

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 2

Shoto Todoroki hissed as his sister, Fuyumi, tightened a clean set of bandages to his burned body. " Sorry." She muttered.

" It's fine. Don't worry about it." Shoto reassured her. He was used to this. Another night in the house getting tended to by his siblings after a rough training session by his father. His father was the number 2 hero in Japan, Endeavour. As his successor, Endeavour was training his son to be better than anyone. Better than his eternal rival, All Might in particular. What Shoto wanted didn't matter to him. What Endeavour called it was training. Training to be number one. Training to surpass anyone. But that's not what it really was. Shoto's training was just one way Endeavour took his anger out on the world. It was common for Shoto to get new burns and injuries from his father every night. Then his father abandoned his family and left to supposedly capture villains. Shoto stood up and put his shirt back on over the bandages. " Thanks Fuyumi."

" It's fine but…" Fuyumi sighed. " I wish you didn't have to go through this."

" Yeah. So do I." Shoto admitted. The two sighed.

" Come on. Natsuo should be done cooking dinner soon." Fuyumi told him.

Shoto retired to his room a few hours later and collapsed onto his bed. He stared at the moon coming through his window. The sky was pretty cloudy but mostly nice. He wondered what real children did on evenings like this. Truthfully, Shoto didn't know what a real family was supposed to be like. He had two siblings, a mother and a father. His father was a tyrant. He commanded his family about the place with no care about their feelings. Shoto got the most of it, being his fathered prized creation, leaving his siblings behind to rot. His mother had a breakdown when Shoto was just a little boy, earning him a scarred face and his mother a permanent room in a mental hospital. Shoto didn't hate her for it. She was a gentle soul and he visited her when he could. He hated his father who pushed her into it. He wished he'd been born into a different life.

" I'll see you tomorrow, Todoroki." One of his classmates, Momo Yaoyarozu, told him waving as they parted at the school gates.

" Yeah. See you." Shoto nodded before walking away. He didn't really feel like going home today. He didn't on most days. But he'd tried being late a few times. His father just found him and increased the work of that evenings his 'training'. He learned it was better to get it over with. He passed by a TV store and stopped. The news was on, showing a boy with green hair. The title underneath read "Boy Missing in Musutafa". Shoto's eyes tried to read the announcers lips but eventually he gave up. A kid going missing was pretty rare news. Usually it was about the daily hero activities or villain's doing something stupid. It must have been a slow day. As he walked, his thoughts lingered on the boy. What sort of a life must he have had to run away from home? Or was it a kidnapping? Shoto sighed. If only he could just run away from his problems.

He passed through the park, a few thoughts on his mind, when he stopped. He felt eyes on him. It wasn't the first time he'd felt something like this either. Normally, he just ignored it. Shoto was the son of a high profile hero after all. Usually he just left it alone. He knew he should. But today, he turned to the gaze. There he spotted him. A man in a dark red hoodie, scars covering his face, looking at him from across the park. As soon as their eyes met, the man looked down and started walking away. Shoto watched as he vanished into the crowds. His eyes lingered on where he was. He wondered who that was. A fan of Endeavour perhaps? Or perhaps the opposite.

Over the next month, Shoto kept his eyes out for that man. Every now and again he thought he saw him. A red eye watching him from behind the cover of a crowd. A scarred hand passing him by. Shoto started to believe he was seeing things. It was almost a month later until he was certain he'd found him again. He spotted him in the distance one Sunday afternoon. Shoto felt them again. Wistful eyes on him. He made sure to take his walk to a more open area, back to the park he first saw him. Then he found him in the crowd. Again, he tried to run off. This time, Shoto wasn't having it.

He chased him through the crowded streets of Musutafa, making sure to keep his eyes on him. The man knew he was chasing him, trying to lose him through the streets with thought out movements but Shoto wasn't shaken. He followed his stalker until he slipped into an side alley. " Wait." He called. The man stopped. It was just the two of them now. The man sighed. " I know you've been watching me. Why?"

" I don't know-"

" You can't lie like that. You know I've seen you multiple times."

" Damnit…"

" What do you want?" Shoto asked, threateningly. " Are you after me because of my father?"

" No, that's not-"

" Is it a ransom or something? Trying to figure out a routine so you can kidnap me?"

" No, I would never-"

" Then what? I don't understand why you would be stalking me."

" Well, you see-"

" I can probably go to the cops, you know. Trying to keep tabs on a pro heroes family is-"

" Touya Todoroki." Shoto froze.

" What?"

