
Villain : Conquest

Reincarnation... Transmigration... Or... Possession I don't know What happened to Me, Because i found that I am in A Different World, A World Of Novel "Saint's Odyssey". A Novel Where Main Character, himself is "two faced" bastard, because of him nearly half of world population will be killed. His First will be Me....Why...?, Read The Novel For More .... Well, Riyan Doesn't Know that Even He's Fate in His Pervious World was Altered By Some Powerful Beings, in this World Of Novel, There is Manipulations, Fantasy, Action, Conspiracies and much More.... By Author, Lone Raut ############################ https://discord.com/invite 5ZBR4fhP5ZBR4fh ############################

Lone_Raut_ · Urban
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40 Chs

Chapter 22. Nexus...[4]


Raven's POV...

As Riyan summoned the fiery essence laser. He thrust his palm forward, unleashing a concentrated blast of heat and energy that struck the door with precision.

The iron surface began to smolder, the paint charring and blistering as the fire crackled and spat, before finally, a small, smoldering hole materialized, its edges still aglow with embers.

The air was heavy with the acrid scent of melting iron and smoke as we gazed upon the newly created opening, our ticket to freedom from the cramped, isolated confinement that had held us captive for what felt like an eternity.

Riyan's gaze locked onto mine, his eyes burning with an unspoken intensity as he mouthed the words, "Raven, don't make noise. Drain every last vestige of mana from your being, lest our pursuer senses our presence." His voice was barely audible, a whispered warning that sent a shiver down my spine.

I nodded, my heart racing in anticipation, as I felt the familiar sensation of my magical energies dwindling, leaving me feeling drained and vulnerable.

Riyan's eyes seemed to bore into mine, as if to reassure me that he, too, had exhausted his own reserves, the toll of our previous struggles evident in the faint lines etched upon his face.

As we slipped through the hole, our bodies contorting to fit through the narrow opening, we found ourselves in a dimly lit, cavernous space that resembled a basement, the air thick with the musty scent of dampness and decay.

The walls, constructed from rough-hewn stone, seemed to press in upon us, their cold, unforgiving surface a stark contrast to the warmth of the fire that had set us free.

A staircase, its wooden treads worn smooth by the passage of time, stretched upward, disappearing into the darkness above, while the absence of any descending stairs seemed to underscore the sense of confinement that still lingered.

My heart pounded in my chest, a staccato rhythm that threatened to betray our presence, as we began our ascent, our footsteps echoing off the walls with a hollow, muffled quality.

The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by the soft creaking of the stairs beneath our feet, as we climbed higher, the air growing thick with anticipation. Finally, we emerged onto a barren, featureless floor, the passage stretching out before us like an empty, desolate highway.

The walls, a dull, institutional gray, seemed to close in around us, their blank, unadorned surfaces a testament to the utilitarian purpose of this forgotten space.

Fear's icy grip tightened around my heart, as my mind raced with the possibilities, the thought of our captor discovering our escape sending a shiver down my spine.

Riyan's hand brushed against mine, a fleeting, reassuring touch that seemed to steady my nerves, as we pressed onward, our senses heightened, our footsteps light and cautious.

We came upon two doors, their surfaces identical, unmarked, and unadorned, like sentinels guarding secrets. I raised my hands, my fingers weaving a silent, intricate pattern, as I mouthed the words, "One of these rooms holds our Captor..." The gesture was a mere whisper, a silent accusation that hung in the air, as we stood poised, our hearts pounding in unison, our fate hanging precariously in the balance.

As we tiptoed through the dimly lit passage, the soft creaking of the wooden floorboards beneath our feet served as a gentle reminder to tread with caution.

The air was heavy with an eerie silence, punctuated only by the faint rustling of unknown whispers that seemed to emanate from the very walls themselves.

We moved with deliberate slowness, our senses on high alert, as if the slightest misstep would shatter the fragile tranquility and summon the wrath of our pursuer.

Finally, we emerged into a grand, high-ceilinged chamber that seemed to be the central hub of the house. The room was bathed in a warm, golden light that spilled from a magnificent crystal chandelier suspended above, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the polished marble floor.

The atmosphere was one of opulence and refinement, a stark contrast to the sense of foreboding that had accompanied us thus far.

Our eyes scanned the room, homing in on the main door, a sturdy, oak-paneled behemoth adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures.

Riyan and I exchanged a nervous glance as we approached the door, our hearts pounding in unison. Riyan's hand instinctively went to the door's ornate handle, only to find it refused to budge. The door was locked, and a cold dread began to seep into our bones.

We stood frozen, our minds racing with the implications of our predicament. The kidnapper could return at any moment, and we were trapped, with no clear means of escape.

The silence between us was oppressive, heavy with the weight of our shared fear. I could feel Riyan's eyes on me, searching for a solution, a way out of this desperate situation.

And then, like a spark of inspiration, an idea ignited within me. I turned to Riyan, my voice barely above a whisper, as I urged him to utilize his aura – to manipulate the door's lock. Riyan's eyes locked onto mine, a flicker of understanding dancing across his features. He nodded, a resolute determination etched on his face, and focused his energy on the door.

The air seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly power as Riyan's aura enveloped the lock. The sound of clicking mechanisms and scraping metal filled the air, and then, with a soft creak, the door swung open. We pushed it wide, our hearts still racing, and stepped out into the unknown.

What lay before us was a sight that defied all expectation. A dense, primeval forest stretched out, its towering trees looming like sentinels, their branches a tangled canopy above.

The air was alive with the sweet, earthy scent of damp soil and the soft chirping of unseen birds. The transition from the opulent hallway to this untamed wilderness was jarring, a stark reminder that we had entered a realm beyond the boundaries of civilization.

I turned to Riyan, my eyes wide with wonder, and asked, "What now...?" The question hung in the air, a challenge to the uncertainty that lay before us.

Riyan's response was immediate, his voice laced with a sense of urgency. "We need to run, into the forest. If we stay here, he'll catch us again..." His hand closed around mine, a reassuring grip that seemed to transmit his determination directly into my very being.

Without another word, we plunged into the forest's depths, our footsteps pounding out a rhythm on the soft earth. The trees seemed to close in around us, their branches reaching out like nature's own guardians, protecting us from the dangers that lurked behind.

We ran, our hearts pounding in tandem, our senses heightened, as we fled into the unknown, driven by the primal urge to survive.


Next Chapter "Nexus...[5]"


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"Villain : The White Washer"


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Lone Raut


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