your help I'm sure we'll grow well" she shook his hand to seal the deal.

After that, they ordered food and Raj jokingly said "hey, now that the deal is set, you have to treat me for this meal", Amulya also let go of her previous inhibitions and joked "just cut it from your investment", they just laughed and talked about various things peacefully and got familiar with each other. Raj then offered her a ride back to his office to seal the deal and sign the contract

Amulya told Raj in the car, "so I guess you're my boss from now on?", Raj just replied "more like partners hehe" they both laughed. Then Raj told Amulya "Actually this kind of a test for you, Pack-your-bags no matter how big it grows, is still a small pond to our future plans, you have the potential for greater things. So do well and prove yourself, I'm sure you'll be surprised by our next few moves", Amulya was blank for a while and just nodded

After they came to the main office of ARK industries, they quickly finished all the formalities and signed the deal. Before Amulya left the office, they exchanged their contacts. Raj concluded that it was a good first meeting, he didn't go overboard as there were still a lot of opportunities to get to know each other anyway

After Amula left, Raj went to his own office in the building provided by his father and thought about how to use his future knowledge well and amass a lot of wealth and power, because they both go hand in hand with each other, he has to gain more reach beyond this state, all the way to the central ministers and so on, and also money to support this endeavor

hey guys, hope you're enjoying the book, I'll be updating one chapter a day from now on, but I'll still be creating drafts for the days i might not be able to write, that way you'll get consistant updates for as long as this novel is up

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