
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 16: That's how she entered the underworld.

As soon as everyone reached Somalia, they got to work.

"Queen, we found the location but it's not proper as their base is deep into the forest", Drake, one of Kiara's team member informed. "Okay, let's divide the teams into five teams", Adrian suggested. Kiara gave a nod.

"I will attack go Team C and King will be with Team A", Kiara said showing everyone the positions according to the plan. Everyone listened to what she and Adrian said carefully without interrupting.

"Also, this is my mission so I will kill those bastards", Kiara said specifically to Adrian. Adrian nodded and smiled internally when he remembered how cute she looked last time.

Kiara turn around and went out. The mission would start tomorrow so everyone had time to rest for today. Kiara wandered around the area alone for sometimes.

She sat near a small lake while she wondered about her first mission.



Kiara was only sixteen that time. She used to wander on the streets like a beggar. She never asked anyone for help. Slowly, she started getting involved in the underworld things unknowingly.

She used to kill people who tried to kidnap the kids from the streets and sold them. It was as if she turned into a complete different girl all of a sudden. From being innocent to being blood thirsty.

Once, she deliberately got kidnapped so she could get to the main base of the kidnappers. She was kept with many other kids who were around her age and even younger than her. The kids were aged between 10 to 22.

All the kids were crying except Kiara who had her cold face. She showed no emotion even when she was tortured. She let the people torture her until they were satisfied.

Kiara's whole body had wounds yet she didn't utter a word and acted indifferent. She was way too different from all the other kids. Even when she was about to get sold off, she showed no emotion.

On the day of auction, Kiara was bought by a gangster who was a billionaire in Australia. Kiara was too beautiful for anyone to reject her. Many people bade for her but that man won the auction.

He took her to his room in the hotel with her arms chained like a slave. The man was quite fascinated by her calm expression after all no other kid was like her. So calm yet giving off a dangerous air.

The man unchained her and asked her to pleasure him but she remained silent and didn't budge. The man slapped her hard yet she didn't refute as if she was remembering all the pain he was giving her.

After an hour of torture, the man was panting and sweating yet Kiara didn't show any emotion on her face. When the man was off guard, Kiara took the table lamp and hit it against his head from behind.

When the man gained his consciousness, he was chained while Kiara was sitting on the armchair in the room holding the chain that was connected to his neck.

"You are my slave. You will pay for every scar on my body", she spoke in a cold voice. This was first time she spoke after she killed her father which was almost three months back.

"I bought you. How dare you chain your master", the man yelled in rage. Kiara stood up and pulled the chain in hands. "I dare you say that again. I will kill you right now", she said in a very cold tone.

The man was actually scared of her. He never saw a girl who was so intimidating like her. She had no emotions in her eyes, they were almost cold as dead but the air around her was way too dangerous to not notice.

Kiara dragged the man with the help of the chain she was holding towards the bed. She attached the chain with the bed and then went to the bathroom. She got a scissor and blades and sat on the bed beside the man.

"I will pleasure you", she said in a really dangerous tone that made the man shiver. She then took the scissor and tore off the clothes he was wearing leaving him naked in front of her cold eyes.

For the first time, the man felt embarrassed being naked in front of a girl, that too a little girl who looked so fragile as if she will break with a little force.

Kiara looked at the man's face with disgust. She took a blade and started tracing it on his arms slowly not to harm his vital nerve to cause him to die so easily. She wanted him to slowly feeling pain.

With the help of the blade, she wrote on his chest: Man-wh*re.

"You bitch, let go of me. I will kill you once I get out of these chains", the man screamed. Kiara looked up at him and said, "But I think you gonna die now. Yep, I'm a bitch. A bad bitch. A monster."

The words that escaped her lips made the man shiver in fear. Kiara was satisfied by the expression on his face. "Let's pleasure you now", she said without any emotion and looked down at his dick.

She took another blade and slowly made some cuts on his balls making him curse her more and more. She swiftly cut off his penis while he screamed out his lungs because of the pain and sensation.

"Oops, my bad. I didn't know how to pleasure but you screamed. Did you like it?", she asked innocently to which he glared at her. Even after so much torture he was not giving up on his ego.

He struggle to get out of the chains but failed. Kiara moved the blade on his neck and cut off a nerve on his throat killing him then and there. The man laid lifeless on the bed while Kiara had blood all over her body and face.

After that, Kiara escaped the hotel room and went to the place where she was kept after kidnapping. She helped the kids get out of there first then she killed all the people and within a day, a gang disappeared into thin air.

And that's how she entered the underworld...


Present day

Kiara sighed remembering about that time. Probably it was a great decision as she could now clear off all those bastards who do such filfty work. She hates men and women who are nothing but whores and perverts.

Suddenly, she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned to find Adrian standing behind her. "Why are you here?", she asked coldly. He didn't respond and just sat next to her dipping his foot inside the water.

"Why are you here?", he asked with a raised brow. "I asked first", she said sternly. "I was just passing by when I saw you here so I came", he said casually with a shrug.

In reality, he wasn't just passing by but he was worried about her so he came to find her. If he was to say the truth, she would immediately send him away and get colder and more distant.

She scrunched her nose and rubbed it as a dragonfly passed from a few centimeters away from her face making her feel like sneezing but didn't. He found her too adorable when she did it.

A while later, he took a leaf from a small plant aside and deliberately started tickling her nose so she would make that face. She glared at him but he would her too cute and continued to tickle her.

She groaned in frustration and pushed his hand away. She took a small broken branch and threatened him. "I will pierce this into your hand if you again try to tickle me", she glared at him but he still found her cute.

When he again tried to move his hand towards her face she striked his hand with the small branch really hard. He hissed a little but it wasn't much painful for him.

"Humph, you deserve it", she turned away her face. He frowned looking at her indifferent look. "I will kiss you", he said sternly. Her eyes widened hearing his words and she immediately tried to get up but he was quick to hold her by her waist.

"Ah... leave you. Let go of me", she tried to run away but he was holding her too tightly. He pulled her closer and rested his chin on her shoulder from behind. She tried to attack him but he was quick to dodge them.

"If you struggle more then I will surely kiss you", he warned and quickly stopped resisting. "Is my kiss that disgusting?", he asked in a disappointed tone.

"Yes, very much", she coldly said. He felt bad and immediately let go of her.

She was surprised because he let her go so easily but she didn't think much and walked away leaving him alone there.