
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

A Legend and Demand

"Isn't it too simple, Mazzi, to crown him the King of Loistava? We're looking for the new monarch, Leighann's heir," Catherine remarked with a smile. Mazzi relaxedly closed his eyes as Sicil and Xena stared in amazement.

Silence and a sense of anonymity pervaded the space. Everyone gazed at each other, contemplating the destiny of their world. Of all the people, Jugo was the most worried. The words of his grandparent rang in his ears like a war drum.

"You know, Jugo, our world is full of miracles. The descendants of La, the sun deity, and Adit, the space goddess, once possessed and dominated this land. With their deep affection for one another, they created everything in the beginning. Adit evolved throughout time, and she developed feelings for Erebos, the god of darkness. They bore birth to three gods: the god of time Urth, the goddess of death Kala, and the god of Ether Aer. As soon as their three kids started ruling the cosmos, La started to fall behind. Furious, he wed both the moon goddess Luna and the earth goddess Ki, and they each gave birth to two children. From Luna, Enki, the deity of water, and Lumi, the goddess of light, were created. From Ki, Hebe, the goddess of life, and Yani, the goddess of nature, were born. These seven firstborn deities frequently engaged in conflict with one another, wreaking havoc on the cosmos. The other gods and goddesses begged the three main deities to correct this imbalance on their behalf. Except while Erebos backed his children and blamed La, Adit had no choice but to defend her husband. Enki, the firstborn of La, was indignant at the way the gods made fun of his father, the supreme entity. This sparked the greatest war in existence, which caused the earth, the sky, and every other creation in the cosmos to tremor. La initially opposed the war, but after witnessing the tears of his two wives, he chose to assist his children. The war ended when La scorched Erebos and his children to ashes as Adit watched from space. With her heart torn to pieces, she cursed La, claiming that she would obliterate everything he cares about, including the land, the creatures, the people, and the gods, and that it would never end. The wrath altered her; she became the void and the infinite, unfathomable, darkest nothing that no one understands.

La lost his wives and children to the abyss, but it did not take his life; it took Earth and the humanity he loved. People blindly engaged in combat with one another over territory, women, and riches. Chaos and despair followed the void as she traversed the earth. La couldn't bear it any longer and vowed to fight. He picked the kindest and brave-hearted man on Earth to battle against the void. The perpetual fire, Morrier Leighann, is claimed to be the first one to be known. Every time the abyss approaches mankind, La will rise to oppose her, to battle for what is pure and upright. He lost and won many times, yet according to Morrier, his period will end with another great conflict, and a new endless fire will erupt, the void will return, all will disintegrate, and the future is uncertain. Jugo's heart pounded, "Grandpapa, you are correct, the moment has come, the void will arrive, and the one with eternal fire has already been born. Will the emptiness remain or will a new age begin, no one knows."

"Just as I had anticipated," Mazzi continued," You want Vera to be your king and of course, that throne is his place but I can't tell you where he is."

"What are you saying?" astounded, Helga slammed on the table, both hands gripped. Outraged, she demanded, "Why?"

"Helga, calm down," Catherine sighed, gazing into Mazzi's crimson eyes; "What do you want? What is it that you desire in return?" She enquired

"Yes, as one would expect from a queen, I have a price, and it is Nek-asrof. Nek-asrof is what I desire; we won't join hands with any other kingdoms, and I'll be in charge of this territory as its king. Nek-asrof will be a free nation," Mazzi smiled. Sicil and Xena were stunned, and Ceasar was annoyed.

"NEVER! That will never happen," he said, yelling.

"Indeed, that is not feasible." Laisa agreed with Ceasar's opinion. Helga was speechless, and Catherine was quiet.

"Why not? What's the dilemma?" Xena vented her rage

"For years, we lived here like abandoned old dolls, with no one to care for us or govern over us. Mazzi was the one who gathered our people, from Frook to Ruu, the bandits, thieves, poor, men, women, and children. We need a free nation and effective leadership; Mazzi is that ruler for all of us since we cannot allow our children to suffer as we did. Those who are born lofty and mighty will never understand the feeling of starvation and loneliness. We were born to that. What Mazzi asked is the dream of every living thing of Nek-asrof." Everyone was moved and filled with regret hearing Sicil's statements.

"Sicil and I shared a home with a grandma who was not even our blood. She took us in while I was eating dirt and rats in the streets and Sicil was being beaten to death by some Egur knights for taking bread out of hunger, she called us her family, but nothing is permanent. When we met Mazzi, we three dreamt of a life, a free life, where we can live in pride as others of your country. As he remarked, what we most desire is the freedom to choose our own future," Xena spoke up. Others were rendered speechless and plunged into quiet.

"I'll never know what you've been through and I sincerely apologise for our neglect, but the only way to get the freedom you want is through Vera, my brother, your brother. We can't assist you right now to liberate Nek-asrof, but if you help my brother, he can. We vow Nek-asrof will be set free as you desire if you battle by his side." Helga promised.

"Hmm... It's not a terrible proposal, but I will have to decline. I will not kneel in front of anybody pleading for our liberty, even if he is my brother. Nek-asrof would rather be an unclaimed part. About Vera, they are in Egur. They will be there since this is the first day of the Egur market. Look for the busiest incense shop. Then hopefully we will not meet again," Mazzi responded by walking out, and Xena and Sicil followed.

"He is more resilient than any Loistava nobleman. As Wiseman once observed, "Aristocracy never produces a clever monarch, but oppression and destitution do." Catherine sipped her tea and turned to face Caesar, telling, "Get ready for our trip to Egur, we will be meeting the future king of Loistava." They soon departed the Frook village, while Mazzi returned to his house.

Present time.......

Mazzi's men reached Egur. One of them, who looked to be a teenage lad, wearing thick spectacles, said, "Here, I see the shop," pointing at Vera and Banami's busy store. They pursued the youngster, whose name is Welly, who serves as the gang's treasurer. With a wide grin, he cried, "Banami, Vera."

"Welly? Why are you here?" Banami queried

"We received some important orders from Mazzi. Do not go back to Frook, you and Vera should find somewhere to hide," he said

"What? Why? Did he get into any trouble again? That brat! I told him many times not to involve Vera in his conflicts" Banami began to reprimand Mazzi, screaming, "Why can't you defend your leader? He became like this because of your bastards!" He also raised his voice against them.

"It's not him who got into hassle, it's you. They have come here to find you. The previous queen of Loistava, a princess, and some knights from Utshani. Now that they'll be in Forok, you must go," When Welly said those words, Banami sat on a chair shaking with disbelief. Vera dropped a bag of incense she was holding on the ground. Her hands trembled and perspired. She gulped as he sat famished on the ground.

"Why are they here? How did they? —" Without wasting any time, Banami grabbed Vera's hand and said, "Vera, we need to leave right away." She, on the other hand, was quivering like a bewildered street kitten and couldn't stand up or speak. She cowered in terror.