

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 22

Izuku watched as Bakugo ran into the area. An old park near a now evacuating housing block. He sat on one of the building rooftops as he spoke. "You know, it was somewhere like this where you first beat me up." He called down. " Do you remember? You were bullying another kid and I stepped in the way. It was awfully unheroic of you."

" I remember. You pissed me off with that pathetic look in your eye while trying to act tough. You never did give up. That's what annoyed me the most about you. No matter what happened, you never stopped wanting to be a hero. You never gave up, even though you were powerless. Seeing you try so hard made me feel like I wasn't trying hard enough. You never stopped reaching for that shitty impossible dream of yours." Bakugo looked up as Izuku hopped down, using Air Walk to safely reach the ground, keeping his eyes trained on his old friend. " But then you did. Why? Why did you become a Villain?"

" I thought I told you, Katsuki." Izuku glared at his old friend. " You don't get to ask that question."

" It was my fault, wasn't it."

" Yes. It was. You told me to kill myself. So I did. The Izuku you once knew? He killed himself. Then he returned as me. A spirit of vengeance. Here to crush you, All Might and everything you stand for."

" No. You aren't. You're still the same stupid Deku who followed me around when we were kids. That never gave up. Who wanted to become a hero. I can see it."

" Is that what you think?" Izuku said. " That's strange. I thought I was useless. That's why you called me Deku right? I didn't have a quirk so I was useless? I'd never amount to anything other than your punching bag and a thing for everyone else in that piece of shit middle school to take the piss out of."

" That's not-"

" It wasn't? Is that the truth of the matter? Or are you only saying that because I have made something of my life now. Because you and All Might were both wrong. Because I'm a threat."

" Damn it Dek…" Bakugo stopped himself. " Izuku. We were kids fucking around. I didn't know what I was doing. Ain't like those shit head teachers were in any hurry to stop me."

" Shifting the blame as always, I see." Izuku sighed, annoyed. " It was always up to you though. Fuck the teachers. Fuck the other kids. If you were ever really my friend, you'd never have thrown me away. I just wanted to help you. What was so wrong with that?"

" Nothing but-"

" But nothing! I hated it. I hated you. But I was too broken too see what you were doing was wrong. You forced me to think I deserved it. You know how much torture it takes to force that outlook on a person?" He looked up at the smoke filled sky. " Then tell me this. After everything you've done. Everything you put me through. That you got away with. Why?" Izuku's voice cracked. A tear rolled down his cheek. " Why did you get to live out your dream? Why are you the hero now? Why did that get to happen to you when I became a Villain? It's… It's just not fair!" Bakugo looked down. The question hurt.

" I don't know." He admitted. " In Aldera, you're right. I was nothing but a bully. A villain. I tried so hard to change. To find you. To save you. But I couldn't. I still ended up the same short tempered, foul mouth idiot who pushed you away." Bakugo looked up, more determined then ever before. " But now… I am here. And I will save you." Izuku looked down, a mix of confusion and amusement on his face. He burst out laughing.

" Who are you trying to imitate there? All Might?" Izuku asked through his laugh. " Man, that doesn't suit you."

" Hey, I'm trying." Bakugo said pouting.

" Who'd you intern with?"

" Best Jeanist."

" Seriously? Figured you were a Mirko guy. She's way close to your attitude. Or is it just because he was closer to the top?" Bakugo looked away, annoyed. " Ha. I knew it. You never change, Kacchan." Izuku chuckled. Then he sighed. " That's why we're in this mess. Cause you never change. Stubborn to a fault."

" I can try."

" Ha. Don't kid yourself." Izuku sighed. " You're like Endeavor. Violent quirk and a bad attitude. If you knew the things he's done…" Izuku shook his head. " Either way, you can't change. It's not in your nature"

" Of course I will." Bakugo sneered. " I'll be number one, the type of guy everyone can look at and feel safe knowing I'm around to save their dumb asses. You included. Just watch me."

