

Izuku Midoriya, his dreams broken by the man who he idolised, finds out the true face of the hero based society he lives in. With some support and a new opportunity, he decides to help bring it down, bringing some other like minded people together to help. The original: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28788726/chapters/70598496

KingBakugo · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Chapter 16

The fights continued but the air remained heavy after Izuku and Bakugo's match. Izuku was disqualified for endangering the life of his classmate but Bakugo was in no state to fight in the next round either. Momo was let through to the finals by default. Denki didn't have as much luck with Kirishima as he had the previous two opponents he had. Thanks to Kirishima's quirk, Denki's lightning was more or less useless. That, his lack of focus after the last match and finally getting tired from using his quirk all day, Denki folded.

The finals match against Momo and Kirishima was a very close match. Neither's hearts were really in the battle, but they still tried to give a good showing. Eventually, Momo was able to run down the clock on Kirishima's hardening quirk with her barrage of items. She finished the fight by finally breaking his rock hard skin with a blast from a cannon before knocking him out of the arena.

The staff at UA tried to make the award ceremony more sunny. The top three, Denki, Kirishima and Momo, were wheeled out onto the stage in their respective positions. All Might's appearance to hand out the medals certainly helped bring real life back into the arena, as the stadium burst into gasps and cheers for the presence of the Number One Pro. He gave everyone their medal and a substantial amount of praise before allowing Momo to make a victory speech. Momo took a deep breath.

" Thank you for this opportunity, All Might. I'm happy and proud to be standing here as the winner. However, I must also commend my opposition. None of the people in this entire Festival made it easy on me to make it here. Kirishima, Kaminari, Jiro, Iida. All of them fought hard and with great valour. Anyone of us could have made it here. It was only luck that it was me." Momo looked down. " I also must apologize. As one of the class representatives of Class 1-A, I am responsible for the members of my class, Bakugo and Akitani included. However, both are tough people with great determination and both have been through a lot in their lives. Life isn't as easy for some of us as it is for others. I must request that you forgive them for their behavior." Momo looked back up determined. " However, I am a hero course student. As are those who stand on this podium. As is Akitani and as is Bakugo. And as such, I hope those who do wrong know, no matter how protected you feel, you are Villains. And we will not stand for your wicked ways. Those who attacked the USJ or those who hide behind larger groups thinking yourself safe, your day will come. We Heroes will make sure of that." The crowd cheered in admiration for Momo's speech as she handed the Microphone back to All Might.

" Give a round of applause to our valiant winners ladies and gentlemen!" He announced, earning an even louder cheer from the audience. " Today was an exciting day. Despite any unfortunate hiccups, I hope everyone here and everyone at home enjoyed watching thoroughly. And remember. Go Beyond!"

" Plus Ultra!" The rest of the crowd finished. Momo gave a fake smile, clapping along with everyone else like nothing but happened. Inside though, she prayed for her friends safety and vowed to destroy every hero who thought it was a good idea to put him through that. Destroy them and burn everything they worked for to the ground.

Izuku didn't wake up the day of the Sports festival. He was taken in to the Musutafa General Hospital with Bakugo at first, Bakugo being treated for internal injuries while Izuku was being treated for his burns. However it didn't take long for Izuku to be transferred straight to Jaku under the orders of Doctor Kyudai Garaki. Kyudai got straight to work on All for One's orders in using the best tools he had to repair the heavy scarring and bleeding Izuku suffered in his battle with Bakugo.

" How is he doctor?" All for One asked.

" The girl is tending to him now. He'll live. However, I doubt he'll be waking up for the rest of the week and that's just the shortest guess I have." Kyudai admitted. " He suffered heavy trauma, physical and mental, all in a very short time frame. He's lucky he'll survive. Not without marks though. That explosion tore straight through his chest and damaged a part of the left side of his face. We were able to repair some of it with facial reconstruction, but he'll be left with some scarring on the torso and his left eye will need replaced. That'll take time"

" Use all the resources you need, Doctor. I'd hate to lose such a valuable asset at this stage in the game."

