
Victor The Necromancer

Victor received an strange message on his phone on his way to home, unfortunately when he was about to close the message he go hit by a car causing his death in the process... or it should be what happened.

CrazzyChemister · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - New world

Magic world a world filled with mana having 9 continents and 4 oceans which gave birth to several powerful races and among them there were the most famous such as Elves, Dwarves, Elementals and Dragons each of them having incredible talents, the elves, a pacifist race possessed the power of nature being able to control plants and tame living beings, which made the forests their home, the elementals a powerful and mysterious race related to the elements, seen by the inhabitants of Magic world only in disasters caused due to a large accumulation of mana.

Dragons a respected and powerful race considered by all inhabitants of the Magic world as the children of mana, at the reach of their maturity dragons were seen as a walking disasters which had the ability to erase half of an continent on their own if provoked, fortunately for all these inhabitants besides the dragons being few in number due to their low birth rate the dragons when reaching maturity almost never leave their lairs which they built in places with high concentration of mana.

And finally, the children of the earth, the Dwarves considered a warrior and artisan race controlled the earth and fire so they preferred to live around volcanoes which in addition to containing several minerals for their creations, had powerful monsters which they used for testing their strength and artifacts. At its peak, the Dwarven civilization had the ability to control volcanoes, which in addition to providing them security, provided them with materials for the construction of stronger structures and bountiful harvests by mixing the ashes originated from the volcano with the soil of their plantations.

When they reached the peak of their civilization, their Emperor's greed in search of more powerful materials was what caused their downfall, in addition to making the mistake of declaring war on the Elves in an attempt to obtain materials from the 'World Tree' he made a another huge mistake which eventually caused the fall of his empire.

Along with his artifacts and his most powerful warriors, the Dwarf Emperor managed after a fierce battle kill a young Dragon, unfortunately for him that Dragon was the son of Eote, the strongest of the Dragons who, upon learning of his son's death, attacked all dwarve's cities, stopping only when he destroyed the main Dwarf stronghold located on the biggest volcano of Magic World. The fierce battle of that day made the world shudder, for in his despair the Dwarf's Emperor in exchange for the lives of his people decided to unleash the full power of the volcano in an attempt to defeat Eote.

Unfortunately for the Dwarf's Emperor Eote was a Fire Dragon, a variant of the dragon race which inhabited the interior of volcanoes so even being hit by his last desperate attack Eote had not suffered any significant damage.

After this battle, the inhabitants of the then Empire of the artisan warrior race of the Dwarves were then reduced to a pack of mice which lived running from den to den from the pursuit of the Elves and of the Dragon Eote's followers.

~Lord Francis

After finishing reading the book which contained part of the history of the world and placing it on top of his study table in his dark room which had nothing but a closet for his clothes, a messy study table full of books and scrolls and an uncomfortable bed Victor now called Denis layed down on the uncomfortable bed while looking at the ceiling. It had been two weeks since he had arrived in this new magical yet dangerous world, Denis a black haired young man with white streaks was a level 1 dark mage of Rolf's Dark Tower and the former owner of the body he now possessed died during his hasty attempt to advance to a second-level mage by making a mistake in the inscription of the second magic circle on his soul, an error which caused the extinction of his soul leaving behind a "blank" body which allowed the coming from Victor to this fantasy world called Magic World.

Unfortunately for Victor, along with Denis's soul, the knowledge about the world he was now in was also lost, which took him two long weeks of incessant research so that he could locate himself in this new world. Fortunately for him, in addition to Denis being an introvert he was also an orphan who was taken in by Rolf's Dark Tower due to his talent for magic and affinity for death, information which he found in a journal hidden under his pillow.

After these two long and stressful weeks Denis (Victor) with his learning ability that was somehow improved, miraculously managed to absorb all the necessary knowledge so that no one would suspect nothing. Thinking about these two weeks when he absorbed books like a sponge, he shuddered when he remembered a paragraph in a book that he had found by accident, in the book it was explained in detail the processes of soul extraction in mages possessed by beings from other planes and how such souls were used in the making of golems, grimoires or undeads possessing the ability to evolve, which made the soul of those beings an extremely rare material not only for Rolf's Dark Tower but for any other mage in Magic World.

Stopping thinking about what could have happened to him if he was found by accident in those two weeks, Denis got up from the bed he was lying on and went towards his study table which contained a pile of books and parchments.

On the table was an open book which explained step by step the confection of a level 1 scroll [Magical Soul's Circle] which, when used, would engrave a magic circle in the soul of those who possessed magical talent. In these two weeks, besides reading books about the history of the world, Denis had also read books related to the creation of this scroll which would transform someone with magical talent into a level 1 mage, granting them the ability to absorb mana into their bodies and souls and the ability to cast spells without the need for magic tools or long chants through their magic circles.

As the inscription of the magic circle is carried out in the soul Denis did not want to be like his predecessor and end up accidentally extinguishing his soul due to haste, during these two weeks learning magic and practicing the confection of such scroll he noticed a strange similarity between the magic of that world and the programming of his previous world.

Where in general, the simplest runes used in this world were comparable to the variables created and used for storing data in programming languages ​​such as python, and the scrolls and spells of this world were nothing less than the use of these variables ( runes) in the functions also contained in these programming languages.

Realizing that the level 1 magic circle contained in the scroll was just a complex program which would carry out the mana absorption process and the spell casting process. Denis even considered the complete modification of the magic circle, but gave up when remembering what would happen if he made a mistake.

But at the same time he refused to give in to mediocrity and decided to risk a little making a small modification to the magic circle, locating the function or set of runes responsible for mana absorption that was noted in English in his notebook he modified it so that when being 'executed' the mana absorption would be greater.

After making such a modification he started the creation of the level 1 magic scroll, in his practices each scroll took only 20 minutes to be created but as this scroll was now going to be used in his soul he took extra care in each step, finishing the scroll only 2 hours after the start of its creation.

When making the last brushstroke on the scroll with his magic pen, the scroll glowed in a bluish tone which Denis found quite interesting since in his previous practices in the confection of this same scroll would only result in them glowing in a white tone when finished, and when If done wrongly, the scroll to which the magic circle was inscribed would be burned due to the destabilization of mana caused in the circle.

Taking the completed parchment off the table in his hands, Denis headed towards the uncomfortable bed in his room where he sat in the lotus position and began to regulate his breathing. After a few minutes of regulating his breathing Denis made a small hole in his finger and dripped a drop of blood on the level 1 scroll, wich made the scroll explod in a blue light that enveloped Denis' entire body.

Reading this made me feel like I was rubbing two rocks together, what a strange feeling.

Maybe there's a LOT of erros, someday I'll try to fix it

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