
Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates

In the world of pirates, a young man reincarnates into a completely ordinary person's body. But coincidentally, he encounters Monkey D. Luffy. Hungry for adventures but also scared of death, he joins the Straw Hat Pirates as the vice-captain. ............ Straw Hats will follow the same routes with a lot of new changes. If you want to read chapters in advance, you can check out my Patreon: patreon.com/EvilParagon If you want to talk more about One Piece and this story, you can join my discord : https://discord.gg/uxhZZe8KdV I am also publishing this story on Royalroad.com

Evil_Paragon · Anime & Comics
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160 Chs

Encountering Marines

Two Days Later,

"Hey, you guys I saw an island." Usopp standing at the top of the mast shouted while looking through his binoculars.


The door opened and Liam walked out. He was wearing a black shirt while revealing his chest. There was a strange aura coming out of him. It has only been two days but he has fully recovered from his previous injuries.

Although he didn't do any hardcore training during these two days, he still learned a lot, especially about Observation Haki.

Even if he couldn't use it properly on the battlefield, he was sure that he would be able to do it soon.

As for Armament Haki, it will still take a while to use it.

"Hehehe! I can't wait to land on that island." Luffy who was sitting on the top of Merry's head chuckled. Then, he turned around and said.

"Liam, let's fight as soon as we land on the island."

Maybe it was due to Liam's growth, Luffy was extremely motivated to get stronger. And, since he was a captain, he believed that he can't lose in strength against his vice captains or any of his other crew mates.

"Yes, I can't wait to fight you as well." Liam excitedly nodded his head and clenched his fist. Since coming to this world, this would be his first and true battle against Luffy.

When he had just started his journey with Luffy, he was weak as a chicken. But now, he has grown strong like a lion. Even though he wasn't sure if he could win against Luffy, he was going to give it his all.

And, the reason why he doesn't think he can win was his the weakness of his devil fruit. In front of extremely lucky people, his devil fruit could even backfire.

Luffy was probably one of the luckiest people in this world. So, he didn't have much confidence in his using his devil fruit against Luffy.

But, he was still excited to fight Luffy using his physical strength alone.

"Huh! What's going on? Marines! Luffy, there are a lot of Marine Ships coming towards us from the back." Usopp stared through his binoculars and shouted in distress.

Everyone immediately dropped whatever they were doing and rushed to the back of the ship including Liam and Luffy.

Looking at this, Liam turned his head at Luffy and asked.

"So, Luffy, what should we do? Run or fight!"


"Why do you want to fight Marines? Do you want us to die?" Nami smacked Liam's head and shouted. Then, she looked at Luffy and said.

"Luffy, we should leave. We can fight other pirate groups but let's not fight Marines."

She looked a bit terrified.

But, Luffy didn't answer her. Instead, he looked at Liam and asked.

"Do you think we should fight?"

Naturally, as a fighting maniac, he truly wanted to fight. But, he also knew that fighting against marines wouldn't be good for them since if they defeat one today, another one will come tomorrow.

Liam touched his chin and looked up.

"Usopp, do you see anyone wearing a blue/white dress or red/white dress/ or yellow/white dress?"

Hearing his words, everyone was confused. Only Robin understood the meaning of his words and her eyes shrunk.

"Are you saying that we should fight as long as they don't have any Admirals in a ship? But even so, there might be a lot of Vice Admirals. If we fight them, we might just die."

Although she had been close to the ship for two days, she still wouldn't risk her life so easily. That's why she tried to convince him. After all, Liam's decision does affect Luffy's decision.

Liam nodded his head and said.

"Haki is something that you can only master through battles. The reason why I proposed they fight on that island was because of this very reason. But now, we have a better opportunity."

"Luffy has already touched the scope of Armament Haki. Although he hasn't learned Observation Haki, he is quickly adjusting himself to it. On the other hand, Zoro and Sanji have already learned Observation Haki."

"They can even use it in battle. I have also recovered completely. We need this battle to get stronger. Besides, I don't think they would send more than one Vice Admiral for fledgling pirates like us."