" Of course." Kyudai nodded. " I'll do all I can. Still, I think it may be best to take him out of UA after that. We can't afford another breakdown like that from this kid. Not while he's a mole." All for One rested his head on his fist as he thought.

" With Yaoyorozu, Kaminari and Uraraka in UA, I suppose Izuku doesn't need to be there now we have more… emotionally stable spies." All for One mused. " That's even supposing they allow him back. They've already moved to blame it on him even if Bakugo has the lighter injuries."

" I expect that Bakugo brat to be up by weeks end. According to the reports I was given, his wounds are more minor. His entire rib cage is basically gone and he has a fractured skull, but the doctors are already performing operations to weld them back together. I won't be surprised if he comes out even healthier than before. Heh. Well physically at least. It might take time for a guy as proud as that to get over a loss that devastating."

" I am glad to hear of your report, Kyudai. How are the Nomu?"

" We got three more lesser Nomu for a future raid of young Shigaraki ready for you. #199: Icarus, #201: Spitter and #204: Gigant. Nomu #0207: Edge is nearing completion. I'm getting so close to perfecting my children. I'll make a masterpiece in no time."

" You have all the time you need." All for One told him. " I shall inform Kurogiri about Midoriya's condition. I'm sure his friends must be worried."

" He'll be back. You want me to do any… modifications while I have him."

" Tempting, but I would rather you keep him unchanged for now. I can't afford anything messing with that unique mind of his. Perhaps in the future to make sure he and the others from Venality don't decide to become turncoats, but not now."

" RIght. In that case, I'll get back to it. I'll speak to you later, sir." Kyudai signed off from the computer in his lab, leaving All for One alone in the darkness. He chuckled.

" Izuku Midoriya." He said to himself. " You never cease to amaze me. A perfect back up should my plan for Tomura fall through. I shall help you crush the world to ash and dust. Do stay alive to watch that most glorious of conclusions."

A week later and everything had returned to mostly normal inside of UA. The Sports Festival had been a major talking point around the country as it always had been. Some news articles focused on the immense new strength of the third year Mirio Togata that left him with a broken arm after smashing the shell armour of Tamaki Amajiki in the final round. However, most news stories were based on the first years events. From the victor of the entire event, Momo Yaoyarozu, to the brutal battle between Bakugo and Akitani that overshadowed the whole thing, everyone was talking about it.

Bakugo returned to UA at the beginning of the week following the Sports festival. Despite some minor bruising, he'd basically made a full recovery. Physically at least. Mentally, he felt awful. Old memories and words he long regretted kept entering his head. Sleeping had become near impossible. Every time he tried, his head was filled with flashes of memories he just wished would stop. Jeers in his own mouth. Laughing as others beat his oldest friend. Smoke. Burning cloth and flesh. He'd ignored it back then but that day haunted him. The last day he'd seen Izuku. Then he saw Akitani's body, burned and covered in scars. He understood why he always changed behind the cover of a shower curtain when they were changing. But then again, there never was a Mikumo Akitani was there? It had always been him. And Bakugo was too stupid to see it. Izuku Midoriya, the boy he'd been searching for, had came back. And what did he do? He hurt him again.

Bakugo wanted to apologize. But, when he got up, he was told that Izuku wasn't in the same hospital. He assumed he'd see him again at UA, but day after day, he never came back. Aizawa finally announced it as he was handing out recommendations for hero internships. " Shouldn't we wait for Izu… For Akitani to get back before we do these?" Bakugo asked. Aizawa went silent for a bit before returning to his desk.

" I was going to wait til it had been finalized, but I suppose you deserve to know this ahead of time." Aizawa said. " Mikumo Akitani is no longer a member of Class 1-A." He announced. Katsuki felt his heart sink.

