
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasy
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41 Chs

A Disguise

"Where are you going to hide, Banami?" Welly inquired, his gaze drawn to the growing gathering surrounding them. The market is bustling with excitement, there are jugglers, dancers, and musicians, and the kingdom suddenly resembles an enchanting realm overflowing with treats. Welly thought, grinning at Vera and Banami, "This is the perfect place to hide."

"We will manage the shop and distribute the profits to Mazzi or you after everything is finished. Until then, you'll conceal in an expensive inn, posing as nobility." Others were taken aback by his proposal. They all started to concur, and Banami, who had no other option to save Vera, also consented. To make Banami and Vera appear noble, Welly and other people bought silk clothing and false jewellery.

"Wear these and go to an upscale inn and get a room. You are not permitted to leave that room, regardless of what occurs," he clarified.

What should I do? How did they discover us? Nobody knows anything about Vera except the Frook villagers, but they will never betray me. Even if they did, neither Mazzi nor the others had ever seen Vera's eyes, thus they are unaware of her true identity. Banami pondered while he changed into new clothing. Vera entered an inn's restroom to change, her pulse thumping quicker than normal. She felt anxious. "Why is she pursuing me? Does she intend to murder us? What if they kill Banami? Hold them in the village, Mazzi, please," she said as she dressed as a young aristocratic boy.

"Oh! wow! You now appear to be a fiendish nobleman," Welly observed Banami wearing a green silk inner shirt, trousers, and a golden sleeveless vest over it, which was covered by a long green coat with golden decorations on it. For an extravagant appearance, he wore leather shoes and gold jewellery. Banami groaned, "Is Vera still not here?"

"Don't be concerned; our men are with him. I pick the most luxurious one for him, and he could appear to be a young prince wearing it," Welly said with a smug grin. Banami was astounded to hear Welly utter, "Prince," and he stood frozen. Then all of a sudden, people in the throng started talking to one another and gasping. The girls around them chuckled and flirted as they observed someone with a pretty flushed face. Vera's scarlet and gold silk attire left Banami and Welly in a state of utter awe. As Welly remarked, she had the appearance of a prince or king.

He approached Banami and the others timidly while disguising those emotions under his false composure. He was dressed in a red inner high-neck shirt and dark red trousers, a long red and golden ornamented coat, a golden stone brooch, designed leather boots, well-combed and tied hair, and faux gold jewellery. A light belt was also around her waist. She swapped out her blindfold with a stylish one. Vera moved amid the goons serving as her bodyguards.

"Who is he? So handsome,"

"I think he is a foreigner,"

"Maybe he is a young lord from some nobles family of Utshani, they wear a lot of ornaments,"

"It's a shame he's blind; I'm sure he'd seem more attractive if he wasn't."

Vera began to draw the attention of others around them. "We must leave immediately, Banami; we don't have time." Welly set up a carriage, and some of the bandits were prepared to accompany them.

"Banami, I'm terrified. What would happen if they caught us?" Vera, concerned, inquired while grasping Banami's moist hands. "Vera, calm down and be ill-spirited; you endured worse; you will overpower this as well," he soothed her. They departed towards the town's most opulent inn, which was exclusively frequented by rich nobility and royals. They entered adamantly.

"Good afternoon, Sir. Are you searching for lodging?" inquired a man who appeared to be the inn's owner.

Banami responded with all his strength, behaving haughtily like a nobleman, "Good day, Yes we are. I heard this is the most famed hotel in this area, so I believe we're at the right place. It is indeed too exquisite," he remarked.

"Oh my! Sir, you have my heartfelt appreciation; this is a family-owned business for years. We are the most trusted inn in this Egur. We are glad you choose us, please come in. Kindly let me know your personal information so I can register."

"Sure, I'm Hollar Gragorian, a Baron from Utshani, and here is my son Gerald Gragorian; we came to experience the magnificent Egur market days for ourselves. We must admit that today is the most splendid market day I have ever experienced." Banami sought to gain the owner's trust.

"Oh my goodness, you are true. As the new monarch of Egur, our King Kaiser Yola Egur is conducting his first market day. He spent far more money than his father to make it a magnificent occasion because it is his majesty's first extravaganza of this reign," the owner said while filling out a log book. "Our staff will escort you to your accommodation, so please proceed. We hope you have a pleasant stay with us. You may summon a servant simply by ringing the bell left on your table, and your servants and horses will be assigned a spot in the stable," he bowed respectfully. Banami and Vera made their way to their opulent chamber, which could accommodate ten people. They had excellent feather mattresses, tables and chairs, a huge bathroom, fruits, beverages, and maids.

"Oh, my heavens! it's no wonder that these noblemen are so arrogant and greedy; they are privileged brats, after all." Vera closed every window and door in the room as Banami lay on a bed. She removed her outerwear and pulled an axe from her luggage.

"Vera, stop fretting so much. They're not going to find us today. I will protect you. Get some rest so we can wake up at night," Banami suggested with a soft grin.

"Banami, I apologise. I'm to blame for everything. You and your family were brought into this mess for me. Because of me, you lost your son, your family, and your wonderful life; I sincerely regret it," as soon as she began to tear up, Banami sat beside her. "Look, Vera, I've already told you not to guilt yourself for what happened in my life. Please don't do it; although I made this decision with all of this in mind, I honestly never thought we would last ten years. My destiny was to rescue you, and I don't regret it." He calmed her with a hug. Even though Vera was at ease, she sobbed in his embrace. She was sobbing uncontrollably, and Banami was powerless to stop her. Time elapsed, the morning went into midday, and nothing had happened.


"We have searched through every incense shop in this market, Your Highness, but we have not found them. I suppose Mazzi's men relocated them to a secure place," after undertaking his search with Jugo and Helga, Ceasar reported.

"Mother, they won't leave Egur since the bustling market day is the best location for them to hide, therefore they must be disguised as someone else. We'll scour every nook and cranny of Egur," Helga explained

"Yes, a group headed by Helga will inspect the stores, and Caesar will seek the Mazzi's gang members," Catherine instructed. Suddenly, a royal knight of Egur and his troops arrived.

"Your Highness, the king has prepared a guesthouse for you. Please allow us to usher you," the knight stated.

"Very well," Catherine said, following them as Ceasar and Helga left to seek Vera. Egurs guard joined them to assist.

Meanwhile, Mazzi and Marcus are on their way to Egur, as are the shadows of Logan.