" Ha. You really think so?" Izuku smirked. " Fine. In that case, I'll be your number one rival. As we said I'd be all those years ago." Bakugo looked down.

" Yeah. Guess we did promise that, huh. But… I didn't want it to be like this."

" Yeah." Izuku admitted. "It's not what I dreamed either. But I don't regret it. I found something I never at Aldera or with you. A place I'm respected. A place I can belong. And I'll protect it. Even if it means having to break you." Izuku begun charging air in his legs. " No. Especially if it means having to break you. I've been waiting a long time for this chance. No cameras. No rules. Just me and you."

" Mother fucker. You can try breaking me but I'll knock your ass out and drag you home so fast your head will spin." Explosions popped in Bakugo's palms. Izuku chuckled at Bakugo's declaration, shaking his head in disbelief. When had he gotten so stupidly altruistic?" So, have you thought of a hero name yet?" Izuku asked.

" I was thinking something flashy. Lord Explosion Murder."

" No." Izuku deadpanned. " That's childishly stupid."

" I don't hear you suggesting a better name.

" I would if you had asked me."

" Well I'm asking now."

" How about… Dynamight? Spelled like All Might spells Might."

" Corny."

" Better than yours." Bakugo huffed but found himself nodding in agreement as both readied themselves for a fight.

" Fine. I'll take you down here and now. Get ready for the fight of your life, Usagi."

" And I hope you decide to use the name for yourself eventually, Dynamight." Izuku activated his mask. " If you live that long." Both charged.

The flames that spread through Kamino Ward lit up the sky that night. From the streets of Musutafa, Ochako glanced up at the news being broadcast on various holographic screens projected on buildings across the main street. All Might against his old Nemesis All for One. That was just what was happening on the surface however. The news didn't see the rest of what was happening that night. All of Izuku's plans finally being realised and new plans just being started. A lot was happening tonight. So much she wanted to be involved with.

Sensei, All For One, was a man with a storied past. He'd lived a long life, being born shortly after the dawn of quirks in the first generation. Since then, almost 120 years had past. He'd lived that long due to stealing longevity quirks and other quirks to keep him young-ish and powerful. All Might's quirk, known to the media at large as Superpower, was called One For All and was passed down from person to person, becoming stronger with each generation. All Might was not the current holder of the quirk but the powers remained, if weaker than they were. Izuku wasn't sure if it was natural weakness or if he's passed it down already. However, All Might and All For One still had a more personal rivalry after the two almost killed each other. Today, that rivalry ended. One way or another.

Meanwhile, across the ward, another fight was just starting even if the media didn't know it. Izuku assumed the police would take this opportunity to try and stamp the League out. Endeavour would likely be called upon for support if that were the case. The chance to kill or at least weaken as many heroes as possible was not a chance they could let past. So, when he made his move, it was time Shoto and Dabi made theres. The two always had a vendetta against Endeavour. Now was their chance to make a mark. Stop any reinforcements from assisting All Might. Put their old man into the ground.

Speaking of rivalries, Izuku's last text to her suggested that UA students had gotten close to the warehouse. There'd be more fights than just between heroes tonight. If Bakugo was one of the hero students that had come to the warehouse, then Ochako knew Izuku wouldn't let him leave. Not in one piece. Another problematic situation would be if Iida showed up. Momo was very adamant about trying to protect him when the others learnt he knew her identity as Forge. They were close. Giran mentioned that when people on opposite sides get too close, either through prior friendships or a too personal rivalry, it never ended well. Sometimes they'd join forces, even if temporary. Sometimes, it ended with someone changing sides. Usually, it ended with a messy breakup. Ochako liked Momo. She was kind and caring, like a big sister. She didn't want her to get hurt.

She put her thoughts aside. She had a mission herself. Tonight, All Might died. Even if it wasn't literal, the message needed to be clear. Tomura mentioned that All Might had gotten weaker since the year began. His limit was becoming shorter. His strength in his big form was becoming less. Even if he survived this fight, Sensei was a powerhouse. The likelihood is, at the rate All Might had been going, his power wouldn't last. So, those not at the base or at the Warehouse were given a task. Wipe All Might from the face of the earth. Erase the symbol of peace conceptually as Sensei was literally. Break one of the Pillars of Hero Society.

