

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 18

It had been just over three weeks since the Sports Festival. In UA, Denki and Momo had just dealt with their finals. Momo, despite having to work with the recently former friend that was Tenya Iida, was able to work well with him and take down Eraserhead. Denki, on the other hand, was trapped with Kodai, was taken out of the running by the Principal's mad assault forcing a time out. Izuku, in the meantime, hadn't woken up.

Toru sat down to watch over Izuku again. She'd been there whenever she could. If she wasn't at school or at home, she spent all her time at the Villains bar, watching over Izuku. She was joined by Shoto, Mina and Momo at times, but it was clear she'd taken it hard. It had taken time for Toru to gather her thoughts on why.

To her, Izuku was a very dear friend. It was because of him she could live a normal life. She made her...well, her. Visible. Normal. She hadn't had a mental breakdown in months. Then, after giving her a sense of self, he gave her purpose and people who cared about her. People who were willing to help her. She owed him everything. So, naturally, feelings of familiar affection were to be expected from that. That's the excuse she used. Whenever her heart rate increased whenever they talked or the feeling of worry that came over her whenever he came back to the bar after being treated by Recovery Girl in UA. It was all natural. Why wouldn't it be? That's what she thought.

It took some teasing from Mina and Himiko and the threat to never speak to him again for that idea to break. When she saw him almost die, her heart nearly died with him. Seeing him confined to a bed, unconscious, caused her undeniable pain. She just wanted him to open his eyes. For the first time since he helped her, she wanted to be seen and couldn't be.

When she saw Izuku slowly sit up, groaning and rubbing his eyes, confused about where he was and what was happening, Toru couldn't stop herself. She grabbed him in a crushing hug. " Woah. Hey. Toru? What's happening?"

" 3 weeks. You left me alone for three weeks, you dummy." Toru sobbed.

" Huh? Wait? I need a reminder. Everything's so foggy."

" Y-You can see me… right?"

" Has your quirk been acting up again?" Izuku asked, sounding worried. " I see you perfectly."

" That's all I needed to hear." Toru said happily.

" Geez." Izuku sighed. He brought his hands up and hugged Toru back. " You're such a worrywart, you know that?"

" I think this time is justified." Toru pouted.

" Yeah. Sorry. Didn't mean to sleep that long." The two sat in silence for a while. Toru became painfully aware of that fact. She knew she had to tell him. She wouldn't get a better time.

" S-So. Izuku. D-Don't freak out but… erm…"

" Huh?" Izuku looked confused. Toru went bright red.

" I um…" She muttered. "...ve you."

" Sorry. I didn't catch that." Izuku asked. Toru squeaked. She took a deep breath.

" I love you." She said quickly. Izuku paused, registering what Toru was saying. When he did, it was his turn to go red.

" W-Wait. A-A-Are you serious?!" Toru nodded nervously. " W-Well. It's just… I never…"

" I-It's fine. I… I don't want to force you into a-anything. I… I just felt…" Toru turned to leave. " I-I should tell everyone you're alright so-" Izuku's warm hand gripping her wrist stopped her.

" Wait." He said. So she did. Izuku took a few moments to get his thoughts in order. " Toru. You're definitely special to me. You're the first person I was able to help. I mean, really help. I'm grateful to even get the opportunity. I'll admit. Love was kind of the furthest thing from my mind." Toru looked down. " But… I…" He coughed. " I-If you're serious about it, I… I wouldn't be opposed to… trying. It's just… in my past… these things… they've always been too good to-" Izuku was cut off as Toru quickly kissed him. It was short but sweet, leaving Izuku dazed and Toru blushing even heavier.

" S-Sorry. That was pretty… Himiko of me." She said nervously. " But… I wouldn't lie like that. I mean it Izuku. Really."

" Then…" Izuku smiled. " I love you too, Toru."

