

Regrets of the past may obstruct the ascension of an individual, This happens to the Pearl Venerable where he failed to ascend because of his inner demon, now he returns to earth and tries to untie the knot in his heart in order to ascend. Note: Heya! This is my first book so please bear with grammatical and typographical error throughout the entire series. And also this a filipino type cultivation novel, and is inspired based on Philippine Mythology, however all the characters in this book are not accurate to the actual Mythology and i just used them as inspiration. Thank you for reading!

TheRustedPen · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: You are not worthy!

Destra is stunned as well as his sister

"Accept you as our master? You want me to betray our Master, The hero of immortal realm?"

'Who is the hero of inmortal realm?

Ten thousand years ago when the Immortal Realm is invaded by Voidlings, fierce creatures of the void whose cultivation realm was unfathomable, He single handedly defeated them all, It is said that his powers far surpassed the voidlings and was invincible in the battlefield, and yet this senior daoist in front of him actually dared to take them as his disciple? Is he worthy enough?'

"Hmph, I will never betray the Immortal Master, kill me if you wanted to!"

'You are not worthy!' Destra said in his mind.

"Let's talk to your master then" The moment he said this, he snapped his finger and the three of them instantly disappeared in the room and appeared in a seemingly beautiful throne room, with 16 golden dragon pillars on each side and in the center, an elevated golden throne emitting countless great dao runes, and has 7 rainbow colored stairs towards it.

The two of them was shocked!

They were in that room a moment ago and in the blink of an eye, they actually appeared in their master's throne room!

"Impossible!" Destra is flabbergasted, then he looked at his sister who actually fainted because of shock!

"Sis??? Sis!" Destra hurriedly run towards her, as tears slowly falling in his eyes, then a small green ball of light appeared and entered inside her petite body, the next moment, she opened her eyes and saw destra's teary face.

She smiled and said, "Silly little brother i just fainted, i'm not going to leave you alone"

The Pearl Venerable just stood there, watching over them.

The two of them didn't notice his existence at all, and rushed over towards the throne, then kowtowed before it.

"Master, Your disciple pays respect" the two of them said in unison

"It's fine" A deep voice was heard as the throne room trembled and countless dao runes gushes out of his mouth.

After that, A yellow energy covered the two as they flew over the throne.

"Master we saw a powerful daoist on earth and–" Not letting destra finish his words, his master covered his mouth and said "I know everything" as soon as he said this, Another tremble occur within the throne room and small cracks started to appear within the pillar and the walls.

'As expected of master!" Destra shouted deep inside of him as he looked at his master full of admiration.

"You sure doted your disciples very well" The Pearl Venerable complimented

The two of them was shocked, they didn't noticed his existence at all, if not for the compliment he said, they would never realised it.

"Master, It's him!hurry up and teach him a lesson, he actually dared to bully two of your disciple, his cultivation must be crippled!" Destra suddenly stand up and pointed at Pearl Venerable.

"Greeting fellow daoist, My name is Xuan Lin, I am the master of this two brazen kids, i thanked you for shlwing merct on them and bringing them back here" Xuan Lin said.

'This fellow instantly appeared in front of me, this room, the throne room have four hundred thousand formation of all types, yet he appeared in front of me without triggering atleast single one of it, and i barely sensed his aura until the moment he speak' Xuan Lin analysed the man in front of him, trying to get a look at his face but to his surprised, his whole head is actually covered in white fog, unable to see through it at all.

'Damn it, i even use my heavenly eyes that could see through the depths of void and reveal the secrets of universe, yet i cannot even take a single peek inside the fog, This man is not simple, he must be an expert from the upper dimension' Then he looked towards the two of his disciple, and waved his hand creating an invisible barrier around them.

'This should be enough...No, I hope that it is enough, if things goes south i will ensure their safety first'

"Do not move, and do not utter a single word" Xuan Lin said.

Then, he stand up from his throne as slowly descend on the 7 rainbow colored stairs, he maintains a majestic appearance flaunting his status as the master of this place.

"Stop trying to impress me, it's been a while since we last met and you actually have the guts to show your status in front of me?" The Pearl Venerable said

As soon as he heaed it, Xuan Lin stopped and balls of sweat appeared on his forehead.

'He knows me? Could it be the Voidlings? Impossible i annihilated the voidling race and killed all their powerhouses and experts, could it be...the primordial voidlings from the upper dimension?' Xuan Lin frowned as he thought of this possibility, although he is invincible in the immortal realm. But one had to know that a single expert from the upper dimension can kill him with ease, that's how far the gap between dimension is.

"Hahahaha, you haven't changed that overthinking brain of yours, Lin Lin"


Upon hearing this, Xuan Lin lost all the strength on his legs as he dropped mercilessly on the floor, and kneel towards Pearl Venerable.

On this moment Xuan Lin came into realization, although this terrifying existence in front of him is not an expert from the primordial voidlings race, The Existence in front of him is more terrifying than that.

Merely saying terrifying is not enough to describe this existence.

Xuan Lin raised his upper body

"WAAAAH! M-M-MASTER! WAAAAH" Xuan Lin bursted into tears, as he called the existence in front of him master.

To hell with being the hero of immortal realm, master is master and he finally saw sim after countless thousand years.

At this point he is like a baby, booming sound of cries reverbated throughout the throne room, he is now feeling countless emotions he never felt in the last 20,000 years.