
Vengeance: Unleash the Devil

She was broken. Completely broken. She was killed. She time travels back to the past and gets a chance to change her fate. She was too ugly and fat to look at. Friends? She had many but no more. Love? She hates the word love. Trust? It's like a curse to her. She will make each and every person pay for their deeds. She believes in an eye for an eyes and a tooth for a tooth. All of a sudden she disappears and then returns with a complete new personality. She had come back to rule over the world. She is a Queen whom no one can touch. A look from her is enough to make everyone shiver. She has never smiled after her rebirth. Will she ever smile? He is the King of our story who rules over the world. He's too cold and ruthless yet too handsome to overlook. The first time he saw her, his heart was caught off guard. He wanted her. No, he needed her. He wants to solve this beautiful mystery now. The two are on the way to take their own vengeance. Will they win against their powerful enemies? "Be mine. I'll give you everything you desire for", he said arrogantly. "I desire for blood", she said in a dangerous tone.

Joyshree_Ghosh · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 2: Unleashing the Devil.

Kiara jolted and opened her eyes as she sat up on the bed. Sweating and panting. 

She looked around and found herself in her room. "Didn't I die?", she asked herself looking down at her hands and body. She stood up and went to the bathroom.

She was shocked to see herself. She was now 16. "Did I reincarnate?", she asked herself.

She sat quietly for a while before coming to conclusion. Once she looked up, her eyes held nothing but coldness and thirst for her revenge and blood.

She went downstairs and saw her father in the dining room. This was the man who have been torturing her from the time she was born. He wasn't her father but a monster.

Her mother was a whore who manipulated her father and gave birth to her then abandoned her when Kiara was only 4 but later her father killer her mother.

Her father never took her as his daughter. He treated her worse than an animal. He thought of Kiara as a burden. He was no less her mom as he kept many mistress and was known for his really bad reputation.

Kiara stared at him with cold eyes while they had their breakfast. After that, her father left for office while she went to her school.

"Kiara", someone called out as she was walking to her classroom. It was her so called bestie, Amy and other friends. I'll make you all pay for your betrayal. Kiara thought while looking at them.

"Kiara, you look sad. Is everything okay?", a certain guy asked. It was Chris. She was in a relationship with him since she was 15. She now felt that was way too naive to not have seen through all of them earlier.

"No, everything is alright", Kiara answered coldly. "Why are you talking like this? We are your friends", another girl asked from the group. She wanted to laugh at them.

"I don't need friends and Chris, let's breakup", she said and walked away.

"Is something wrong with that bitch?", Lea asked in disgust. "She had turned too arrogant", Amy sneered.

Kiara was too quiet the whole day ignoring everyone around her.

By late night, her father came home all drunk. He opened the door of her room with a loud bang. "You slut. You're an ungrateful bitch like your mother", he said in disgust and took his belt to beat her.

Today, she wasn't scared of him but looked straight into his eyes without any emotion. "I disagree. I'm not a slut but you are. You've so many mistresses not the other way around", she said fearlessly.

"How dare you talk back at me?!", he yelled and was about to beat her but she held the belt. "No more. I won't let you beat me anymore. That was enough", she said.

"How dare you?", he screamed and threw her down making her hit the edge of the bed.

That night, the father and daughter argued a lot. She was too fearless which he denied to take as it hurt his ego. How can a slut's daughter be so prideful? That's what he thought.

The next moment, her father was laying on the ground with her kneeling on the floor beside him with a knife in her hand. "You are a man whore", she screamed and stabbed the knife into his crotch making him scream.

"I despise you", she yelled and stabbed the knife straight into his stomach.

"I despise myself to be born in your family", she said and once again stabbed him. He tried to hold her hands but suddenly was too strong. Maybe the thirst for her vengeance got her to be so strong.

"You are not a father. You are a monster", she screamed and stabbed him the third time. Everytime she spoke, she stabbed him. All in all, she stabbed him more than twenty times until she was satisfied.

Her hands, body and face were covered in blood while her father laid on the ground in the pool of his blood, DEAD! She killed him with her own bare hands.

Her father's body was all ruined. He was stabbed on his crotch, stomach, chest, face. She took the knife and with the tip of the knife she wrote on her father's arms: Unleashing the Devil!

By those words, she meant that from that moment the Devil inside her will be out who was blood thirsty of all those bastards who hurt her in every possible way.

Suddenly, someone came in. It was one of her father's mistress. Kiara's eyes shot up at the woman. The woman gasped loudly and fell behind on the cold floor.

Kiara stood up and walked towards the woman. "I dare you to speak a word outside and then you can wait for your grave to be dug", Kiara warned in a dangerous tone.

All of a sudden, the air around Kiara turned too cold and dark. The woman was too scared to even look up that she peed in her pants. Kiara smirked looking at the woman.

"I love it when you all fear me", Kiara said with an evil smile.

"I... I won't speak but please don't kill me", the woman begged Kiara. "You're useless. If you do anything, I'll make sure you're the next after him", Kiara said and walked out of the mansion.

She wiped her face and cleaned the blood off her body. From that moment, she decided that she would make each and every person pay like her father did but in more different creative ways.

She went to a park and sat on the bench. She had nowhere to go.

No friends, no loved one, no family or house.

She looked around and saw many kids playing. "Was I even made to be a human?", she asked herself.

Ever since she was born, her father always kept her caged inside the mansion. After begging for more than a year, he agreed to let her go out in school. Her life was like a prison where she couldn't do anything.

But no more. She was now free from her monster father.

From the time she was born, she had only seen violence around her. All she saw was blood and nothing else until she turned 15 when she finally got the chance to go out and see other things that existed in the world.

But then she regretted going out. All she got was betrayal and nothing else. Her long term friends who were with her from her childhood too left her. She was alone.

Her father was rich but now she was a begger. She had nothing. Her clothes were bloody. Her face was had stains of blood which wasn't cleaned properly.