
Versatile Player: Mage

An teenager gets runover by truck-kun and get's transmigrated to an magical world. The original story does not belong to me nor does the cover of the story.

Jovi1 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs


Shopkeeper: And that will be 140 taka.


After giving the money to the shop keeper i promptly bagged the veggies and made my way out.


Rayhan: Hmm should i take an rickshaw or auto nah the jam in the bridge is too much I'd get to home faster by walking anyway.


As one side of the main road was getting renovated the other side was completely jam packed it was truly an terrific jam(heh) especially in an overpopulated country as mine.


Rayhan:*Sigh* Welp time to start my trek back home.


After saying that i started making my way through the crowded streets of the bazaar.


Rayhan:[My SSC exam results should be coming out soon and now it's time to think about which college i want to go to.]


As i was walking i couldn't help but think about my future that looked as bleak as an pebble by the roadside.Then i remembered my shitty gacha pulls from yesterday!?.


Rayhan:[Fk i should be happy i pulled SSR but i just wanted shinobu but i ended up getting Itto instead.]


As i remembered that incident i couldn't help the salty feeling welling up inside me screw this world screw RNGesus **GACHA IS A BAD CIVILIZATION**.


As i was brooding about the unfairness of gacha and the universal lie that is rate-up i suddenly felt my phone vibrate.


Rayhan:[Somebody is messaging me in discord hmm oh its Rice.]



RiceManiac: Wanna valo?oh yea don't forget to update your client btw.

RiceManiac: So how's life?

Kaiser: Nah im outside getting groceries RN.

RiceManiac: Well that sucks.

Kaiser: Should be back in a hour or two. Well life's pretty shetty as always.

RiceManiac: Still salty about your Castoria pulls **Raidenbatonswinging.gif**.

Kaiser: Courting death! i will destroy your 14 generation for this betrayal!!.

RiceManiac:**Ayayagrining.gif*Ayaya~ Ojii-san is too delighted to bother speaking, but Sensei... Kept you waiting, huh?.




Rayhan: Tsk bich.


This must be karma because of all the flex i did on her. Sighing i kept walking until i reached the crossroads. Then suddenly i heard loud honking sounds.




Rayhan: The what?... 


And before i could even react an speeding truck came and crashed onto me and at that moment everything went black.


And that is how i got isekai'ed on faithful that day by our beloved Truck-Kyuun.