" My name. It's Touya Todoroki." Shoto narrowed his eyes.

" That's not possible. He's-"

" Dead? Is that what that bastard told you? That I died? What was his excuse? A villain attack, I guess." The man chuckled dryly. " Though, in a sense, I suppose he's right. Technically, my life as Touya Todoroki has been dead for a long time. But though I threw the name away, I could never bring myself to throw you all away too." 'Touya' looked over his shoulder. " So. How are they? Natsuo? Fuyumi?"

" Fine." Shoto answered cautiously. " They look after me."

" Yeah, I guess someone's gotta do it." 'Touya' laughed slightly. " Let me guess. The old man has you training most days."

" Huh?"

" He calls it his way to surpass All Might but it's obvious what it is. It's just his way to take his anger out on something without getting into another law suit." Anger formed from 'Touya's' tone. " Did the others ever tell you my quirk? I doubt you remember it. My flames are hotter than his but it damages my body if I use it too long." As if to give an example, 'Touya' raised a hand, lighting it up in blue flames. " The old man didn't care. He pushed it as far as it could go. The result wasn't exactly pretty." Shoto looked away from the man. " After you showed your quirk was better than mine, that bastard threw me away like a broken toy. I got out but…"

" Do the others know?"

" Mom does. I drop by the psych ward every now and again. She worries about you."

" Yeah. I know." Shoto sighed. " You could have just introduced yourself sooner, you know?"

" Ha. Probably. I just figured it would have been simpler if I made sure you kept safe from a distance, you know?"

" It would have made us happier knowing you were actually alive."

" Couldn't risk him knowing. You could imagine what he'd be like, right? Knowing his former creation has been running around behind the scenes…" 'Touya' looked down. " Well, I'm trying to save you from him. I really am. But doing it the legal way is impossible with the hero commission at his back."

" The commission?"

" Endeavour is one of their golden boys, right behind All Might in the rankings. Like they'd let something like abuse allegations hit the main stream. And I just… don't see another option than just…"

" Tearing it down." Shoto finished slowly. 'Touya' didn't react. " Touya-"

" Dabi."

" What?"

" I told you. Touya Todoroki has been dead for a long time. As soon as I started down this path. I'm Dabi now."

" Dabi?" Shoto narrowed his eyes slightly. " Is that who you think you need to be?"

" To save you and to destroy this damn society of corrupt heroes and powerless cops, yeah. It's who I need to be."

" I see."

" So. What are you gonna do?" Dabi turned around, eyes shining. Shoto could see them better now. His face, covered in scars and held together staples and crude stitches. " Are you going to try and stop me?" Shoto looked down. Legally, he should. He was the son of a hero and the man in front of him was threatening to break the law. If he wasn't already a villain, he soon would be. But, in his heart, he knew. Everything that Dabi, that Touya, was saying was right. If anything, he was more justified in his actions than most heroes were in theirs. Shoto met Dabi's gaze.

" Can we meet again?"

" Huh?"

" We're family. You shouldn't have to skulk around like this. I want to meet with you again."

" Ha. Seriously?" Dabi smirked. " You're a strange man, brother. Most people would have just reported me to the cops by now."

" Most people haven't been through what we've been through. Not with him."

" Yeah. Not with him." Dabi sighed. " Right. OK. Sure. It'll be nice but… don't tell them about me. Please. I… I'll tell Natsuo and Fuyumi I'm alive when I'm ready just…"

" Don't worry. I can keep a secret." Dabi smiled.

" Thanks little brother. I'll see you around." With a mutual smile and a nod, Shoto watched as Dabi disappeared into the shadows of the alley way. He waited for a few minutes after he was gone. He wondered if he should have asked to go too. Shoto sighed and began heading home. At least he knew he had someone out in the world that had his back.

Over the next month, Shoto met up with Dabi every couple of days. Sometimes it was a walk back after school. A few times they met up and played in an Arcade together. They even went to see a movie once. Shoto had never been allowed to do such things before. His father looked down on other people. Said they'd just make him weaker. Shoto never cared that he was weak or strong. He just wanted to be normal. Normality wasn't allowed at home but with his brother, he finally felt a sense of normality. A sense of freedom.

It was one day after training that Shoto found it. He's just returned from one of his day trips with Dabi and had brushed off his father on his return. Lately, he'd gotten bored and started looking into the Hero Commission's dark side and slowly growing more and more annoyed at the people who protect his father. That was when he noticed it. A small blog and chat room with the name "Venality". Something about the name drew him into clicking on it. The blog's design was simple. A black background with simple triangular designs, red headers and white text. Only one thread had been posted by the user and seemingly the admin, someone by the name of "Usagi".