Ochako removed her coat and threw on her helmet before breaking through the locked door of Sir Nighteyes hero agency. She slowly progressed up the building, placing bombs in key places as she did. She stopped in Nighteye's office. Sir Nighteye and All Might had reportedly had a falling out six years ago. However, his office was set up like a hero museum piece for All Might. Posters. Figures. Memorabilia. It was a fan boys wet dream. Ochako laughed at it. Taking this opportunity, she decided to do what she promised Izuku and rifled through the files in Sir Nighteye's draws for anything interesting.

" Huh? What is this?" Ochako mumbled. It was the file on a student. Mirio Togata. Class 3-B of UA High School. Nighteye's intern. Her eyes scanned across the page. Quirk. Permeation. Special notes… "No way!"

" Who's there?" Ochako looked up sharply. Standing in the doorway was All Might's former sidekick, Sir Nighteye. " So, you're the intruder. My agency has alarms you know."

" I know. Just didn't expect the big man himself to appear." Ochako folded the file and slipped into a pouch on her belt.

" So, you must be Singularity, the gravity Villain with an unknown alias that attacked UA's forest training grounds, am I correct?" Nighteye asked. " What does the League want with my agency?"

" Oh nothing too serious. But you were the sidekick to the Number One hero. People still think of you that way, you know?"

" I am aware."

" Good. You should be." Outside, an explosion echoed. " That would be Central Station I imagine. The All Might Statue there. The one near UA should be next."

" All Might statues?"

" You're aware right? About All Might's injury and his weakening state?" Nighteye's eyes widened slightly. " Are you aware that one year ago, All Might revealed that injury to a Aldera Middle School Student? Is All Might even aware he did that? Memory like sieve, I tell you."

" How do you-"

" You're the genius. You figure it out." Ochako said snidely. Nighteye hummed.

" Are you trying to say that the person All Might revealed himself too joined your League?"

" Not just joined. His name is Izuku Midoriya." Nighteye sighed.

" So that's it. The catalyst for the Leagues success."

" You got it. You can tell him afterwards, but I don't think it'll matter after tonight." Ochako pulled the trigger device out of her pouch. Nighteye noticed. He went to pull something out of his pocket. " Night night, Sir." Ochako pressed the button. Explosions rocked the building. The ground collapsed. Ochako knelt down, pressing a hand to the ground, keeping a platform for her to float on, using her belt's orbit device to protect herself from falling rubble, as Nighteye fell. She didn't know if the fall would kill him. Frankly, she didn't care. The age of All Might was over. Right now, she needed to get this information to Izuku.

Mount Lady groaned as she rose from the rubble. In the distance, through her blurry vision, she could just make out a fight between the man who blew her and the others away and All Might. She fought against the pain. She needed to help. " Mount Lady. Are you alright?"

" K-Kamu-" Suddenly she froze. Why couldn't she move?

" Three minutes have passed." She heard a voice say. " Face me." Her body turned. Before her was a boy with purple hair. He lowered the muzzle like device down to his neck, giving her a clear look at his face. She silently cursed. Hitoshi Shinso aka Brainstorm. Quirk: Brainwashing. If anyone answers a question of his, he can bring them under his control. Quirk is released with a strong enough attack to the one being controlled. She remembered him from briefing. In her dazed state, she forgot about him completely. " I bet you don't know who I am. Or rather, you don't remember the reason I despise you, Mount Lady." He said, his voice filled with anger. It was eight months ago. You were fighting a Villain with the ability to fire his upper arms as a high powered missile and regrow it near instantly. In that fight, you collapsed a building in your hasty attempt to stop the villain. The building was condemned so you thought it would be safe. But you killed someone by doing that." Killed someone? She had? She wracked her brain trying to remember the incident but her memory failed her. " His name was Ranmaru Shinso, my father. He was just on his way home from work when he caught up in your rampage. YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TAKE HIM FROM ME!" A blue flash emanate from his left side before shards of ice burst forwards. Mount Lady screamed in pain as Icicles stabbed through her body, keeping her from moving. " Five minutes have passed."