When Izuku walked into the bar, everyone looked up in shock. It was like a ghost had just walked into the bar. But here Izuku was, three weeks after being knocked into a coma, alive and well. He sat down at his usual stool, was given his usual drink and swallowed it all in a single go. " Man, I needed that." Izuku sighed. " So." He looked back. " Catch me up." Momo was happy to step to the challenge. In his absence, Momo had stepped up to take his place as the League's strategist. She didn't know how everyone worked as well as Izuku did so she couldn't manage everyone as perfectly, however her plans had merit. With the usage of the weaker Nomu Sensei gave them to use, she was able to kill the Hero Killer, a major thorn in the League's side. Since then, Giran had reported people wanting to meet with the League, hearing the news. She already had Giran working on dossiers for each.

Izuku was a little annoyed to find he'd been blamed for what happened in his and Bakugo's match. He was a bit more understanding of Sensei's decision to pull him out of UA after the battle. Izuku lost control and, in his efforts to mix his anger with pulling his punches, he almost lost his life to one of Bakugo's fully powered explosions. The bandages over his left eye were proof of that mistake. Apparently, Sensei wanted to have it replaced as soon as he could but couldn't risk further brain damage while his was in a Coma. Izuku would have to organise what he'd do with that with the enigmatic man later.

Finally, they had their next opening. UA was holding a training course in the summer in a hidden forest owned by the Wild Wild Pussycats. It was a perfect, out of the way place. It was almost like they were asking to get ambushed. Planning was already going ahead. With Izuku back, Tomura hoped things would go smoothly. Izuku stretched. Hearing he wasn't a student was the best news he'd heard in… well, three weeks apparently. Now he didn't need to pretend. He could go all out. He grinned. " Call Giran. I want those dossiers."

Giran and Ochako arrived with in the hour, Izuku earning a big hug from Ochako for being save. Giran mentioned he had some new toys for Mina and Hitoshi to play with, handing them two suitcases. Apparently, Giran had a new supplier going by the name "Alchemy". And they were good. Giran dropped a few Dossiers on the table. Izuku wasted no time getting Momo, Shoto and Toru to help him look them over.

The first dossier was for someone known under the alias of Twice. He was a troubled man and a personal friend to Giran. His quirk, Double, allowed him to create clones so long as he has data on the person and is able to touch them. These clones retained abilities and personality of the original however don't retain memories from anything before their creation and were easily destroyed. He seemed like someone who wanted a place to belong. Izuku empathized with that.

Next up was Spinner who, from Giran's description of him, was a Stain fanboy. The media attention around the attack on Hosu and the death of the Hero Killer had initially lead to the assumption that Stain was part of the League and had died in an attack gone wrong, taken out by some vigilante. This wasn't true but the initial idea spread like wildfire before the truth came out that the League were responsible for Stain's death. By that time, it seemed like a cover up. Izuku had to commend Momo for her handling of the situation. People like Spinner were easily controlled by false believes. He could be useful.

Mister Compress was an interesting one. He was someone Izuku had recognized from a number of broadcasts. He'd often hold up places that were often frequented, like banks or museums, take all the money with his quirk and make the entire thing a show. He was a showman and beyond that, a thief. His alias came from his quirk, which allowed him to compress anything into small balls for easy transportation. If he was interested in the League due to it's rising popularity, who was Izuku to say no.

Magne was another person Izuku empathized with. She was a transgender woman, so naturally that made her a target from a lot of people with a lack of understanding, either naive or malicious. Her quirk, Magnetism, allowed her to magnetize people, men becoming south poles and women becoming north poles, who then attracted or repelled each other depending on how they interacted. While didn't know if she wanted acceptance and couldn't find it in the hero world or wanted in for lesser reasons, she had quite the list of previous crimes under her belt. And, either way, he didn't mind.

Mustard was apparently someone who was sick of life. He had managed to track down Giran, a feat that wasn't easy, and had somehow managed to get enough money to pay for a suit he got from Alchemy. His quirk, Gas, allowed him to spread a gas that a poisonous gas that forced people to sleep as so long as it was in their system. He was young, even younger that Izuku and his friends, but he was smart, knew how to use his quirk and had access to resources. Izuku could at least give him a fair shot.

Muscular was a name that echoed back half a decade. An absolute Juggernaut that had been on the police's most wanted list ever since he killed the pro hero couple Water Hose. His quick, muscle augmentation, basically made him a walking tank, able to smash through anything he wanted at will. Izuku would never let such a man into his League. The man was a murderer. He didn't just target heroes like Izuku wanted. He targeted civilians too. Massacred them by the tens when he could. He was violent and unstable. Izuku paid Giran to tip of the police to his location.

