

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 4

If there was a time where he was happy, Hitoshi Shinso couldn't remember it. His family was always poor. His mother left when he was young, leaving him with only his father. His father, who tried so hard but he saw so little of. It was easy to find himself retreating inwards. He didn't talk to many people. He just tried to keep his head down. Apparently, it made him an easy target for bullies.

He was bullied for a few years but silently accepted it. When he finally got tired of it and asked why they were attacking him, his quirk manifested. The trance that the kid found himself in seemed like he became frozen in time. The other kids noticed and ran off, screaming to a teacher that Hitoshi had cursed their classmate. It took him a while and pressure from teachers and students alike to finally release the kid from his quirk. He later found out that it was a mind control quirk. Everyone avoided him for that. No-one wanted to get cursed by the creepy loner. Hitoshi was fine with that, or so he told himself.

Then Middle School came. And the kids became more brash. More creative. They found a way to keep his mouth shut, tying a stick in it or forcing a dog muzzle on him, and the bullying commenced, now under the guise of his classmates protecting themselves from a villain. The teachers did nothing. When ever Hitoshi tried to get them to back off, they'd tell someone Hitoshi was threatening to brainwash them and he'd get in trouble. Eventually, he just gave up and shut down whenever the inevitable beatings came. He just hid his injuries from his tired from work dad, cooked something up for dinner, wrapped any major injuries up with some first aid tips he got online and tried to live his life.

Then, one day, he found it. A small blog buried in news of the actions of heroes and villain attacks. He was looking up videos on Eraserhead, his favourite hero. Because Eraser was underground, most videos or pictures of him were taken by the public. He never liked media attention. An enigmatic hero like that. Hitoshi couldn't help be drawn to him. Then he found Venality. A small site. Only three main story posts. One was a story about a Quirkless kid who was rejected the chance to be anything in the world by even a high ranked pro hero just because he was Quirkless. The third, a story about a girl who's quirk made her invisible, making her question her very existence until she found the blog. And the second? The second he could empathise with. A girl treated like a monster due to her mutant appearance and deadly quirk. Just like he was treated like a Villain for his loner nature and dark seeming quirk.

He moved on to the PMs. There were four people talking. They were just talking. Like normal people. Friends. Hitoshi didn't feel like it was right to interrupt. But he couldn't stop himself from watching. And watch he did. For a few hours. Then the next day. And the next. And the next. It was creepy. He knew it. But he couldn't help how… normal these people seemed, despite what the stories had depicted them as. He wondered how that could be. How they were so strong. How he could be stronger.

Then, one evening, Usagi logged on alone. Hitoshi had the site on more or less all the time so he wouldn't lose it though wasn't convinced he wanted to bookmark it or not. He was surprised to see a message pop up.

Usagi: You know, lurker, as the systems administrator, I can see everyone who's on the PMs.

Hitoshi's blood ran cold. He knew? All this time watching and he knew? Hitoshi panicked. What should he do? Close the site? Message back? He was in two minds. On one hand, he had no right to join in with whatever was going on here. But , part of him wanted to. Wanted to be a part of the normality.

Usagi: I don't mind. But, if you want to talk, we can. I'm sure the others won't mind.

Hitoshi read the message over a few times. Wouldn't mind? Was Usagi right? Would they accept him? They didn't know him or his quirk. But, on the other hand, they accepted the girl who was treated like a monster, Toxicity. Surely, he could let his heart soften. Just once. Giving in, he made an account.

-Brainstorm has entered the chat-

Usagi: Hey there.

Brainstorm: hey

Brainstorm: sorry didn't mean to be stalking

UsagI: Don't worry about it. I get people being nervous with something like this.

Usagi: We aren't all social butterfly's, after all.

Brainstorm: yeah

Usagi: So. You got a story?

Usagi: Don't feel pressured. You don't have to say.

Usagi: We still don't know that much about Crucible, after all

-Crucible has entered the chat-

Crucible: What was that?

Usagi: Ah ha ha ha. Nothing important.

Brainstorm: id rather not

Usagi: Understandable.

Crucible: A new arrival. Hey.

Brainstorm: hey

Usagi: Man, now we have to of you.

Crucible: Quiet

Usagi: Ha ha.

-Violet has entered the chat-

Violet: Sorry. Am I late? I got held up.

Usagi: No, your fine.

Violet: Phew.