" That's not… your quirk."

" It is now. Thanks to Sensei. It's owner wanted nothing to do with us, so he gave it to me." Shinso raised an arm. " Copy. I can borrow an emitter quirk for five minutes. So I took Crucible's before he left and came to find you. I've been dreaming of this day for eight months. The day I finally avenge my father."

" P-Please. I'm sorry. I don't…"

" Want to die?" Shinso asked, mockingly. " Neither did he." Shinsho punched his fists together, causing them to spark. " I'm in two minds. I don't know if I want to make you suffer or kill you swiftly to avoid getting caught." Mount Lady shook helplessly in fear as the boy approached her a wicked grin on his face. " Well, we've got til the shows over. I'll take as long as I can. Try not to die to quickly will you? I want to enjoy this."

The building came crashing down as Mina flipped away from Eijiro's raging assault. " You've gotten better at dancing , Eiji. You used to be so slow but you're learning." Mina taunted. " Still, I'm the queen of the dancefloor. You won't be able to steal my crown." As if to contest that, Eijiro burst out of the rubble, fist raised. Mina grinned as he was intercepted by a large metal disk. Mina took the opening, firing a barrage of acid at Eijiro, forcing him back into defence. " Preciate it, Yaomomo."

" It's natural for dance partners to support each other, right?" Momo said, ducking under Iida's attack. Momo pulled a number of Matryoshka dolls from her side and tossed them at Iida. Iida kicked one, only for it to explode, sending him flying backwards. Mina grinned.

" Ha. You get it."

" Class Rep! Are you alright?" Kirishima shouted. Iida growled, rising from the ground.

" You hid grenades in the dolls so I wouldn't see them." He realised. " That could have killed me!"

" What? Thought we were still playing around in the Sports Festival or something?" Momo asked. " I don't want to hurt you, Tenya, but I warned you. Get in my way and I won't hold back."

" Why?" Kirishima growled. " Why Yaoyorozu?"

" Is that really a question you should be asking that now?" Mina asked, rushing in, fist laced with acid. Eijiro quickly activated his quirk to mitigate the incoming damage. Iida raced to his classmates side, kicking down at Mina, who fell back, meeting up with Momo.

" Kirishima. You need to focus."

" Class Rep. How long have you known?"

" For a few weeks now." Iida admitted. " I should have said something sooner. I know. However, Momo and I…"

" Yeah. I get it. This is tough. Fighting a friend."

" I'm ready to put my feelings behind me." Iida said. " I imagine Kendo and Tetsutetsu should have evacuated a safe distance by now. We should make a escape too when we can."

" Are you sure?" Kirishima asked. " What about Bakugo?"

" I'm worried about him too. Especially when facing off against someone like Akita… Like Midoriya. However, there's nothing we can do for him now." Kirishima clicked his tongue. Mina laughed.

" Huuuuh? Is the honorable Class Rep suggesting you save your own asses? Ah ha ha. How pathetic. Aren't you supposed to be a hero? Grow a backbone."

" If you can't save everyone, then save the most useful, right?" Momo spoke analytically. " How very like you, Tenya. Cold and logical. Even if you hate it, that is the smartest play. Two heroes to be can do more good if they escape than risking death to save one person. But we were taught that heroes had to be above such cold logic, weren't we? If they're in front of you, you must put in the effort to save them." A steel bat appeared in Momo's hands. " Show me that effort, Tenya."

" Momo…" Iida gave her a sad look. With a deep breath, that quickly became fierce. He turned his body and crouched down, grabbing Kirishima with one arm. " Hold on."

