
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 1: I don't accept death.

What do you say is a bad luck?

Losing a bet?

Scolded by everyone?

Everything going wrong and not the way you want it to be?

Not able to find good friends?

Well, then you're too lucky than her.


Let's find out.

A girl aged 19 was beaten up brutally. She was ugly if you look at her but only some people would find her beautiful behind those scars and wounds on her body.

This is Kiara Johnson. Her father is the owner of one of the biggest entity in the country.

"You're just a slut like your mother", her father yelled at her. Kiara kept her eyes down the whole time until her father was done talking then she quietly went back to her room.

Kiara sat in the corner of the room with her knees upto her chest wrapping her arms around them. She was mentally and physically tortured but didn't dare utter a word out of her lips.

After a few days, she got out of her house and went to see someone she trusted the most. Her friends.

As she went to see her friends, they all made fun of her. Her friends said that they didn't wanted to be her friends anymore. Their stupid reason was: Since she doesn't appears when they need her then why should they be friends with her?

Is friendship all about this?

But did anyone ever turn up to her when she needed them? She was always the first one to be there for her friends when they needed someone but now they say that she never appears.

Her friends left her. Those that wanted to be her friends left because they didn't wanted others to make of fun of them about having such ugly duckling as their friend.

Without any friends, she went to see a person she thought would never leave her. The love of her life, Chris.

She knocked on the door of his apartment but he didn't open. "Chris, are you in there?", she called out but no answer. She decided to call him but he didn't answer.

She called the third time, this time someone picked up. It was a voice of some girl. "Who's...", Kiara stopped talking when she heard the voice behind.

"You like it hard, bitch", a voice rang on the other line and Kiara was sure that it was Chris' voice. She heard his voice as tears rushed out of her eyes continuously.

Betrayed by friends and now the love of her life.

She hung up the call and went to her best friend's apartment but she never thought that God would be so cruel to give her all the betrayal at at once.

As soon as, Kiara entered the apartment she found her friend pressed under a naked guy who was none other than her friend and love of her life, Chris.

"Oh, look, who's here! What a surprise, bestie! See your boyfriend is more interested in fucking me than being you", Amy said with a smirk looking at Kiara.

"Why did you do this to me?", Kiara asked both of them. "I thought you're my bestie and Chris, didn't you love me?"

Chris sneered, "Love? Have you ever seen yourself? You have no figure and you're so ugly. I was with you only as you could benefit me in university with your identity."

Kiara's tears rolled down her eyes continuously without stopping. "How dramatic!", Amy rolled her eyes and commented.

"You wanna join us for a threesome? You can come. I'll fuck you", Chris said. Kiara's eyes widened. Her world already shattered by so many things that happened with her today.

"I don't mind. After all you're by bestie", Amy said casually. Kiara gave them a disgusted look.

Chris came forward to touch her but she retreated at the back. "You disgust me", she blurted out in disgust. Her eyes held only hatred and pain.

Kiara felt like everything was suddenly turned upside down in her world.

Her father abandoned her, her friends left her, her best friend betrayed her so did her love.

"I digust you? You'll pay for these words", Chris said and grabbed her hairs tightly. He locked the door and threw her on the floor. "Let me give you a gift before I do anything", Chris said and took his mobile.

He gave her his mobile and showed something that lead her eyes to widen. Her nude pictures and some other pictures were everywhere on the internet. She felt ashamed of herself.

She knew that if she was to go back to her house now, her father would never spare her.

"I pity you my dear bestie", Amy said standing up from the couch. Kiara didn't look up.

"You're of no use now. I think it's time to say goodbye to this world, darling", Chris said with a smirk. Kiara looked up not quite understanding what he meant by those words.

"You don't know? I'm the one who gave the news reporters your pictures. You father long wanted to get rid of you as well. Today, I'll fulfill his wish", Chris said holding Amy by her waist.

"And I was the one to distribute the photos and videos, my dear bestie", Amy smirked.

Kiara gave a bitter smile. She knew that her father hated her but to the point that he would want his own daughter dead? Which father would do that? Didn't people say that daughters are the apple of father's eyes?

She felt that dying was the only solution to get rid of all her misfortune.

"You're so pathetic. You're ugly that's why no one wants you", Amy laughed looking at Kiara. Chris grabbed Kiara's hairs and made her stand. She groaned in pain and held his hand.

He dragged her out towards the balcony. They were on 8th floor. "Look, your death is here", Chris said making her look down. He slammed her head against the wall nearby making her head bleed.

"I disgust you, right? Let me do something more disgusting before I kill you", he said and dragged her inside by her hairs. He threw her on the floor and removed his robe standing naked in front of her.

"Let me be your first and last before you die", he said with an evil smirk. She crawled backwards and begged him not to. "I can't believe I loved you for all these years. You're a monster", Kiara yelled.

"Monster? I'll show you what I actually am", he said in a rage filled tone. All of a sudden, Kiara stood up and ran to the balcony.

"If I am to die then I'll die pure. I will never let you touch me", she threatened. Chris smirked.

"I won't kill you so easily", he said and walked out to the balcony with Amy. Chris held her and Amy injected something in her body. "People will think you died because you were drugged and lost control", Amy said.

He threw something in her eyes that started burning her eyes. Before Kiara knew anything, she was thrown down the balcony.

If I am to die this way then I don't accept this, God. If I ever get a chance to come back and change my fate, I'll make each and every person pay who hurt me.

Thoughts rushed into her mind.

When a person is dying, they think about everything that has happened to them.

She was laying on the pool of her own blood. Lifeless.

I don't accept death. That's the last thing she thought before taking her last breath.