
Villain: Hero's wishes are doubled

Rowan, a person who liked to read webnovels falling under the Urban genre, was transmigrated to a world consisting of several such works. In this world, he was a villain but, knowing about the story and cliches that could happen, combined with his system that fulfilled any wish of his with some limitations, Rowan ensued chaos into the world and ended up as a victor against the original storyline. BUT, this was not acceptable for the higher beings. They could not see the world's balance fail and fall into crumbles but they could also not descend themselves and participate in the story so, they reversed the time and put a curse on Rowan's system. "Whatever you wish for, the protagonist receives the double of it." - Higher Beings. "Well then, please raise my body's temperature to 36.8 degrees celsius." - Rowan. [The first protagonist has died due to a body temperature of 73.6 degrees celsius] "I very much wish to sleep for 12 hours every day for a week." [The broke protagonist slept for 24 hours a day for a week, unable to be taken to the hospital, he died due to severe dehydration, starvation, hygiene problems and several more reasons...] "Yeah baby, another wish…Yes, please make a 140 pound, tall and beautiful woman fall on me." [...] *********************** And, people, as you may know, this is another MTL which I have EDITED and poured some of my own jokes and elements. Still, if you want to read the mtl itself, I'll give the link in my review. Other than that, I know a lot of people are prejudiced about harems but, believe me, try this one once. Anyhow, just try it once. Also, yup, it ain't a fanfiction but I upload it here to stay safe from any 'accident' I may encounter from posting this.

Almostaslave · Others
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21 Chs

05 - Well wishes

After putting the phone away in her pocket, Laura was inexplicably happy.

She just found out that Rowan had another side to him, one that was very real and… normal. He could play around and joke. He didn't seem like the heir to one of the richest groups.

He was very easy to talk to.

'Wait, was he... flirting with me? I look forward to dinner tonight.'

On the other side, Rowan also put down the phone and his lips curled into a nice smile.

'My wife is coming to me again.'

In his last life, their story unfolded in a very different way. 

Laura was always more active and Rowan was relatively cold and uninterested in her. He was busy improving his strength and dealing with the protagonists at the same time.

He was just a normal man trying to survive.

But as their contact grew, his heart of stone was moved and the two started dating and dealt with the protagonists together.

'But this time, everything is different! I know what's going to happen. This time, I'm going to let Laura get the treatment she deserves and not let those dumb shits get in my way.'

Rowan then got out of his bed and washed up. It was time to get down to serious business.

As a villain, what was serious business?

Easy, it was to plot traps and plans for the protagonist.

'Life is so uneventful and boring.'

Rowan soon dressed up and left his mansion in a supercar.

After arriving at the hospital, Rowan bought a bunch of white carnations at the entrance and then walked into Linden's ward as a visitor. With a very fake heavy face, he put the carnations in his hands on Linden's body, "My condolences..."

Linden: "..."

"Ah no! I'm sorry I said it wrong!"

Rowan said with a serious face, "I mean, please get well soon, buddy."

Linden once again: "..."

'Get well soon? As soon as I woke up, I saw you, my arch-nemesis, how can I get well?"

Rowan continued, "The doctor said that you've got just a few broken ribs. It's not that big of a deal! You are young right now and your body is strong. You should feel better soon, the doctors say that it will take you two months at most."

Linden's face turned pale.

'Two months? Fuck, in two months, you and Laura might even have a baby!'

Linden decided his situation was even worse after being regressed.

In his last life, he got insulted and slapped at most but this… this time, he started by lying on a bed, for two months.

'I thought I was the protagonist, was there a mix-up?'

Linden endured the pain in his chest and gritted his teeth, "Thank you! Really really... thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, dude!" Rowan smiled and patted Linden.

'I like the way you hate me but still can't even touch me right now. I am just here to enjoy the show, nothing else.' Rowan thought.

Rowan stood up and cleared his throat, "Anyhow, buddy, it's quite late now, so I won't disturb your rest any longer. I should really go so that your family can visit. I'll be leaving to accompany my girlfriend tonight."

Linden was taken aback, "Girlfriend?"

"Yes, it's the woman who came here with me yesterday. She's beautiful, gentle, kind, and quite knowledgeable. I don't think such a good woman should be alone anywhere. I'll go to dinner with her tonight."

Linden's face turned pale again.

'What the hell! How did their relationship develop so quickly? They just had dinner together yesterday and are going out again today?'

With the speed their relationship seemed to be developing, Linden only wondered how long it would take them to do the 'other things'.

Linden could not bear losing even after his regression.

"Wait...wait a minute!" Linden shouted with difficulty.

"Do you need any help, buddy?" Rowan smiled.

Linden forced a smile on his face as he said, "Can you...can you help me contact my older brother?"


"Not exactly a brother but he's one of my close friends, a senior of mine. I met him while studying at… the college."

Rowan raised his eyebrows slightly.

He knew that the protagonist's friend, whose name was Daniel Simmons, was in his 30s. He had good medical skills and was a very well-known doctor in the Crown Hospital.

He was one of the side characters who were supposed to help Linden's development a lot.

In the original novel, it was he who introduced Linden to the Crown Hospital.

Then, Linden rose to fame with his brilliant medical skills and became a helping hand to the Crown Hospital during a crisis while at the same time attracting Laura's attention.

After that, Linden would reveal his real identity as the descendant of the ghost doctor and Laura's fiancé.

With this amazing development, the two got together.

'A very shitty and cliche story.'

However, in his past life, the cliche story was utterly destroyed by Rowan. 

Not only did he make Daniel lose his job, but also caused the protagonist to be kicked out of the hospital.

This time, he wanted to see how Linden would struggle to be the real protagonist.

"Yeah sure buddy, no problem. I'll get it done for you"

-Half an hour later-

A middle-aged scholarly man in his 30s entered the room with a panicked expression. His face was dripping with sweat from running to the room.

He looked at the bandaged mummy lying in front of him sadly and yelled, "Younger Brother!! NOOO, how did you become like this? Who did this? I'll definitely have them killed for you."

"Uh, I'm not dead?"



E/N: Have a good day/ night.