
Versatile Mage: The Unchangeable Destiny


Lovable_Cain · Book&Literature
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

<3rd Pov>

In a flat-ground on the small hill stood two people who looked like 16-years old. The one on the left is the White-haired girl who have a cold aura create an Ice sword and rushed to the right which stood a black-haired boy who create a light sword and parry the girl's slash.

He step back and thrust the sword towards the girl's abdomen. The girl create an ice wall to blocked the attack and slashed the boy's shoulder.

The boy turned into Light and fly in the air. When the light turned into human, several light in in his back appeared out of nowhere and fire to the girl liked laser.

Before the light laser hit the girl, she became ice sculpture.


The sculpture exploded and 2 meters from the explosion, an ice condense and become the girl.

"Hey hey, Logia sure is troublesome" said the boy to the girl.

"It's a perfect seed afterall, so it's normal" the girl replied.

"When do you planned to second-awakening?"

the boy asked.

"The same as you"

"Xiaoxue really depend on me, I'm afraid that even if you got a husband, you would still depend on me right?" The boy teased.

'Of course I will depend on my husband' The Mu Ningxue thought.

The two condensed the star map already and their basic magic reached level 2. Yuliang realised that as long as he practiced his light, it doesn't need the soul essence to upgrade so his wind magic is a bit slow compared to his light as his light is near level 3 while his wind is only early level 2.

Yuliang taught Mu Ningxue, how to fight in close combat after all mages are high glass cannon. Even though he don't have techniques but having experience is enough afterall shadow element is disgusting to the core, you wouldn't know if the shadow mage is waiting for chances to attack you even if you see it, sometimes body can't react is it's good to practice.

He also asked her to hide that they are awakened, afterall Mu Ningxue's family is cold and ruthless, if the know that Mu Ningxue awakened, they would give the ice bow fragments which is shackled and so she wouldn't owed the Mu Family.

That's right, Bai Yuliang planned to let Mu Ningxue ran away with him, because if they reached advanced-mage, naturally Mu Family can't do anything to them rashly.

The Mu clan have 8 super mages but afterall they only want benefits doesn't want to have a loss. Even if they send advanced-mage, Bai Yuliang doesn't think that they can't defeat it.

The only thing that may affect the plan is whether Mu Ningxue would agree to run away with him.

"Then let's go now to Shanghai City"

In Shanghai City, There's a building called Shanghai mage society, known as Oriental Mage Society.

Since they're awakened a 2 years ago, They joined hunter union, although Bai Yuliang and Mu Ningxue on the same team but sometimes Bai Yuliang is the only one completing task but still they reach Intermediate Hunter and get the chance to have vip awakening.

After an hour of travelling, They finally arrived at the entrance of Oriental Mage Society's building.

"Mr. And Mrs. Bai, this way"

Bai Yuliang's lips twitched but didn't refute it after all they are wearing mask now even when they joined the hunter association and use the nickname mr. Bai and Ms. Bai but it's seems the hunter association thinks that they are husband and wife.

Bai Yuliang looked at girl next to him and saw that she didn't mind or care so he was depressed in his heart and thinks that Mu Ningxue didn't see him as a man.

What he didn't know is Mu Ningxue is like a doll following and her mind wander at the thought she and Bai Yuliang are married.

After having chaotic thoughts, they finally arrived at the awakening room.

He go first and touch the lightning awakening crystal. In his mind where a golden and green nebula reside, a transparent and orange-brown nebula appear.

It appears that he awakened summoning and earth magic. Although he didn't awaken the lightning magic he want, he was not too disappointed.

[Ding! Congratulation Awakening summoning and earth magic! You have 2 chance of spin! Do you want to spin now?]

Bai Yuliang is not in a hurry to spin, he got out of Awakening room and let Mu Ningxue entered and let her awaken her second magic.

While waiting, Bai Yuliang is a little bored and looked the system interface.

Anyway he don't need to be impatient afterall he only have 2, and he didn't need to spin at all.

After 10 seconds passed, Bai Yuliang feels that a cat was scratching his heart and couldn't help but to use it.

'Spin 1 now'

[Ding! You got Unlimited Perfect Quality Poke-Food!]

'It seems my luck today is very bad, Let's leave aside the remaining one' Bai Yuliang's heart is aching, There's no pokemon in this world, What's the use of it.

[Ding! It's detected that there's no pokemon in this world!

Ding! Unlimited Perfect Quality Poke-food Converted into Unlimited Perfect Quality Monster Essence Food]

Hearing the announcement of the system made Bai Yuliang's dismayed greatly relieved. Atleast he don't have to worry about his summoning beast.

After thinking about it, Mu Ningxue finished awakening, Bai Yuliang could see that she dissatisfied from what she awakened.

Mu Ningxue wants to awakened healing or psychic magic, although Bai Yuliang didn't know why Mu Ningxue wants to awakened support magic but he still support her.

Bai Yuliang know that she got is wind magic so he pat her head and said

"Don't worry, You got a high-power burst ice element and got offensive-support magic so I will leave the damage to you and I will become your shield"

Mu Ningxue curled her lips but he could see that she was not in bad mood as before.

Then they proceed to leave and go back to Bo City, it's seems it's time for others to awaken tomorrow or could be said that plot is starting.

Mu Ningxue looked at Bai Yuliang's back and smiled while following.

Although she didn't get what she wanted and can't support his loved ones but remembering what he said that he would become her shield satisfy her vanity and vowed that she would become his sword.


Tomorrow Morning, In Bo City.

A handsome brown hair young man, looked at the beautiful scene in front of him in depressed. Ever since he got the pendant, He feels that the world is messing with him.

Even the scientism professor of him changed. What laws and theories, Magic is the truth.

Mo Fan was a little depressed, even in magic world he is still at the bottom of his class. Looking at the school, he feels it was abyss that will swallow him.

But today is magic awakening, he Mo Fan will become a magician. Light or Water is okay, atleast he can use it to improve his family circumstances.

He was brought back from his thought when he heard the discussion around him. It's two person man and woman. The beautiful girl has a black hair and had a cold aura that prevents other from approaching and next to him is a handsome boy who also have a black hair but unlike the girl, the boy has a sunny aura that seems melt the girl's aura so he can approach her.

Mo Fan knew her, it was the daughter of his father's boss. In this timeline, Mo Fan and Mu Ningxue didn't become friends and have a feelings for each other so their family wasn't oppressed by Mu family like in original novel.