Usagi's thread seemed interesting. Replies were blocked and it was a few paragraphs long. Shoto read through it out of curiosity. It told the story of a young boy who wanted to be a hero. However, he was soon diagnosed with quirklessness and, as such, was quickly cast down and shunned by society with everyone, even his own father, abandoning him. Despite all of that, the boy still wanted to be a hero and prove everyone wrong. He soldiered through abuse, both physical and mental, and everyone looking down on him. That was until the ay he met the number one hero All Might and All Might himself shot the idea down. After that, the boy found out just how corrupt the hero industry really was. He decided to make the blog to see if he can find and talk to like minded people. Shoto had to admit. He sort of understood his predicament.

Obviously, Shoto wasn't quirkless. Had he been, he was certain his father would have thrown him off a cliff. But suffering under a society that revolved around quirks and especially from the corruption in the industry. He understood. He entered the chat room next. From the posts, he wasn't expecting much. But entering the chat room, he found even less. Just Usagi. Alone online. Shoto leant back from his computer. It was clear this Usagi guy knew a bit about how this world worked. It wasn't exactly fair. Shoto also didn't know if he even wanted to talk. According to the post, the blog had only been active for just under two weeks. After a few minutes of cautious pondering, Shoto made an account

-Crucible has entered the Chat-

Usagi: Huh?

Usagi: Oh.

Usagi: Sorry. I wasn't expecting company.

Crucible: I can leave.

Usagi: NO

Usagi: Er, No. Please. Stick around.

Crucible: Is it really just you?

Usagi: Eh heh heh. Yeah.

Crucible: I suppose I shouldn't be shocked

Usagi: Nah. Kinda buried in the search engine this place.

Usagi: Speaking of which, how'd you find here?

Shoto paused. He'd read Usagi's story so he knew, in so many words, what the guy had been through. At the same time, he didn't know how much of that was true. And, better yet, how much he wanted to divulge of himself. Shoto wasn't stupid enough to blindly trust some stranger online. But, he supposed, there's no harm in answering a few basic questions. If it got to personal, he'd leave. He leaned forwards over his keyboard.

Crucible: Got bored. Looked through the Internet. Found this place.

Usagi: Read my story?

Crucible: Surreal.

Usagi: Ha. I suppose that's one way to describe it.

Usagi: And to answer your question, It's all real.

Crucible: So you're a Quirkless Kid?

Usagi: I know. It's rare, but that's my life. A rarity.

Usagi: For better but mostly for worse. At least, so far. Who knows? Maybe I'm destined for great things.

Crucible: I don't want to think anyone is destined for anything.

Usagi: Oh? And Why's that? Tough expectations on your shoulders or something?

Crucible: I'd prefer we change the topic.

Usagi: Ha ha. That's fine.

Crucible: Thanks

Usagi: No worries. We all have things we'd rather not talk to others about. I won't push you into revealing those things.

Usagi: That being said, I've gotta ask. What sort of stuff do you like? Games, music. That sort of stuff.

Shoto went to answer but then stopped. He glanced around his room. His father had never let him have anything like that. Hell, even his laptop was an old thing Fuyumi got him that he had to hide under his bed so his father didn't burn it down to molten steel. Games. Music. That was all a distraction. He still listened to the odd track at school during IT and when others forced it on him during lunch. He'd never really thought about it before. Was that what real kids listened too?

Crucible: Don't have any

Usagi: What? Dude, how sheltered are you?

Crucible: No Comment

Usagi: Gimme a minute. Let me share some of my favourite tracks with you.

And that's how the rest of Shoto's night was spent. Listening to tracks sent to some random guy he met on a chat room. He had to admit. It was time well spent.

As the weeks went on, more people slowly started entering the chat room. At first it was just him and Usagi. Then came Toxicity, a plucky girl who had joined their music sharing extravaganza with some punk and dance tracks that were nothing like Shoto had heard before. Violet was next, who had her own troubles that everyone helped talk her through. Finally came Brainstorm, who was just seeking a place to belong. Since then, he was the only one who hadn't shared his story on the main blog. No-one minded. They let him move at his own pace. Usagi had even told them that, if they needed it, anyone who wanted to get away from any pain in their life could drop by his place. It had crossed his mind but it wasn't something he decided to do.

Not until the day he found his brother bleeding near the family home.