Moonfish was the same on a whole nother level. A death row inmate whose quirk allowed him to grow his teeth rapidly, turning them into a deadly weapon. He was a cannibal, a serial killer who targeted people of all ages from the youngest of children to the oldest of pensioner and had done far worse things that made even Himiko sick to think about. Izuku had to wonder why this dossier was on his desk in the first place. Tomura didn't want him. Izuku didn't want him. He didn't even want to try and ask Sensei because he was sure he didn't want him either. He paid Giran double what he paid for Muscular and watched as Tomura dusted the file.

" So. Is that everyone?" Momo asked, leaning back in her chair. " 5 hits. 2 misses."

" I think, with everyone we have, that should be enough." Izuku agreed. " So, the plans to what? Fake a kidnapping, kill some heroes and get out?"

" Yes." Momo nodded. " I thought, with you in a coma, having myself bow out of UA for a while would have been helpful. Though with you awake, that isn't needed."

" Sensei also asked us to kidnap Ragdoll." Tomura stated. " He wants her quirk for his future plans."

" Right, I see." Izuku nodded. " I can understand that." Izuku thought back to all he could remember. The day of the Sports Festival was still hazy in his mind. But bits and pieces made it through. And one of them made the gears turn in his mind. " But let's repurposed the kidnapping plans."

" Huh?"

" It's fine if you and Denki want to be quote-unquote taken. However, I think I have an idea of someone that we might be able to turn to our side. A prideful kid with a chip on his shoulder and rage to give to class 1-A." Momo looked at Izuku in shock.

" Are you talking about…" Izuku nodded.

" I am. Neito Monoma." Izuku smirked. It had felt like a long time since he was able to plan like this. Maybe three weeks wasn't too much of an overestimation after all. He missed this.

Giran's warehouse was used as a meeting grounds for the initial team being warped out to the Forest by Kurogiri. They decided to travel in waves of five over three days as to not be as noticeable. Ragdoll's quirk, Search, was dangerous. If they got too close in too large a group, she'd notice them and warn the other heroes. Izuku had to assume this one person forewarning system was part of the reason that UA decided to ship the first year students so far away from civilization in the first place.

The first five to go was Izuku, Toru, Hitoshi and the new hires of Hiiro Nagayoshi aka Mustard and Jin Bubaigawara ak Twice. Out of everyone, Mustard and Twice Izuku was the least confidant about. While Mustard was backed by Alchemy's support items and Twice by Giran's word, there was too much that could go wrong with them. Not as much as Muscular or Moonfish, but still too many variables.

" Is this everyone?" Mustard asked, sitting on a crate looking bored. " I thought this was some big operation."

" Don't worry. We're just moving separately." Izuku told him, pulling at his sleeve as he entered the warehouse. With no need to keep his identity a secret, Izuku had repurposed his hero suit into his villain attire. Only major differences was that he could his hair shorter, though still a bit of a mess, and washed the black die out of it, returning it to his natural color, and that he had Alchemy make him a mask, black and robotic with rigid spikes coming from the sides, giving a bit of a demonic rabbit feel to it. It was installed with a bunch of neat tech, such as the red eye pieces that he could use as binoculars to zoom in, a gas mask filter and had a voice modulator installed in it. " I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Usagi. I am the League's chief strategist. These are my colleagues, Violet and Brainstorm. I thank you both for coming."

" No problem. What a loser." Twice answered.

" So, what's the idea? Go in there and kills some hero students?" Mustard asked

" No. The Pros are fair game but no killing the kids. They might useful later down the line."

" I think they're younger than me. Technically, they aren't the kids in this situation."

" Fine then. No killing anyone under 17. Better?" Izuku smirked. Mustard clicked his tongue.

" Just do your job." Hitoshi sighed.

" Our mission is to kidnap three peple. One is the Pro Hero Ragdoll. The second is 1-B student Neito Monoma. The last is 1-A student Momo Yaoyorozu."