Violet: Oh. Hey. I just noticed.

Violet: Welcome Brainstorm ^w^

Brainstorm: thanks

Usagi: So. Why Brainstorm, if you don't mind me asking.

Brainstorm: its related to my quirk

Usagi: I see.

Usagi: And that is

Brainstorm: id rather not say.

Usagi: Cause it's villainous?

Hitoshi bit his lip. He'd already messed up.

Usagi: You know we don't care right? I mean, I'm quirkless.

Usagi: We won't judge.

Violet: Nope.

Violet: But Usagi might go into hyper analyst mode.

Usagi: I would not

Crucible: Would

-Toxicity has entered the chat-

Toxicity: Yeah, he would.

Toxicity: Heya guyz!

Violet: Hi Mina! <3

Toxicity: So, what's up?

Crucible: Yo

Usagi: We were welcoming Brainstorm

Toxicity: Who?

Toxicity: Oh shit. New guy.

Toxicity: Sorry.

Brainstorm: its cool

Toxicity: So that's why Sagi would go super mode

Toxicity: KK. I see it.

Brainstorm: whats hyper analyst mode

Violet: Usagi loves quirks. And talking about quirks.

Violet: like A LOT.

Brainstorm: a lot

Crucible: Really. A lot.

Toxicity: Yup.

Usagi: I'm not that bad

Usagi: OK. Maybe it is.

Toxicity: OK. Just scrolled up.

Toxicity : You know, my quirks pretty villainous.

Brainstorm: huh

Toxicity: I make acid. Like super acidy acid

Brainstorm: it cant be that bad

Toxicity: I've burned through so many tables on accident.

Toxicity: It really is that bad.

Shinso hummed in thought. Was it really OK? As he was thinking, others shared theirs. Violet was invisible, as he'd read, and Crucible could create both fire and ice. It was pretty cool thinking about it. Finally, he relented.

Brainstorm: mind control

Usagi: Seriously?

Brainstorm: yes i know its weird

Usagi: No. Not at all. It sounds awesome. How does it work?

Violet: Oh boy

Brainstorm: if i ask someone a question and they answer within a short time frame i can force them to obey me

Toxicity: Now I get it.

Toxicity: People get on your back about it, huh?

Brainstorm: yeah

Toxicity: Yeah. Me too.

Crucible: We won't judge. Don't worry.

Brainstorm: really

Violet: Trust us, Brain. Don't worry about your quirk. We're here if you need us.

Usagi: Does it have a range?

Brainstorm: dunno

Usagi: Hmm. Can you check?

Violet: Usagi.

Usagi: Oops. Sorry.

Brainstorm: no problem

Hitoshi smiled slightly, a strange, unfamiliar yet comforting warmth filling his chest.

Brainstorm: and thanks

For a while, Hitoshi's life was better. Almost too good to be true. School was still the same. Same students mocking him for his quirk, trying to rile him up so he'd get in trouble. Same accusations of being a villain. Same threats. Same everything. However, his home life was still better. Finding Venality had actually made him happy. A foreign feeling he thought himself numb too. He actually had a place to talk about his problems. Everyone did. He helped talk others through some tough times. He and Toxicity, or Mina as she asked to be called, bonded over mistreatment. It was nice.

His father also noticed the change. He seemed a lot happier his son seemed a lot happier. It seemed to help him work harder too. Hitoshi liked seeing his old man happy, not worrying about him. Their schedule didn't change. Sometimes his father came back earlier or later but Hitoshi always cooked for him thanks to him being exhausted from the work day, they talked for a little bit during dinner and then Hitoshi returned to his room. Hitoshi was starting to think about High Schools. Maybe he could get into UA. He wanted his life to stay this normal. But then Hitoshi received a harsh lesson. Life wasn't fair.

His father was late that day. It was nothing unusual. Sometimes his father went out drinking after work with some friends. He just made put his father's portion of dinner in the fridge and went out his day. Then, while he was doing his homework and watching Usagi and Mina argue over Ramen flavours, he got a knock on the door. He opened it to a pair of police officers, one tall and thin with rough looking skin and a smaller, fatter one with black teeth. " Is this the home of Ranmaru Shinso?" The shorter cop asked. Hitoshi nodded. " Is your mother home?"

" No. She… doesn't live here." He said carefully.

" I see. Well, I'm sorry to tell you this son, but your father has passed away." Hitoshi froze.