" R-Right." Eijiro nodded. Mina giggled, blowing holes in the bottom of her shoes with her acid and prepared to give chase. Momo took a step back to get out of their way.

" 3...2...1…" Mina said giddily. Iida took off like a shot, taking Kirishima along with him as he ran. " Hey! I never said Go!" Mina prepared to go after them but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder. She looked back. Momo shook her head.

" They're not a priority. Let them go."

" But… they know."

" It's fine. It's as Izuku says." Momo said. " We don't need multiple spies, so giving up my secret to allow me to act more freely is a sacrifice I'm willing to take." Mina gave her a concerned look.

" But you have way more to lose than Izu or Denki. Is that alright?" Momo sighed. It was clear she was conflicted about this but at this point it was out of her hands.

" The ends justify the means." She said simply. " No cost is too great for the end goal." Mina empathized with her. They weren't like Toru or Shoto who still had family or Hitoshi who'd had his taken away. She'd given up her family for this as well. So had Izuku. But it didn't hurt her quite as much. She wondered if Izuku missed his mother. Mina decided to stop thinking about such things. They weren't done yet.

" Shall we contact Kurogiri?"

" Right. I'll leave that to you." Momo told her. " I… have somethings I need to think about."

" OK. I'll leave you to it." Mina nodded. " And Yaomomo?"

" Huh?"

" After this is over, let's grab some disguises and head to the arcade. You, me, Himiko and Ochako. I'll teach you guys how to dance." Mina gave her the brightest grin she could manage. Momo smiled slightly.

" Thanks Mina. I'd appreciate it."

An inferno raged through the streets of Yokohama as Endeavor and Gran Torino took on the Villains with twin fire quirks. Endeavor growled. Who were these two? According to them, they'd frozen Edgeshot in the bar. Tsukauchi led a team to rescue him while they distracted the duo. So they had a hidden villain with an ice quirk. The League was annoyingly versatile.

" If this keeps going, you three will burn down the area. All Might's already having enough trouble by the sounds of things." Gran Torino grumbled. Endeavor had to admit he was right. Whatever was happening at the warehouse, they could hear the destruction from here. Was it some kind of a new Nomu or had some massively powerful villain arose? Was this all Tomura Shigaraki? No way such a scrawny kid could fight All Might to a stand still.

" Let me get in close. I'll end this with a single blow."

" I'll trust you on this, Todoroki. Distract them so I can get close."

" Of course, honored elder. Whatever you say." Gran Torino huffed at Endeavor's response. Endeavor increased the intensity of the flames and drew back his arms before unleashing a powerful blaze straight down the street, utilising his Flashfire Fist's powerful Hell Curtain technique to give Gran Torino cover as he rushed in after it. Dabi and Crucible ducked into cover to avoid the initial blaze before reemerging for a counter attack. Gran Torino was the one who entered their sight first, charging straight for Dabi. As Crucible lined up a shot to defend his partner, Endeavor appeared next to him. " Flashfire Fist…"

" Crap." Crucible muttered.

" Jet Burn." Endeavour smashed his fist into the left side of the Villain's helmet before unleashing the flames, blasting him down the street.

" No!" Dabi shouted. He fired a plume of azure flames to get Gran Torino off of his back before retreating to his partners side. " Brother. Are you…" Crucible slowly raised a hand, stopping him from worrying before slowly rising to his feet. The mask around his eye began to fall off, shard by shard. Endeavor's heart sank at what he saw. A blue eye surrounding by a red scar. Something Endeavor had seen so many times before.

" S...Shoto?" He asked, his voice broken. Gran Torino looked over at him in surprise. Crucible huffed coldly before taking his helmet off and discarding it.

" Hello, dad." Shoto spat. " Did you miss me?"

" He's your son?" Gran Torino exclaimed. " But how?"

" How did I become a Villain?" Shoto asked. " Ask him. He should know because he's the reason."