"And, if we don't do anything, they will keep chasing us. In that case, we won't be able to train either. So, Luffy, let's fight!"

Hearing his words, Luffy let out a smile. Zoro held the hilt of his sword tightly. Sanji adjusted his tie. Nami sighed but still held her weapon tightly. Chopper also changed his form to heavyweight form.

Vivi also clenched her fist, seemingly ready for the battle. Only Robin was a bit scared. She could fight against other pirates with ease but for marines, she had quite a bit of fear.

Suddenly, a hand landed on her shoulder.

"Don't worry! Since we dare to invite you to our ship, we will always keep you safe."

Hearing his words, Robin didn't know why but she felt a bit of warmth in her heart. She calmed down first and smiled.

"Don't worry, Vice-Captain! I am fine."

Liam nodded his head and looked at Nami.

"Let's get to that Island first!"

Nami nodded her head and cooperated with others. They slowly moved toward the island.

On Marine's warship,

"The newborn calf does not fear the world. It seems like they are extremely confident after defeating Crocodile. Let's go and crush them!" Vice-Admiral Yamakaji stared at them and clenched his fist.

"Vice-Admiral, we can't underestimate them. Even if they use some kind of trick to defeat Crocodile, it was still a huge win for them. Without enough strength, a person like Crocodile wouldn't be defeated." T-bone spoke with a deep look in his eyes.

His look was similar to that of a mummy but a bit more alive. There was a big sword behind his back.

"T-bone, you don't think that they can defeat a vice-admiral, do you? This is not a rank that anyone can get. Not only do we have to master Six Marine Styles but also Two-Color Haki."

"Once we land on that island, I will crush Straw Hat Luffy and Vice-Captain Liam. As for others, I will leave them to you guys." Yamakaji stared at T-bone and Hina.

Hina was wearing her casual red dress with a white coat above it. She had a cigarette in her mouth.

"Don't worry, Vice-Admiral Yamakaji, we will surely capture them and send them to the Impel Down." Hina heavily nodded her head and unlike T-bone, she was more confident.

"Hina, Straw Hat Luffy, and Liam aren't the only strong people in that crew. That Pirate Hunter probably has the strength to cut through your iron shackles." A deep voice rang from behind as a man walked out of the cabin.

He had a big cigar in his mouth.

"Humph! Don't underestimate me. I didn't become Captain with my devil fruit alone." Hina angrily shouted at him.

"Smoker, are you sure you want to participate in this battle? You were heavily injured before." Yamakaji looked at him and asked. He didn't care about Smoker's words but he was rather concerned about his situation.

When they meet Smoker, he was heavily injured and barely awake. They were surprised that Liam could injure him, especially knowing he was a Logia Devil Fruit user.

Of course, Smoker did give this kind of credit to Liam which is why Liam's bounty was so high. But the main reason why he got injured was because of CP Agent who could use Haki.

"Don't worry, I am still more than capable enough to fight." Smoker didn't care about his injuries. Instead, he wanted to fight the Straw Hat crew even more.

"No! This time I won't let you fight. Your injuries were too serious before. Even though three days have passed, you haven't completely recovered. Besides, we are more than enough to take down Straw Hat Crew." Yamakaji shook his head and answered.

Smoker wanted to refuse it but suddenly he thought of something and nodded his head. He turned around and walked back to the cabin.

This kind of change wasn't noticed by Yamakaji or T-bone. But, Hina who was not only a close friend of Smoker but also had quite a bit of lover kind relationship with him noticed it instantly.

She wanted to talk to Smoker but suddenly, one of the marines walked in front of them and saluted.

"Sir, we have reached closer to that island. Do you want to fire the shells?"

Yamakaji turned around and stared at Straw Hat Pirates who seemed to be waiting for them on the shores of the island. As for their ship, it wasn't in front of them.

As a Vice-Admiral, he instantly understood the situation and shook his head.

"No, take the ship closer to the island! Everyone, get ready for the battle."