" W-What?" He asked, disbelieving.

" It happened at 4:47 this evening. There was a fight between Mount Lady and a Villain. Your father was caught in it and was killed when a building collapsed." The taller one said. Hitoshi's mouth fell open. His father? Dead. Why? Why?! " We're sorry for your loss."

" Why…"

" You want us to take you to a relatives or-"

" No. I'll… I want to be alone." The two gave Hitoshi a sympathetic look.

" Are you sure, Kid?"

" Positive." Hitoshi answered bitterly. " Thank you for informing me but leave me alone."

" Alright kid. Stay safe." Hitoshi didn't answer, simply closing the door in their face. This had to be a sick joke. His father? Dead. That couldn't be. He returned to his room and sat in silence. He couldn't think straight. He couldn't feel the tears running down his face. He didn't register the gradually updating blog on is desk. He just felt empty. It was a few hours before he finally came back to his senses. He was filled with a sudden feeling of want. He didn't want to be alone. But now he was. He looked over to his laptop. He really wanted to talk to someone. Anyone. Only one person was still online.

Brainstorm: usagi

Usagi: Hmm. What's up?

Brainstorm: i

Brainstorm: hes gone

Usagi: Are you alright?

Brainstorm: no

Usagi: Want to meet up

Brainstorm: yes

That's how Hitoshi found himself at a bar one city over late at night. Usagi met him at the door. " Brainstorm?" He asked. Hitoshi looked up. " I'm Usagi. Izuku Midori-" Hitoshi cut him off. He just grabbed him and broke down crying.

" He's gone." Was all he could say. Izuku just silently accepted it. After a while, Hitoshi broke the hug. " Sorry."

" Hey. Nothing to be sorry about." Izuku looked over to the bartender, a man who's entire body seemed to be made of black smoke. " Mind if we use one of the spare rooms, Kurogiri?"

" Not at all. It seems your friend is going through something difficult." The bartender nodded. " It's open as long as he needs it."

" Thanks." Izuku led Hitoshi in back and sat him down on a bed in one of the side rooms. " Want something?"

" I just want someone to talk to. I don't want to be alone tonight."

" Sure. What happened?"

" It's my father. He… He was killed."

" Oh."

" He was caught in the crossfire. Some villain attack late this afternoon. He was crushed by a falling building." Izuku's face fell.

" Mount Lady, right?"

" Yeah. That's what the cops say." Izuku groaned.

" Ugh. I hate her." Izuku growled. " She has the second highest collateral rate of all heroes. Only one higher than her is Endeavour. And the civilian casualty rate… it's too high. And yet the commission will sweep it under the rug as always."

" As always?" Izuku sighed.

" I don't mean to get worked up. I've just studied up on facts when it comes to heroes. It's scary what you find really. You never here about all the lives that heroes ruin in their wake. Lives lost. Irreparable injuries. The news will blame it on the villains. And the commission? The corrupt cesspool will dispose of everything not fitting of the narrative." Izuku shook his head. " No. Sorry. This isn't about them."

" You think Mount Lady did this?" Hitoshi asked angrily

" I'd have to do some digging but…" Izuku didn't need to say anymore. Hitoshi clenched his fists so hard his knuckles became white.

" Is she gonna get away with it?" Hitoshi asked.

" I highly doubt she knows she even did anything wrong." Izuku admitted. Hitoshi was seething. How could she not know? She killed her father. The only person who had ever cared for him. How dare she just get away with that. How dare she. Izuku gave Hitoshi a sympathising smile. " You can stay with us for as long as you want. Tomura gets a bit excitable, but he'll welcome you like he did me. And Kurogiri is as nice a carer as they come."

" Thanks Izuku."

" No problem. You look like you need a friend right now." Hitoshi looked up and smiled. He did. He really, really did. So Hitoshi stayed.

It wasn't meant t be a permanent affair. But, as he heard Izuku talking, found himself agreeing with what he was saying, Hitoshi was asked if he wanted to meet the buildings Landlord, a mysterious man called Sensei. A week later and he'd moved his stuff from the empty apartment and left all the rest of the stuff for his other family members or put into storage. Officially, he'd moved in with one of his friends after all his family members rejected him. Unofficially, he'd found a palace to belong. And Hitoshi was never going to give that up. Not to the people that took everything from him once. Not without a fight.