It was supposed to be a good day, or at least as good as he could get it. His father was busy was hero work, so his training was cancelled. He was free to spend time with his real family during the evening and then talk to his friends online at night. At least, that was the plan. However, he was stopped by a familiar looking shadow in an ally near his home. Something about it seemed wrong. Perhaps it was the unhealthy stagger. Maybe it was the new burns in his coat. Maybe it was the red smears where he left his hand. Shota followed after him. "Brother?" Shota asked cautiously.

" Shit…" Dabi muttered. He groaned, leaning against the shadowy wall, clutching his side. " Course. Schools got out, didn't they. Wasn't keeping track of time." Dabi interrupted himself with a pained cough.

" What's…" Shota stepped forwards. His eyes widened as he saw Dabi's state. He was covered in soot and new burns. Not the type he'd given himself either. This definitely came from an outside source. It was far too familiar. " What happened?"

" Got unlucky. Ran into that…" Dabi coughed. " Bastard. I think he... had a few ideas of who I was but... he dismissed me as a criminal. Things got heated and… I ate a point blanc Flashfire Fist. Managed to get away. Got here. Hurts like hell."

" I'll get help."

" No. No, you… you shouldn't get involved."

" You need medical attention.

" I'll… work something out."

" You know the types of burns you have, right?" Dabi looked down. " You'll die if you don't get help."

" I can't risk hospitals."

" Then come home." Shoto told his brother. " Fuyumi knows how to deal with burns like those. Father's not gonna be home until late, so you don't have to worry about that."

" I… I dunno."

" The way I'm looking at it, you don't have a choice." Dabi looked up, only to met with a confidant glare from his younger brother. He sighed and then nodded.

" Fine. Give me a hand." Dabi put an arm around Shoto's shoulder and the younger brother helped guide him through the back allies, avoiding any prying eyes, before cutting across a street and through the Todoroki house's back door.

" Fuyumi!" He shouted. " We need help!"

" What are you shouting ab…" Fuyumi stepped into the kitchen and immediately froze. " Oh my god."

" Fuyumi, he needs urgent medical attention."

" Right. I see that." Fuyumi sighed. "Bring him to my room. I'll make space." Shoto nodded, following his sister. He helped Dabi to lie on her bed. Fuyumi pulled her first aid kit from off a shelf and looked over him, tending to his burns. At his sisters request, Shota stepped outside.

" These are really bad." She muttered. " What happened to you, Touya?"

" Surprised you figured me out that quick." Dabi joked.

" I tended your burns long before I tended Shoto. I recognised you from your old injuries." Dabi sighed at his sisters words. " Are you going to tell me or should I make a guess?"

" Has it ever been anyone different?"

" You got into a fight with father. Of course you did."

" Hey, I didn't want a fight. He was the one who chased me down." Dabi winced as Fuyumi worked on one of his more major burns. " I didn't want to talk to him. Hell, he didn't even recognise me. Just figured I was part of some street gang he'd finished moping up. And you know his temper. Doesn't like believing he's wrong."

" Why didn't you just come home, Touya?"

" Didn't want him to think he won." Dabi admitted with a sigh. " I want to… I want to change society so that pricks like him can't abuse kids like us. I wanted to make a world where Shoto, Mom, Natsuo and you could live without that bastard's shadow looming overhead."

" You didn't have to go this far."

" What else could I do. I tried doing this the legal route. Became an anonymous informant to a few newspapers. The story never saw the light of day. The fucking Commission saw to that."

" So what? You think getting getting called a villain and having father incinerate you is going to change the world?"

" I…" Dabi paused. " I'm working on it. I just need means."

" Touya."

" It's Dabi now."

" Touya." Fuyumi repeated, more forcefully.

" You're not going to change my mind, Fuyumi."

" Yeah. I know. You never did listen to me." Fuyumi leaned back, finished bandaging Dabi's wounds. " I just wished you told us you were alive earlier."

" I… I'm sorry. I never meant to worry you."

" I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I was blaming you. It's just… it's been hard for all of us, you know?" Fuyumi sighed. " It's just been… difficult since you left. Natsuo has been spending as much time as he can out of the house, usually spending it working. It's obvious he's planning on moving out. I'm not going to be here come the new school year either since I'm going to College. I'm worried about Shoto. UA will be good to him but…"

" Is UA his choice?" Fuyumi remained quiet. " I figured." Dabi growled, sitting up. " See, this is exactly the shit I'm trying to prevent. I won't let that bastard turn Shoto into a mini version of him."

" I don't think Shoto will let himself become that."

" But you know that won't stop him trying."

