
Chapter 2

3 months have passed since then, and he hasn't done much exept for planning, first and foremost he needed to get strong and then he can go on and upgrade the Uchiha Clan to the next level, however he did not want to give more power to his father since he was already expendable in his eyes so he decided to bide his time, show amazing results and slowly take over the Uchiha Clan before taking the head seat.

He decided he needed to do some things so his rise to power can be uninterrupted, first, he had to kill Hashirama before his rise to power so he can either subjugate the Senju's or outright annihilate them, killing Hashirama should be about 12-14 years from now so I can quickly gather strength if assassination doesn't work.

The next step is to gather enough strength so I can subjugate the Tailed-Beast so I can recreate the Ten-Tails and possibly become immortal, although I need the Rinnegan for that so I'll have to postepone this indefinetly.

After that I'll create a Village unmatched by anyone, although I have to kill the Fire Lord or enslave him cause I can't have anyone higher than me questioning my decisions.

For now though, I'll just have to keep acting like I'm a prodigy baby so I can fast-forward my plan, my father already suspects that I'm a genius, after all I'm starting to crawl thanks to my Senju physical body.

Another thing that I've done is find my chakra and start to control it, thanks to being a Senju and being Indra's transmigrant my chakra is as big as an academy student, oddly enough Indra's Will is gone has only left me with the pure chakra unadultred in any way. I suspect the System has something to do with it however I'm not sure about it.

8 months later...

My training has finally begun, my father has seen the unordinary body of mine that can take on what normal 4 year old would have and started with basic katas of the Uchiha Interceptor Fist which is a byproduct of years of wisdom on how to maximaze the full potential of the Sharingan and that was how it came to be. I already have mastered the basic katas due to the monstrous talent I have in Madara's body, However the muscle memory ingraining of the katas are still very hard and I don't want to stunt my growth by overexerting myself.

On a side note I've gotten my first mission:

[Mission Recieved]

[Madara Uchiha could fight Senju adults by the time he was 13 years old. Can you do the same or can you do better? Fight against an adult Senju and win.

Difficulty: A]

Although it seems hard on a practical standpoint, I think it's really easy, I'm already high-academy level and although I still don't have any ninjutsu, with my chakra reserves that have reached Genin it's gonna be easy.

Although I have reached this level right now on my 5th birthday I will ask my father to take me to war so I can accumulate experience, for now all I can do is train to my hardest. As someone once said: Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

4 years later...

Madara was finally ready to go to war... He has spent 4 years training torturously training, with a few C and B-rank fire jutsus he could now do all handseals perfectly and fast enough for only a Jonin to keep up, then his chakra has risen to High-Chunin ranks with perfect control due to him mastering Leaf Balancing, Tree Walking, Water Walking and some Kunai Balancing exercises that with his Uchiha and Senju chakra his C-rank Fire Jutsu was comparable to that of a B-rank one and a B-rank Fire Jutsu to that of a borderline A-rank jutsu.

However, the one he advanced the most was Taijutsu, with his prodigy talent he has already mastered the Uchiha's Interceptor Fist and with his newly awakened Sharingan he was a force to be reckoned with.

Right now we see Madara saying goodbye to his 4 little brothers, Izuna, Fukusuki, Taiji and Seiro, each was born 1 year after another and with the 5th their mother finally gave in due to her poor health because of the consecutive births. Although that didn't really matter to Madara as he always thinks of people expendable to rise to power.

"Izuna, you protect your brothers while I'm gone, alright?" asked Madara to the 2nd eldest brother.

"Of course big brother, you need not worry, I will protect them with my life!" said Izuna with a hard glint in his eyes.

"Very well then, father when do we march toward the Senju?" asked Madara to his father who was watching from the sidelines in his usual stoic look.

"Madara, you have made me proud these years and today you shall bathe in the blood of our sworn enemies to truly take the name Uchiha, We march in 2 hours, at the North entrance of the camp. The person who hired us is a wealthy merchant who is having many disagreements with his rival however it seems his rival also hired the Senju so a fight is imminent." answered Tajima with a look of pride directed towards his son.

2 hours later on the North entrance of the Uchiha camp everyone assigned to todays mission was here and they were ready to move on. Some even just a little bit older than Madara himself, this goes to show the brutality of the Shinobi Warring States Period.

"Very well everyone, today we shall kill more Senjus than ever before, we will get revenge for our loved one the Senjus took!" shouted Tajima to the group.

"Let's go!" and this day was marked as the day Madara first had a taste of the battlefield.