" Though, the last one will come easier than the first two." Toru added. " We have two moles in the Hero Course. Momo is one of them."

" Wait, you guys thought that far ahead?" Twice asked. " Impressive. Predictable. "

" We try." Izuku chuckled.

" Izuku. We're ready." Kurogiri appeared in the centre of the room.

" How's the situation, Kurogiri?"

" The UA students are en route to the facility as we speak. According to Kaminari, the students were kicked out of the bus half way and forced to fight through the forest as training. Additionally, Iida hasn't let Yaoyarozu out of his sight since they entered the forest."

" Troublesome as always." Izuku grumbled. " We'll deal with that another time. Right now, we should go. Call it a scouting mission."

" Hmm. Is the fun finally starting?" Mustard kicked off of the crate and onto his feet.

" Finally. This should be fun. This is gonna be boring. " Kurogiri opened the portal, letting the group enter. UA wouldn't know what hit them.

" I brought cake." Toru called cheerily, uncloaking. She placed a large cake down on a blanket in the groups camp.

" Ooh. I love cake. I hate sweet things ." Twice sat down and wasted no time taking a slice onto a paper plate.

" Where'd you get that?" Hitoshi asked.

" That large student from 1-A with the big lips is eating a boat load to train his quirk. They weren't gonna miss one."

" You risked getting that close for cake?"

" It was worth it." Hitoshi sighed at Toru's reply as she picked up her own slice.

" So where's Izuku?"

" He's-"

" HEYO PARTY PEOPLE!!!!" Hitoshi flinched at the sudden screaming.

" HIMI-MINA IN THE HOUSE!" From his spot looking over the forest, Mustard looked over as Mina, Himiko and their group appeared.

" We're not in a house." He snarked.

" Camp then." Himiko grinned.

" Hey Himiko. Hey Mina. We have cake." Toru offered.

" Really? Awesome." Mina laughed.

" Mind if I have some, dear?" Toru looked over. The rest of the group, Ochako, Magne and Compress, reached the camp, catching up after Mina and Himiko had run on ahead.

" Sure." Toru nodded. " Nice to meet you by the way. Toru Hagakure. In the field, I'm called Violet."

" Kenji Hikishi. Call me Magne."

" And I am Atsuhiro Sako but you refer to me as Compress." Mister Compress took off his top hat and bowed dramatically. Mustard rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the forest. " Is this everyone?"

" Izuku went to meet with one of our spies." Hitoshi explained.

" Denki or Momo?" Ochako asked, sitting down next to Twice and taking a piece of cake for herself.

" Denki. Momo can't get away from Iida. He's convinced we're going to try something."

" I mean, he's right." Mina shrugged. " Man, this is delicious. Toru, where'd you get it? You have Kurogiri portal you to bakery or something."

" Nah. Just stole it from the heroes."

" Perfect use of resources." Magne said laughing.

" You have to steal more tomorrow. This is heavenly. It's so gross. " Twice told her. Toru nodded. Hitoshi pinched the bridge of his nose.

" Why is the 13 year old the least childish person here?"

" Ha. Age is just a number, as they say." Compress joked.

" Ha. Yeah. I suppose these idiots prove it." Mustard smirked.

" Fully agreed." Hitoshi sighed.

" Toshi!" Mina called. " You gonna have some?" Hitoshi sighed. Reluctantly, he took a piece for himself before the other could finish.

he last group arrived a few hours before night fall. Shoto, Dabi and Spinner arrived last, bringing a Nomu with them, a blue helmet providing some defense to it's exposed brain even if it's mouth, nose and eyes were covered. Izuku made a mental note to talk with whoever was making these things about their outfitting. " Well. Seems like we're all finally together." Izuku said, stretching. " Just in time. Denki tells me they're doing a test of courage tonight."

" Ooh. I loved those." Mina squealed happily. " Think we can join in?"

" Heh. I wouldn't have it any other way." Looking out towards the cabin in the woods where the 1-A students were staying, Izuku activated his mask. He pulled on the edge of his sleeves. " So then. Everyone remember the plan?" There was a general murmur of agreement. " Good. Then it's time. Let's show UA that nowhere is safe from us."