
Veiled Allegiances

Luna Laurier, an heiress in the prestigious Aurelia Academy, navigates a complex web of love and obligation. Her secret affair with Luca takes a drastic turn when her family arranges a marriage with his brother. The arrival of Lila, a mysterious newcomer with hidden motives, adds another layer of complexity. As Luna grapples with family expectations and hidden alliances, she must decipher who to trust in a world where appearances are deceptive and love is a dangerous game. "Veiled Allegiances" is a captivating tale of forbidden love, betrayal, and the secrets that bind an elite academy.

yesris_0685 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

Luna could feel his stare behind her. It was as though if given the chance, his gaze would pierce through her. Despite this, Luna kept her eyes on Mrs. Prescot, her teacher, trying to grasp the concept of the lesson, even though it felt like deciphering an alien language.

The classroom was so silent that one could easily hear a pen drop from the back row, if not for Mrs. Prescot's droning voice. The brightness of the room made falling asleep impossible, with the fluorescent lights shining relentlessly on the students. She tried to focus, but her mind kept wandering.

Suddenly, the principal barged in. That didn't catch Luna's attention as it was normal for him to appear anywhere, at any time, he pleased. What did seem interesting to her was the girl behind him.

She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there at that moment. 

"Good morning class," Mr.Hughes said, nodding slightly to Mrs.Prescot.

"This is Ms.Madden," he continued, "She just joined us and I hope we will all help her feel welcomed."

The students murmured their confirmations, and Mr. Hughes whispered, "Good luck," to the girl before leaving. Mrs. Prescot ushered the new girl to one of the only available seats. The classroom, which had been so silent moments ago, now buzzed with whispers about the new girl. Some students murmured softly, while others spoke loudly with newfound confidence.

Luna glanced as the girl walked past her. The glow of the classroom lights shone down on her brunette hair, which cascaded in gentle waves down to her waist. From the little glance, Luna could also notice a rosy hue that adorned the girl's pale cheeks. Before turning her concentration back to her teacher.

After what felt like hours of trying hard to focus on what their teacher was saying, the bell rang. With that, the students started running out of the classroom like a bunch of savages.

Luna took her time in getting ready, she made sure to pick herself up both physically and mentally before leaving. 

"I need to speak to you"

Luna watched as Luca walked past her till he disappeared in the hallways. She felt a mix of anxiety and anticipation. With a sigh of exhaustion, she waited until the hallway cleared before heading to their usual meeting spot.

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Please don't try to copy my book, i put a lot of thought on it. >v<

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