" The hell?" Bakugo shouted. " Did you fuckers expel him? Cause I did far more damage than-"

" No, we didn't. We would have suspended him until the end of the internship period, but not expelled. He was removed from UA by his carer and transferred to another school."

" Where does he live?" Bakugo asked suddenly.

" Why do you need to know?"

" I need to see him."

" I can't tell you that. Confidentiality is a major factor UA, as with all schools, abides by."

" Dammit." He slammed his hands down. His glare changed targets. " Sparky! Four Eyes! Spooky hands! You were his friends! The hell does he live!"

" Sorry. He never said." Yanagi admitted. Iida never answered. Something had been off about his since the Sports Festival but Bakugo didn't know what.

" Sorry man." Kaminari gave him a sympathetic smile.

" Dammit! Stop hiding it from me!"

" Bakugo! Calm down!" Aizawa shouted. Bakugo collapsed in his seat.

" I need to speak to Izuku. I just found him again. Why?"

" Izuku?" Asui asked. "I thought his first name was Mikumo, Kero."

" Shut up, frog face. You don't know shit about him." Bakugo was torn up. He'd been so close and never even noticed. But now? He was further away than ever. He'd failed again.

Izuku returned to the bar wrapped, bandages all around his chest and his injured eye. He was still in a coma but Kyudai had deemed it safe for him to return to the bar for the time being, so long as Kurogiri kept a close watch on his condition. Toru sat by his bedside for a while when she heard he was back, silently watching for any sign the boy who save her life was still with her.

" Hey? Toru?" She looked up to see Mina entering the room, putting a glass of Soda down on the bedside table for her. " You alright?"

" Should I be?" She asked, her voice choked up. " Izuku. He saved me. When my quirk was ruining my life, he reached out and introduced me to the one man on this planet who fixed it. He saved me life. And now?" Her vision blurred. " I was there, Mina. I watched it helplessly from the stands. I knew Izuku was in pain but I… I couldn't help him. Not like he helped me."

" Hey. It's alright. Don't blame yourself."

" Don't worry. I don't." She admitted. She balled her hand up into a fist, watching as her knuckles paled. " It's their fault." She spat. Mina didn't stop her. " You're right, Mina. You. Himiko. Momo. You're all right."

" Right about what?"

" Your methods. I've been far too passive. But if these people are going to hurt Izuku like this and then blame him for almost dying…" Her voice shook with rage as she let out a choked laugh. " Then I'll kill them. I don't care any more. They don't deserve the mercy I've been giving them. It's time I stop hesitating and start getting serious."

" Are you sure, Toru?" Mina asked hesitantly. " I know this is a serious situation and, hell, I'm right beside you when it comes for wanting some pay back on those fuckers in UA but… that ain't a thing you can come back from."

" You seem fine."

" My girlfriend helped with that."

" It's fine, Mina. Really." Toru looked at her friend with a confidant glimmer in her eye. " I want to do this. Izuku has done so much for me. So have all of you. I don't care what I have to do anymore. Not after this. They'll pay dearly for this. And believe me when I say that they'll never see me coming."

Hitoshi slammed his fist into the wall of his bedroom, shaking the light hanging above. He couldn't believe this. His best friend was nearly killed live on air. And what did UA do? Nothing. What did the media do? Report on it like it was a sports match. It made him sick to his stomach. Everyone was so happy to go along with all of this, treating it all like some kind of game. Like this wasn't children that they were main fight with deadly, mostly untrained abilities. Like they weren't just being raised into soldiers for the so called greater good. This world was too far gone.

" Angry?" Hitoshi looked up to the scarred face of Shoto. He nodded. " You have every right to be."

" How about you?"

" Livid." Shoto growled.