" M-Me? But I-"

" Do you know what he did to me? No, not just me. To us. His own family." Shoto asked, cutting Endeavor off. " He only used my mother as a way to get a strong heir with the powers of both fire and ice. When my siblings proved they weren't strong enough, he cast them aside. The only 'love' he ever showed me was an endless stream of burns, bruises, broken bones and beatings. I wasn't even alive to him. Just a tool to do what he knew he was too weak to do and surpass All Might." Shoto growled. " And as for my brother…"

" He thought I was better off dead." Dabi finished. Endeavor looked back up, sharply.

" No. You can't be. Touya!"

" What's the matter, pops? It's almost like you've seen a ghost." Dabi grinned. " Tell me something, gramps. You heroes are supposed to save people like us and arrest people like him, yeah? So why didn't you save us?"

" Enji." Gran Torino asked in shock. " Is what they're saying… is it true?" Endeavor couldn't reply. After Shoto went missing and Natsuo and Fuyumi abandoned him, Endeavor did a lot of reflection on his past actions. He knew, in hindsight, he'd been a fool. He knew how he treated his family and how wrong he'd been. He regretted it all. But his children wouldn't speak to him. His wife refused all visits from him. And now this. He lowered his head. This was truly all his fault.

" What's the matter, old man? Feeling regret?" Dabi jeered.

" It's too late for that." Shoto said coldly. A flood of cold air reached Endeavor.

" Enji!" Gran Torino shouted. Endeavor cried out in pain as his entire left arm was frozen solid by Shoto's ice. Dabi flew at him like a shot, already charging up this blue flames in his arm. He grinned.

" Let's see if I remember this right. Flashfire Fist- Jet Burn." He declared as he slammed his fist into Endeavor's frozen arm. The explosion of heat and flames that followed sent a searing feeling of pain through Endeavor's body as the ice cracked and shattered, removing Endeavor's arm along with it. Getting his composure back quickly, Gran Torino kicked him back before he could unleash a second blow. Dabi laughed as he landed. " What do you think? Have I mastered your technique? Am I your perfect successor?" Dabi shouted. " Well I never wanted to be that. Neither did Shoto. You made your bed, you bastard. Lay in it."

" Farewell." Shoto said bitterly. Both brothers brought back an arm before unleashing a flood of flames forwards at the two Heroes.

However, it was stopped by a flood of water, splitting the flames around the villains targets.

" Manual! Wash!" Gran Torino exclaimed. The normal hero nodded at the old man. The Washing Machine looking hero kept is eyes focused on his targets. They weren't alone. Dabi and Shoto glanced around as a number of Heroes arrived. Fourth Kind. Death Arms. Uwabami. A number of reinforcements for the hero side. A heavy wing beat could be heard above.

" Crucible. Dabi. Give it up. You've lost." Hawks announced. He looked down on Endeavor, noticing his injury and gritted his teeth. " You two have some nerve."

" Looks like we're done here." Dabi said, clicking his tongue. " You lot need to learn some manners. Stay out of a family feud."

" Next time, we finish this." Shoto said bitterly. He created a wall of ice around the two. Death Arms and Fourth Kind charged in, slamming their powerful fists into the ice, shattering like glass. Just in time to see a dark, misty portal closing. The two Villains were gone.

" Todoroki! Enji, stay with us!" Gran Torino shouted.

" Hey. Old man." Hawks cried out in shock. " Damn it! Someone get a medic!" Endeavor couldn't answer. His vision slowly faded. The pain burned where his arm used to be. But what hurt more was the knowledge. Shoto. Touya. Both were lost to him now. Lost due to his mistakes.

Izuku leapt backwards to escape a fiery barrage of explosions from Bakugo's palms. As the fight went on, Izuku's attire had gotten more and more damaged. He discarded his burned coat and his mask had been blown off by a point blanc explosion to the face. The rest of his attire had been singed. Bakugo wasn't fairing much better. Unlike Izuku, his clothes weren't protected in anyway. His coat and shirt jacket had been blown off and the rest of his clothes were torn from repeated trips to the ground. The buildings around the park had been long since deprived of their windows. The park itself was a ruin.