" Better than anyone." Fuyumi sighed. " Just stay safe and don't do anything rash, will you?"

" Can't agree with that." Dabi grunted as he stood up. " Thanks for patching me up, Yumi. It won't be a regular thing. Promise."

" You aren't going already are you? At least wait for Natsuo to get back."

" Sorry. Can't risk the bastard finding me here. I'm sorry, Yumi. I… I just can't."

" You're still scared of him aren't you?"

" I…" Dabi grit his teeth and looked down. From behind the door listening in, Shoto knew the answer. He knew his sister did as well. He knew Natsuo would and so would his mother. Because they were all the same. Anger slowly built up inside him as he walked over to his room and slowly shut the door. His eyes fell on his computer. He remembered something. He quickly turned his computer on, opened the browser and went into Venality. He found that Usagi and Violet were online, laughing about something that happened in Violet's life. Instead of joining in, he sent a private message to Usagi.

Crucible: Hey Usagi. I need a favour

Usagi: What's up?

Crucible: That place you mentioned a while back? For if our lives got to rough?

Usagi: You want the address?

Crucible: Yes. For me and my brother.

Usagi: I won't ask. If you want to tell me, you can.

Usagi: Though it'll be nice to meet face to face.

Usagi sent an address. Looking it up, it was of a small, unassuming bar in Yokohama's Kamino ward. A thirty minute train ride and a five minute walk. He knew they' be safe there. And Usagi had proven himself a friend. Todoroki found himself stuffing some clothes into his school bag along with his laptop before changing out of his school clothes into a hooded jumper, slinging his bag over one shoulder.

He found Fuyumi and Dabi by the front door. " Wait. Touya." He called out. The two turned to him. " I'm coming with you."

" What?" Touya raised an eyebrow. " No. You can't."

" Why not?"

" It's just…"

" You can't say it's safer here. Or better for me. I know Fuyumi and Natsuo can just move out in a few weeks. They'll be gone by the new year anyway."

" But it's not safe out there either."

" I'd take my chances. Besides, I know a place we can stay."

" Huh?" Shoto handed the address he scribbled down in his school planner over to his brother. " Hmm. I know where this is. Been there once or twice. It wouldn't take too long to get there but..."

" Please. I don't want to stay here. Take me with you."

" Shoto." Dabi looked to Fuyumi for her thoughts. She simply nodded slowly.

" I understand. Don't worry. Go."

" Are you sure, Yumi?" Dabi asked.

" I don't want to see Shoto suffer any more. He'll be safer out there with you. I'm sure of it. I can cover for him. Say he never came home or something." Fuyumi gave Dabi a concerned look. " Just get him far away from him."

" Thanks Fuyumi." Shoto smiled at his sister. " Sorry about all of this."

" It's not your fault." Dabi gave a defeated sigh.

" Alright. I'll take him."

" Just… promise you two will be safe." Fuyumi folded her arms. " I'll… I'll make sure Natsuo and I get out of here soon. When we are, let's meet up again. Somewhere safe."

" It's a promise." Dabi nodded.

" Stay safe, Sis." Shoto added. Fuyumi brought the two into a tearful hug.

" You two as well. I'll miss you." Not long after that, the trio separated. Shoto and Dabi headed to the nearest train station and headed to the address. As they did, Shoto opened up and explained everything about Venality to his brother, explaining about his new friend Usagi and how he got the address. It was enough for Dabi to stop worrying enough to make it through the places doors.

The address in question opened up to reveal a simple if slightly run down bar on the second floor of a building with it's entrance around the back of a barber's shop. The bartender, a man who's body seemed to be made entirely of purple mist, looked up from cleaning glasses. A man with grey hair played video games on the bar's television, barely offering him a glance. From a small table off to the side, a green haired boy, a tired looking boy and a girl of seemingly Indian descent sat talking. As soon as he saw them, the green haired one stood up and approached them. " Hi. How can I help you?"

" Uh." Shoto was caught slightly off guard. " I, uh, we got the address from a blog. A friend told me to-"

" Ah." The Green Haired boy grinned excitedly. " Crucible, right?" Shoto nodded. " Cool. My name is Izuku Midoriya. But you probably know me better as Usagi. It's nice to finally meet you face to face." At hearing the name, Shoto let himself relax. The small bar quickly became home to Shoto, more comforting to him than his old home ever had. And he owed it to Usagi for giving him both a home and a new founded purpose in life that quickly opened up as he met the man behind the bar. The enigmatic man only known as Sensei.