" You know something, Sho. After all this time, my view has been solely set on seeing Mount Lady dead at my feet." Hitoshi admitted. " I didn't care about the rest of the Leagues goals so long as that happened. But now…"

" One hero isn't enough, is it?" Hitoshi shook his head. " I was the same as you. I wanted to kill the Bastard and protect my mom and siblings from him. But now? After all of this? There's nothing good about this. Any of this." Fire danced across Shoto's left side as he spoke in a low, threatening tone. Hitoshi wasn't the only one serious about this.

" We're the League of Villains, right?"

" Right."

" Then we shouldn't feel bad about embracing the role. Right?" Hitoshi asked this slowly. All his life he'd been called a villain. Recently, he'd been proving them right in the worst ways possible. But he hadn't thought of himself as Villain entirely. He'd been worried of the commitment. But now? With his friend lying in a coma from burns and mental injuries? That reluctance seemed stupid. Shoto agreed, nodding.

" If this corrupt world wants to paint us as the bad guys, let's be the bad guys." He said simply. Hitoshi smiled. That sounded like an idea he could get behind.

Ochako stood on the top of the warehouse, staring up at the starlit sky hanging above the city feeling the cool wind on her bare arms. She hadn't cooled down. She felt like she was still burning. She had felt like this for a week, but now, after seeing Izuku lying in bed unmoving? She felt even worse. She didn't know what to do to fix it. " Hey missy. You doing alright?" She heard Giran ask as he steeped outside. He shuddered slightly. " God it's freezing. How are you standing here like that?"

" I feel like I'm on fire." Ochako said monotonously. " I hate it but it's not stopping. It's not stopping and I don't know what to do."

" Hmm. I getcha." Giran leant forwards over the rail. He pulled his box of cigarettes from his jacket and pulled one out. He offered Ochako the box. She took one and let Giran light it. " So. The kid?"

" Yeah."

" He's a good guy. Better than should be in this profession. But that's how the world works. It's cruel. The worst people are risen up as saviors. The best demonized as villains. But we gotta live with the hand we got dealt. That's why I'm here." He glanced up. " You kids? You could leave this life. There's better options."

" No. I won't." Ochako said. " I can't leave them all behind. Not after all they've done to help. You too, Giran."

" Heh. Don't go lying and saying I'm a good man. I just help my own people. We all do."

" And I'm grateful." Ochako sighed. " I'm gonna kill them."

" Kill who?"

" I dunno. UA. The Pros. All of them."

" You ever killed before?"

" No. But I don't think letting people go is something I can do anymore. Not after the Sports Festival. Not after what happened. If they can just accept something like that being fair…" Ochako shook her heads. " No. They deserve what's coming to them." Giran watched her carefully, making sure she was absolutely serious.

" Alright. Then you better be ready to start helping me deal with troublemakers." He said. " If you think you're ready to take that leap of faith, I'll make sure you're as equipped as you can be. Give ya a less painful landing in that spike pit."

" You sure?"

" Oh course. We're partners you and I. What are friends for?"

" Heh. Thanks Giran." Ochako smiled. The heroes would pay. They'd pay one day. She'd make sure of that. But the job came first. And if the job helped her achieve her true goals, all the better for it. Money didn't seem to matter as much anymore. This was for her friends. And she'd do anything to help protect them.

Denki rested his head on the bar counter, groaning. " Are you alright, Kaminari?"

" Nope. Not at all." He admitted. " Can I confess something to you, Kuro?"

" It's what I'm here for."

" I was never too invested in the whole League thing." He said. " Like, Mizuko was all for it and I owed him shit for helping me with my quirk but the whole Villain life? Nah. Didn't think I was down for that."

" But you've changed your mind?"

" Yep. Totally. UA's a sack of shit. It can fucking rot." Denki grumbled. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but Denki was just pissed off. How dare they? Mizuko got blasted to fuck. Even Bakubitch admitted he should've been the one punished. But the announcement said he got disqualified. Yeah, he won. They couldn't exactly disqualify the loser. But they had to know how made it made him look in the media's eyes. He'd already read so many stories blaming him for nearly killing his opponent, calling him an out of control thug, conveniently forgetting that Bitchugo almost toasted him. " I don't feel anything for any of 'em anymore."

