
Victor The Necromancer

Victor received an strange message on his phone on his way to home, unfortunately when he was about to close the message he go hit by a car causing his death in the process... or it should be what happened.

CrazzyChemister · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 - Death

Victor was a computer student at a certain college only in his first year, he was just a normal young adult with brown curly hair and brown eyes, he did not stand out from his peers and many times he even ended up going unnoticed because of his introverted personality.

One afternoon while crossing a street on his way back from college to the house where he lived Victor received a strange message on his cell phone. The message said "Congratulations you have won the opportunity to travel to another world, do you wish to travel to that other world ?" and just below it there were two options "Yes" and "No".

'Those scammers are not even triyng to do things right nowadays uh..' Victor talked to himself while smiling at the message he received

Victor seeing that it was some kind of spam brought his finger closer to the "No" so that he could close the message because he was sure that if he pressed the "Yes" option a virus would take over his mobile device and steal all his data, but before he could even press "No" Victor was hit by a car. As his vision was focused on that strange message that had appeared on his cell phone, he had not looked to both sides of the street as he should have done before crossing the road, his body being thrown into the air by the impact made the finger that was about to press "No" press "Yes".

When his body returned to the ground again Victor was no longer breathing, unfortunately his life full of opportunities ahead had been taken away. In his hand lay a broken cell phone stained by his blood with a message "Choice selected, starting soul transference in 5 seconds… 5, 4, 3, 2 …1" when the countdown reached zero the cell phone screen that miraculously was still working turned off.

Whether it was or not an attempt to steal data it didn't matter anymore, unfortunately for Victor that was the end…..or maybe not?