
Villain in a South Indian movie

Our protagonist, originally a bright student from the top management college from India suddenly transmigrates into the good-for-nothing son in the movie Ala Vaikuntapuramulo. how will he deal with this sudden change? and all the adversities it brings

Tejus_R_Mandal · Movies
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22 Chs


Raj then called his father and asked for a meeting, Ramachandra called him to the office right away as he was his son after all. After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Raj told his father about the deal he just made with Amulya. His father just nodded as he had already looked into the deal and he had to say he was optimistic about it as well.

Raj then said, "Dad, we have an investment branch in our ARK group, how much funds does it control now?", Ramachandra thought about it and said "About 50 million $, 1/4th of our assets, why?". Raj nodded and told him directly "Add 50 million $ more and give that division to me, I have some insight in stocks and speculation and I want to try my hand". Ramachandra was stunned, "no way, you're too young, I can't just give you that big of a responsibility just like that, it's no child's play! It's equivalent to 50% of our total assets!!"

Raj smiled, he obviously knew it was too far fetched to convince his father so early about such a big responsibility, but he actually had two big weapons to convince his dad, no, not even convince him, he would have no choice but to give it to him. Raj said "Dad, I really didn't want to say this but I've already got the permission to take over that branch" he smiled after saying that, he just wanted to enjoy his father's reaction. And he did, Ramachandra was stunned and confused, he was the CEO of the company how could anyone else give Raj permission

Raj smiled and continued "you might be the CEO but what can you do when the founder of the company and the CEO of the house both dote on me so much" Raj laughed "Grandfather was already convinced of my abilities when I took care of Kashiram uncle, besides he's old now, he cares more about the happiness of the house and people around him than the company. As for the CEO of the house, my mother, do you even need to ask?"

Ramachandra finally realized everything, to think he was betrayed by the people around him just because they dote on Raj.. hey, he's getting old too now. But Raj still said "actually dad you don't have to worry, after the first quarter, you can take a look at the returns of my investment, if it's really bad I'll step down. Besides I have another proposition for you", listening to Raj, Ramachandra calmed down a little, at least he still has some sense, he also became curious of the proposition and perked up a little

Raj became a little serious and said "I know you and mom are not talking to each other properly, and that you guys are fighting. You don't need to explain yourself. I already know all the details, I will help solve it for you, and trust me it's going to be a little messy, I just hope you learn from your mistake and never repeat it". Ramachandra was stunned to learn his son already knew the problem, but to be fair almost everyone in the family knew it so it was fine. But to think he will take the initiative to help solve the problem was a little surprising

But in the end, he just nodded said "it was really a mistake. I will never do it again", Raj knew his father was saying the truth, he did regret it and wanted to make up wit his wife Yashu since forever. He just didn't know how to. "I know dad, don't worry, just leave it to me" Raj said

The incident that broke apart Ramachandra and Yashu was that 7 years ago, Ramachandra had a secretary called Revathi. She was only a secretary for a few months but in that time Ramachandra and Revathi had an affair one time, probably because Ramachandra was always feeling inferior to his wife Yashu. Since then he regretted it very much and finally understood how stupid he was to forsake something to real with Yashu for some random girl like Revathi, his Regret made it obvious to everyone what had happened and they also got to know what happened. Since then, Yashu and Ramachandra haven't even talked to each other properly for 7 years, all over a mistake he made once. But that's life

Then Raj just brushed the topic aside to not make his father depressed again and said with a smile "so about the investment group, you have to right over it, I won't slow down or listen to your orders, it belongs solely to me. you'll only see after the first quarter. how do you feel?" Ramachandra became depressed about this new topic instead and kicked him out of the office to calm down

Raj smiled and just left, he will visit the Securities branch tomorrow and take his position as director. There won't be any face slapping scenes as their family owns 100% of the company and never been diluted, this is also one of the reasons banks want to keep them on a tight rope and somehow get a piece of the cake but they still failed because of Raj

Raj went home to find everyone watching tv or just doing their own things, in the corner of the room he saw his Nandu's uncle Sita, sitting depressed and with bruises on his face. a weird name for a guy but it is what it is, Sita and Nandu's dad Kashiram were partners in crime before they got caught. They both used to steal money from the family to gamble or just spend the money like water

Raj could already imagine what had happened, just like his plan. Sita would've approached Kashiram to go gamble or to steal extra money from the family not knowing about the new Kashiram, and Kashiram now being in-charge of the money would be very angry and slapped him for even thinking about stealing money. Raj laughed and approached him

"What happened Sita uncle, why are you like this" then he whispered "did you want money to go gamble?" Sita was surprised! How could Raj know? Then he finally understood what might've happened and explained "what? Gambling? Money? How could I steal money from a temple haha no way, no way", Raj put on a perplexed look on his face and said "But I never said anything about stealing though", Sita wanted to slap himself for his stupidity but he just laughed and walked away hastily