
Versing love in times of War

Short poems used on my everyday, every moment, every second. I discovered that writing helps ease on my anxiety. I'm still writing novels, but when in need of a quickie, a poem says it all. Here's my brain dump version of them. Sit and enjoy!

Chacha_3290 · Urban
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25 Chs

Love hurts

Like sand running through my fingers

Knowing my love left without hesitation

No remedy nor aspiration

Love again played me without confirmation

How many poems

Will be needed to collect

To understand the effect

That makes

Whatever it takes

Nonsense still makes

Leaving confusion

This is not the solution

I demand an answer

Not a questioning

There's never perfection

There's never motivation

Lost hopes

Lost loves

Nothing left



Sat down in despair

Love is no more in the air

Love has left

Love ain't here anymore