" So. In for a penny?" Denki laughed.

" Yeah. In for a pound. I'm with you all to the end now. For Mizuko's sake." He grinned. " I don't care anymore. I don't think any line'll bother me after the week I've had. What's the line? It just takes one bad day or some shit."

" The Joker, correct?"

" Hey. You know your stuff."

" It is something I pride myself on." Kurogiri chuckled.

" I'd tip ya, but you don't have a cup." Kaminari snickered. " Nah but for real. I think I'll even be alright killing. Yaomomo's doing it. So's Mina. I can give it a try myself."

" If you are certain you can stomach it, I'm sure it would be appreciated." Kurogiri bowed his head. " I also pray that Izuku has a speedy recovery. Tomura has been especially agitated as of late. He tries to deny it, but Izuku means a lot to him. I think he sees some of himself in the boy."

" Heh. He does have the whole "aloof older brother" shtick down, don't he?" Denki chuckled. He liked it here. It was homely. But people were gonna try and take it. Take it and hurt all his friends. He couldn't let that happen. He made a silent apology before making his vows. He was a League member full time now. And when you're a League member, anything goes.

Momo smashed her bat into the Pro Hero Magnum over and over again, using his already broken body to relieve stress. Magnum was piece of work. She was glad the world was rid of the filth. But there was more than just single heroes to focus on any more. UA. The Hero Commission. They were both complicit in the same things. She was an idiot to focus on one when the other so obviously stared her in the face. She'd need to do background checks and maybe have Toru steal some of their classified documents, but she could do a full assessment of UA and it's crimes in under a week. But she wasn't focused on that now. Another heavy swing took the head of Magnum's corpse. Maybe she'd done enough after all.

" You know. I was tracking Magnum too." Momo gasped. She immediately spun around at the voice, creating her mask of choice, the theatre mask of Tragedy, over her face and swinging her bat around as she did. The man behind her raised his Katana to block the blade. " Didn't expect anyone else to be after him."

" 14 records of aggravated assault. 9 assaults of property damage. 5 accounts of murder. 37 accounts of violating the peace due to drunken outrages." Momo recited the list from memory. " Scum like him don't deserve to keep playing hero."

" Completely agreed." He looked past her. " But your technique could use some work."

" As could your belief system, Hero Killer Stain." Stain grinned.

" So you know me."

" Know of you." Momo corrected him. She lowered her bat, glaring at him. " I am Forge. And I've been doing your job for you. And doing it far better. As I said, your doctrine needs work. You've hurt actual heroic heroes you know? Like Ingenium."

" Ingenium was trash just like Magnum." Stain argued. " He's killed people in the past."

" The only innocent he killed cause him to revoke his own license."

" An obvious publicity stunt."

" And all of All Might's selfless acts aren't?" She asked. " 56 accounts of needless assault. 45 of avoidable property damage. 38 of manslaughter via negligence. And that's just the reported cases. He's no less pure as you think any other heroes are." Stain clicked his tongue.

" What? You think you're any better?"

" I'm doing what you think you're doing. Killing people who deserve to be killed." Momo folded her arms.

" Don't make me laugh, fake. Trying to be "pure" with my motives. How pathetic."

" I'm fighting to make a difference." The two glared each other down. Stain huffed before sheathing his katana and turning around.

" Stay out of my way. The next time we meet, I won't be so friendly." He warned before walking off into the shadows. Momo scoffed at him before leaving in the opposite direction. So that was the mighty Stain? Just another hypocrite. He was more of a danger to society than someone trying to help. An idea began forming in her head. Momo smiled. Maybe someone should take him down a peg. She needed a plan and data. To track his patterns. After all, going where he was going next was just as simple as choosing the right offer. Maybe this internship would be useful after all.