

When the Universe first gained sentience; The First Firmament was born and out of boredom of the first few billion years, he created the first sentient beings and gave them the task to create and destroy life for his own enjoyment. Thus began the story of MARVEL, as known by many... But! what if there was another... what if the Universe gave birth to two sentient beings... The one unknown to the Universe itself... The other Primordial...

Doctor_Blue · Movies
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21 Chs

The New Journey!

It has been 4 billion years since the Celestial vs Horde event, on Earth. I have completed my body or vassal; as I was sealing the rest of my energy away, I saw Arishem 'the Judge' arrive on Earth; I had to halt my preparation, and observe the situation.

Well, it was nothing more than Arishem judging Earth's potential, and later deciding to destroy the planet as the beings residing there were using too many resources, to build more power and destroying the atmosphere and the latent potential of the planet, by waging unnecessary wars.

The decision led to all the beings teaming up, and attacking the Celestial; the beings were humiliated and smashed back by a single attack of Arishem. But before the Judge could destroy the planet, Gaea, proposed a treaty to Arishem; the beings will leave Earth and Gaea will present 12 of the best species(including the early humanoids too) present on the planet to the Judge. Arishem, after some consideration accepted the deal and left after getting the species and seeing off the beings from the planet.

All the beings left; some went on to travel the Cosmos, some created their own pocket dimensions surrounding the space-time zone of the planet and some like Gaea merged their pocket dimension with the core of the planet.


I waited a few million years so that the Celestial is far away from the planet, and all the beings are settled in their pocket dimensions or far off from the planet, basically until everything settled down on Earth; the atmosphere, the power struggle and start of new life yet again.

A/N: I am trying POVs for this chapter and a few more, if this type of writing doesn't suit the story or you guys get irked by it; please give valid reasons and I will either tone it down or stop altogether.


Gaea POV-

It has been a few million years since the whole debacle with the Celestial Arishem 'the Judge'; most of my family now either lives in their pocket dimensions or out exploring the Cosmos, I could have gone to travel around the Cosmos too, but, I love this planet/ my home a lot, and no one other than me, was all too eager to protect or see it develop...

Well, it is not like I hate this situation, as I am far too interested in observing new things and learning new knowledge that comes with the development of various species being born on this planet or already residing.

While I was observing and drinking this new type of beverage that I have concocted recently, as usual. Suddenly, I felt a profound bout of power take a step on my home planet; the energy that the being radiated, neither felt pious nor demonic, it was neither order nor chaos, all in all, it just felt serene and calm...

As I was getting the feel of the energy, abruptly, the source of this energy/ the being concealed its presence altogether. Now, although, whatever information I could get from the mere seconds of leaked energy, was not conveying evil intentions, per se; I was still extremely worried, as even though Arishem had no evil intentions according to his energy signature, he still tried to destroy us all including our home...

Hence, being cautious I tried to contact my brothers and sisters, but the bastards were not answering my calls when needed; after waiting a while, and still not getting any response, I steeled myself and left the dimension, to meet this entity, hoping for a peaceful conversation...

As soon as I stepped out on the surface of the planet, I saw the smiling face of my sister Osthur; after a warm and encouraging hug, we marched onto the last location I felt the energy signature.

We arrived at a mountain; filled with beautiful evergreen trees, we travelled further on a snow-laden path that opened up to a clearing in the forest. I saw a man sitting on the ground, surrounded by large and small lifeforms, even the natural energy flowing throughout the planet seemingly surrounded him like a blanket.

Now, I have seen many outrageously handsome and beautiful beings, and most of them are from my own family, so it was not like he was above us in that standard, and yet there was something otherworldly attractive about his appearance; be it his dark blue coloured hair tied in a bun, his wheatish skin tone, his slightly pointed ears and teeth or those deep, dark eyes with white star-shaped irises.

While we were standing in a daze, gawking at him, he looked at us with a slight smile and bowed a little, greeting us. This took me out of my stupor; after awkwardly clearing my throat and elbowing my sister, we returned an equally awkward greeting...



Vedanta POV-

There stood two of the most beautiful women I have ever seen; Gaea and her sister(I guess...) Osthur. Gaea was a tall, voluptuous beauty with dark hair and green eyes, wearing a loose green one-piece, while barefoot. On the other side, Osthur was similarly tall and slim beauty with raven golden locks of hair falling in the front, with peculiar black and golden ringed irises and wearing a gold lined and grey coloured toga of sorts, with a hood.


I responded back.


Let's rewind a bit; when I had completed my body/vessel and sealed away the rest of the energy. I merrily travelled to Earth, to start my new journey; yet with all the joyous feelings, when I entered the atmosphere of the planet and stepped on the landmass, I came to a bitter realization, that while I created my body, planning to hide my energy signatures and any excess energy from the Cosmic beings; I did all this while observing from afar, and in the end when I finally stood on Earth, the energy that my body was surrounded by was a bit much, in oppose to the beings residing here; hence, even though I instantly took control of the excess energy leaking, I knew that at least Gaea must have noticed it.

Therefore, I made the decision to wait and hopefully talk it over with Gaea and whoever tags along with her; so here we are...


"I am Vedanta, and I come in peace(hehe...)"

I found it appropriate to first clear out any misunderstandings...

"Ah!... yes... I am Gaea and this is my sister Osthur. First of all, thank you, for voicing out your intentions and welcome to our home-world!"

"Thank you" I reciprocated...

"Now, I would apologise, but could you please inform us about yourself a little more and what is your purpose of visit?"

"Oh! straight to the point, it seems" I chuckled "Well, my purpose to visit is nothing much, just that I was feeling bored and lonely, hence I thought to come to this planet; travel and maybe stay. Now, about myself...hmm... First of all, do not misunderstand, as I am not some evil being or scheming bastard, who came to hide on this planet. The reason, I can not share my full identity is because I don't want continuous pestring from other Cosmic or such entities, when and if they come to know about me... So, if you both can take an oath of sorts, that you won't share about me with others of your family or the Celestial and such other beings... I could tell you about me..."

As I finished my monologue, I could feel the slight thrumming of energy around Osthur, which she was secretively gathering for a possible surprise attack or maybe defence... While Gaea was intently staring at me deep in thought.

Now, I wasn't afraid to fight both of them or even their whole family altogether, heck, I am pretty sure that I can thrash them and then either exterminate or seal them in a different dimension; from where there is no escape unless helped by someone either of the same calibre as me or stronger than me.

But, fighting them or any other entity of their power level, I would have to unseal my powers and it should be clear by now, as to what could or would happen after that; so yeah... I wasn't too eager to take such steps, at least not until I found a solution to my conundrums or some other way...

After a while, Gaea responded, "Although, not appropriate demand; I could feel that you are strong, and if we fight... whatever the final result... our home will be destroyed yet again... and I wouldn't want such results... therefore, I accept your conditions but DO NOT be mistaken, as it is not our weakness but pity for the beings residing and developing here... and if the line is crossed, I WILL show our wrath!!!"

Although aggressive at the end, but understandable. Hence I simply nodded with a smile and for the first time ever started sharing my story...


A/N: After writing this chapter I could proudly say that I am shit at writing dialogues, lol... but, well, I am trying and practising, so I would like the readers to; if possible, suggest or leave some helpful comments... and umm... thank you...