Bakugo leapt into the air and rapidly begun spinning. Izuku charged as much wind into his right leg as he could, twisting it back. " HOWITZER IMPACT!"

" GRAND TEMPEST!" The two attacks met in mid air, blowing each other back. Izuku broke through the wall of one of the apartment buildings. Bakugo smashed through the garden wall and collapsed in the flower bed just beyond it. However, undeterred despite many injuries, the two rose back up again. " Give up… Katsuki…" Izuku growled. After the fight began, he found his anger returning like it had in the Sports Festival, not just in the background like when he was talking but full force the second the first explosion rang out. And that anger fueled his attacks and his determination to win.

" Never. Not… until you… come back with me." Bakugo wheezed. Like Izuku, Bakugo was being driven by a powerful force. However, it wasn't hatred but an overwhelming sense of responsibility to drag Izuku back by the ear. It was his fault Izuku became part of the countries most wanted Villain organisations. It was his responsibility to help him. To bring him back from the brink. To restore him to the hero loving, never giving up, happy go lucky Deku he'd grown up with. He'd let him slip through his fingers far too many times. Not this time, Katsuki vowed. Not this time.

" That's not happening."

" Then I guess I'm not giving up." Izuku clicked his tongue.

" Suppose I'll have to fix that then." Gathering as much strength as he could into his legs, Izuku burst upwards. Reaching high enough, Izuku kicked off the wall of one of the apartment buildings, cracking the wall as he pushed off it before leaping to another wall and repeating the process. Using the speed from Bound and Air Walk to gain Kinetic energy into his legs, he finally pushed off into the air above Bakugo before unleashing a rapid torrent of Air Bullets down on the area below him. " Air Hail!" Bakugo grunted, unable to find cover in the ruined playground. He had to think quickly before the intense storm of Air Bullets tore him to shreds. With a feral roar, Bakugo raised his palm to the sky, unleashing the biggest explosion he could muster, .

" HELL DYNAMO!" Izuku grit his teeth as he was engulfed in flames and feel to the ground, heavily singed but luckily not burned like the last time. Izuku might have smiled if he wasn't in so much pain. Bakugo was learning to limit the damage he could do.

" Not bad…"

" I'm sorry, Izuku. But this is the end." Bakugo raised his palm, ready to finish the fight. Izuku closed his eyes, waiting for the final blow. Seemingly appearing out of thin air, a dagger stabbed straight through Bakugo's palm just before he could unleash his explosion, causing his quirk to backfire, launching Bakugo back across the park.

" Izuku! Are you alright?" Izuku grunted in pain as he sat up, a warm hand helping him. Opening his eyes, he saw Toru become visible, phasing into the world like a TV tuning in from static.

" Toru… What are you doing here. I told you to-"

" The fight is over, Izuku." Toru told him. " Sensei… He lost." Izuku lowered his head, recoiling from the news.

" Damn it. I hoped it wouldn't happen. But… we were prepared for this outcome." Toru helped Izuku to his feet.

" I've called Kurogiri. He'll be here soon. He's evacuating the others first."

" Good." Izuku smiled. " At least they'll be…" Izuku was cut off by his own pained coughing. " Crap. I went too far again."

" Izuku…" Katsuki shouted, using a broken wall to get himself up. Toru glared at him from behind her mask, raising her knives defensively.

" This will only take a second." She said. Izuku stopped her with a hand to the shoulder.

" No. We're done here."

" Are you sure?"

" Yeah." The familiar sound of a shadowy portal echoed behind them. " Let's go."

" OK. If you're certain." Izuku put arm around Toru, letting her help him to the gate.

" Izuku! Wait!"

" Sorry, Katsuki. Let's settle this another time. Call it a draw." Katsuki growled.

" I'll bring you back one day. I promise."

" Don't make promises you can't keep." Izuku smirked before the two vanished through the portal, leaving Bakugo alone for his injuries to catch up with him.