
Versatile Mage: The Unchangeable Destiny


Lovable_Cain · Book&Literature
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

<1st Pov>

It's been 4 years since I came to this world. I know what system abilities, and it's only gacha everytime I awakened my magic and the one I get is related to the magic I awakened.

Mu Ningxue and I become a very good friends even though I'm only 17 years old in my past life, After all my outlook to life is more solid than an 10 years old.

Just kidding I just copy one of the lines and paste it to her. Talking nonsense doesn't need experienced.

I taught her that our fate can only be in our hands so we need to get stronger to do what we want.

She and Mo Fan didn't become friends because of me, She didn't run away with him and kissed him.

Although in last life, I'm always on the top but in this world, I can only be an average. After all my knowledge and their knowledge conflict each other. Newton taught us how gravity works but in this world how magic power works and the worst part they don't have formula for that.

*knock knock*

"Come in"

When the door open, A beautiful girl came in. Her long black hair swimming in the air which result her looking like a goddess. Is what the novels or fanfiction would say to a beautiful girls, I don't know what is the beauty standard to become goddess but she's really beautiful.

"Ohh Xiaoxue You're here."

"Yuliang, I saw in the leaderboards that your score is low so I planned to teached you"

"Ohh our Xiaoxue is so kind, then please teach me teacher~"

The girl blushed but didn't refute, It seems she's embarrassed to that nickname. When I knew her for the first time, I'm only greedy for her body ehem* I'm happy to see the main heroine but the longer I interact with her, I realize that I really like her.

But I don't know if I'm really qualified to be with her and I really don't know if I like her as a friend or as a girl because I still think I want a harem.

The girl sat beside me and take the notes in her bag.

"Let's get started"

But before I could react, an unknown force began to surge and spinning around her. Her black hair, slowly becoming silver and her skin becoming paler and paler, just like when a human exposed to freezing cold naked.

[Ding! You feel the magic energy for the first time! Your magic forcefully awakened]

Just like that the unknown force or the so called magic energy began spinning around me and I felt that it's very bright even though I close my eyes and super windy that I feel like I would get swept away and then it become peaceful.

[Ding! You awakened a Light and Wind magic!

Do you want to spin?]

I see so I'm a dual element too, glad to hear that. Then let's spin now!

[Ding! You got Light Fruit and Ice Fruit!

Ding! Because of a certain law of the world Light Fruit and Ice fruit shrank back and become seeds so the side effect is gone]

I see, but why I got is in the same world? and I awakened Wind Magic but I got Ice fruit?

[Ding! Because it's your first time to spin, You have a greater chance to get a good quality and you use the chance at the same time so it's the same fruit! Ding! because cold = ice is related to wind]

So that's how it is, then can I still become logia if absorb the light seed?

[Ding! Yes but you need to have that magic to use it! Example: You eat the Ice fruit but doesn't have an ice magic, You can't use it as you can't absorb ice energy!]

So it followed the world's law, It seems I can't absorb ice seed before I get Ice Magic


A whispering whimper brought me back that Mu Ningxue is still here. She's shivering and curling her body hoping to lessen the cold she's undergoing.

System if Mu Ningxue absorb the Ice seed, she would become the ice itself so she wouldn't felt the coldness right?

[Ding! Yes]

Then take it out now.

A blue fruit appeared in my hand, although the system said it became seed but it seems she just need to eat it to absorb it.

"Xiaoxue eat this"

I place the fruit near to her mouth she just need to bite it. She looked at me and eat it and after a few seconds, she's astonished that the cold she's feeling faded and looked at me curiously.

<3rd Pov>

Mu Ningxue looked at the boy curiously, she knows that he is mysterious as he have artifact house he called technology and can create food and clothes anywhere so she's curious what he fed to her.

"That is a perfect spirit seed of ice, so you become Ice human and can use Ice magic effectively as you won't need to connect the nebula"

She was surprised at the same time regret because it was too expensive. After all she heard from her father that a low tier spirit seed can be auctioned for 10 million and now he gave her a perfect seed.

"This, it's so expensive and it's important to you right? after all it's a perfect seed which would greatly enhanced your magic. How much is it? I... I would pay for it"

Even though her family is filthy rich, but she's from the branch family and her allowance is only 10000 yuan every month and knew her father wouldn't give her so much money but even if she sells her body parts to pay it she would do it, It's just maybe she can't even pay it after all a low tier is already at 10 million then how much for a perfect seed? 1 billion? 10 billion? That much money can make even the main family hurt their flesh.

But her anxious expression began to fade when he pat her head.

"Xiaoxue You're much more important to me"

Her heart beat began to faster and she looked at the boy, his gentle expression on his handsome face and the bright aura cause of light magic made him looked like a saint.

'So this is what mom said that the prince of my life would protect me from any harm'

She knew that she had fallen for her best friend but would he accept her if she confess? She made up her mind to confess when she become worthy of him.