

Regrets of the past may obstruct the ascension of an individual, This happens to the Pearl Venerable where he failed to ascend because of his inner demon, now he returns to earth and tries to untie the knot in his heart in order to ascend. Note: Heya! This is my first book so please bear with grammatical and typographical error throughout the entire series. And also this a filipino type cultivation novel, and is inspired based on Philippine Mythology, however all the characters in this book are not accurate to the actual Mythology and i just used them as inspiration. Thank you for reading!

TheRustedPen · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Is he really our master?

<p>Destra and his sister is utterly shock as they watch the seen unfold in front of them.<br/><br/>'Is he really our master?' Destra thought<br/><br/>"Destra, it seems like that senior knows our master and they have a deep relationship" Her sister whispered to him<br/><br/>"Yeah, otherwise how could master cried like that? He must be master's long lost family or friend" Destra replied in whisper<br/><br/>"Could it be, that is master's dao companion?" Her sister blurted out of nowhere, although they could see what's going on, they couldn't hear a single word at all, that's why absurd thoughts suddenly entered her mind.<br/><br/>"WHAT!?" Destra who caught off guard by this, unintentionally raised his voice.<br/><br/>"You fool! What if master hears you?" She suddenly covered destra's mouth.<br/><br/>'Fortunately, master is crying so he didn't noticed destra's reaction. <br/>Otherwise we will definitely face a hard punishment this time' She mumbles to herself<br/><br/><br/>"What a helpless little brother" she sighed <br/><br/>Then she said "You better not open that stupid mouth of yours until i say so, or else..." Then she fiercedly looked at Destra.<br/><br/>Destra shooked his head up and down repeatedly, clearly nodding in agreement.<br/><br/>Although their master often gives them hard punishment, they actually also gain some benefits from it. Like, strengthening their physique or boosting their cultivation speed, on the other hand, when her sister gives a punishment, she brutally beat him down until he drop a minor realm or two, although their master gives him nominous treasures to heal himself and retain his realm, fear instills unto the deepest part of his soul.<br/><br/>Thus, it is hard for him to choose who to listen sometimes, whether his master or his brutal sister. <br/><br/><br/><br/>"It's alright, now stop crying before i make the whole immortal realm disappear forever" Pearl Venerable said in a low tone<br/><br/>As soon as Xuan Lin heard it, he suddenly stopped crying and regained his composture, standing up like a majestic immortal again.<br/><br/>"Good boy" Pearl Venerable said<br/><br/>"Master, what brin-" before he could finish speaking, the scene before him changed, he is now kneeling in front of his throne along with his two disciples, as they look up, they saw Pearl Venerable sitting on the throne.<br/><br/>Destra and his sister's face turned pale as they don't know what actually happened, in an instant they were kneeling in front of this senior, and what surprises them is even their master is kneeling too.<br/><br/>The two of them looked af each other and continued to keep their heads low to the ground as they kneel, they are not stupid, the other party's strength clearly exceeds their master, so they could only kneel lowly before him.<br/><br/>"Lin Lin, I forbid you to speak" Pearl Venerable said<br/><br/>Xuan Lin nodded and lowered his head.<br/><br/>Then, the Pearl Venerable turned his gaze on Destra.<br/><br/>"Say, Am i now worthy to be your master?" As soon as Pearl Venerable said it, Destra's face turned pale, as his whole body shivers.<br/><br/>After a moment he finallg gained a courage to answer, "Ye-yes, Senior"<br/><br/><br/>"Mhm" Pearl Venerable said in agreement<br/><br/>'Am i being too cold? or too harsh? what if they fear me to the point that they will learn nothing even if i tried my best to teach, this sucks, this sucks' Pearl Venerable thought to himself<br/><br/>'I should be friendly, yes be friendly, after cultivating for countless eons i totally forgot how to communicate, and my cold self is all i can use to interact with others'<br/><br/>'Oh my, how will i be able to find her on Earth, at this point i will not be able to befriend my neighbhour, let alone finding her, it seems impossible'<br/><br/>Although he is regarded as the strongest existence of all, it's been a very long time since he talked to others. Sure there were times when he needs to show up in public, but that does nit even counts even a conversation, the other party was very careful of their replies and kneeling in front of him, even his right hand "Unang Babaylan", Has to kneel in front of him and everytime he tries to have a friendly conversation with him, it was helpless.<br/><br/><br/>At this point, he is at loss, and placed his hope on this two young rascals to practice his communication skills.<br/><br/>He suddenly thought of a plan, First he'll established a laid back atmosphere so the two of them can actually be at ease when talking to him. Second..uhh he don't know!<br/><br/>Then, he sighed helplessly<br/><br/><br/>"Xuan Lin, I will temporarily take this two disicple of yours, you don't actually mind do you? don't worry they'll only be taking a stroll on earth for the mean time, i'll return these two to you as soon as i finish my business there"<br/><br/><br/>"H-how long master?"<br/><br/>"I don't know, thousand years i guess?"<br/><br/><br/>Xuan Lin: "..."<br/><br/>'Thousand years?? Do you need a thousand years to take a stroll?? forget thousand years, even a hundred years is enough to travel across that tiny planet and unveil all it's mysteries!'<br/><br/>"Sigh" He could only sigh helplessly as he nods towards his master<br/><br/>'So be it, it's just a thousand years'<br/><br/>"Good, Good, It'll only be like a blink of an eye" As soon as The Pearl Venerable said that, he suddenly disappeared along with his two disciples, leaving a bright golden-green pill on the throne.<br/><br/><br/>When Xuan Lin, approach the pill a few words that contained Great Dao, appeared in front of him.<br/><br/>"Invincibility Pill 2: The person who consumed if will attain absolute invincibility within the upper dimension"<br/><br/>Xuan Lin eyes sank deep, he could not believe he receive a invincibility pill again, and this time, it will grant him invincibility within the upper realm! now he don't need to fear the whole Primordial Voidling Race...No even the whole upper dimension will be nothing in fronf of him.<br/><br/>Without a second thought, he hurriedly consumed the pill and felt like his power increased by a billion fold!<br/><br/>"What disciples? even if master wants the whole immortal realm, i will not hesitate to it over to him, hehehe" Xuan Lin laugh coldly as he returned to sit on his throne.</p>