

A young man wakes up in DC. "This shit is gonna be so wild!" - Tom ================================== patreon.com/Maverick_DaSupreme

Maverick_DaSupreme · Anime & Comics
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242 Chs


In the dimly lit Batcave, I sat at my workstation, meticulously documenting the night's events. With intense focus, I recorded my successful retrieval of the new and improved Fear Toxin formula and its antidote. My concentration was interrupted by the presence of Alfred, whose expression revealed the gravity of the news he carried. His words indicated that tonight was going to be a long and challenging one. "Mr. Wayne, I know the timing might not be ideal, but there's something you need to know."

Raising an inquisitive eyebrow, I turned my attention to Alfred, ready to absorb whatever information he was about to divulge. "What is it, Alfred?"

Alfred hesitated briefly before uttering the unsettling revelation. "Sir, it's Superman. He's been shot."

The words hit me like a thunderbolt, and a myriad of thoughts raced through my mind. How was it even possible to wound the Man of Steel? Time was of the essence, and I needed to act swiftly. I reached for my keyboard and initiated a call to the Flash. "Flash, listen carefully. I need you to head to Star Labs Kyoto. Ask them to forge a piece of Kryptonite into a scalpel. Bring it to me as soon as possible."

The Flash's response was laced with urgency and desperation. "Can't help you. I've got a bomb bolted to my wrist. If I stop, it'd…"

"Explode," I finished his sentence, understanding the dire predicament he was in. Fatigue was setting in, and I knew a decision had to be made soon. "Keep running, Flash. I'll find a solution."

My efforts to contact Green Lantern yielded no response, leaving me with no choice but to reach out to Martian Manhunter. "John, I need your assistance." Instead of a reply, I heard agonizing screams over the line. "It's Batman. What's happening?"

"BATMAN, AM STILL BURNING!!!" The raw anguish in Martian Manhunter's voice was palpable.

As I pieced together the fragments of the unfolding crisis, it became apparent that a meticulously crafted plan was at play, targeting the Justice League systematically. A sense of unease settled in as I recognized the familiar pattern of the attacks. Reluctantly acknowledging the grim reality, I knew what needed to be done.

Without hesitation, I sprang into action, my gaze shifting toward Alfred with a determined yet concerned look. "Alfred, prepare the Batwing immediately. The Justice League is under attack."

Alfred's voice carried a blend of curiosity and concern. "By whom, sir?"

"By me," I stated grimly, the realization chilling me to the bone. I swiftly made my way to the Batwing, ready to face the looming threat head-on. While en route to Metropolis, I contacted Wonder Woman, who was in the company of Cyborg, fresh from a fierce battle with her arch-nemesis, Cheetah. 

I told her the League was being attacked and she wasn't too surprised by it as her encounter with Cheetah who used a chemical on her. It affected her optical perception and made her rampage through the park and into the streets attacking innocents, a move that seemed way too clever for only Chesteh to pull off by herself. 

I needed her to get to John and induced him with the counter to the Magnesium Carbonate in his system. The compound caused him to catch fire upon contact with oxygen, making it difficult for him to submerge himself in water and extinguish the flames. The concept was based on his vulnerability to fire, a weakness which was cleverly exploited. 

Immediately, I conveyed to them the intricate chemical solution required to halt the combustion consuming Martian Manhunter. Luckily, Cyborg was with her so I told him straight up about the chemical compound to which he would need to get Diana, 'Lithium Polymer.' The compound, when administered, would neutralize the effects of the Magnesium Carbonate and extinguish the flames which had engulfed John.

As soon as I was done with that, I made a call back to Flash. Upon connecting with the exhausted Flash, his labored breaths audible over the line, I provided guidance amidst his fatigue-driven uncertainty. "Listen, Flash, I can't stress this enough. Vibrating through is not an option. Trust me."

His weary voice sought an alternative. "You've got a better idea?"

"Marginally," I admitted, acknowledging the potential risks. "How close are you to an iceberg?"

"I'm never far from anything. Do you think that would slow down the detonation?"

I exhaled, acutely aware of the stakes. "If you make even a minor miscalculation…"

"Understood. If it fails, at least no one else will be harmed." His response resonated with determination, and in the next heartbeat, I heard a muffled explosion and his pained grunt.

"Flash!" The urgency in my voice mirrored my concern.

"Flash, are you alright?" I pressed, seeking confirmation of his success.

His response reached me, punctuated by his heavy breaths and fatigue. "Not like I'd have been two seconds ago… But I'm okay."

If we are to successfully extract the bullet from Clark's dense skin, then we definitely need John on standby. After giving that information, I proceeded on to Metropolis as I hoped Martian Manhunter, Cyborg and I would make it there on time. One fact kept bugging me at the back of my mind but I needed to deal with the crisis at hand first, and that was why there wasn't any response from Green Lantern.


[Lois Lane's POV] 

In the heart-wrenching aftermath of the battle, Metropolis stood battered, its spirit barely intact. The sun dipped below the skyline, casting an eerie glow upon the fallen city. And there, lying on the cold, unforgiving pavement, was Superman, a hero who had faced countless foes and emerged victorious. But this time, he lay defeated. A chilling hush blanketed the scene, the gravity of the situation heavy in the air.

I stood there, helpless, watching as the man I loved fought for his life. The Man of Steel, vulnerable and mortal. His strength waned, his once indomitable spirit flickering. My heart ached, every second passing as if suspended in time. My voice trembled as I whispered his name, willing him to hold on.

Then, a shadow cut through the darkness as the Batwing swooped down, its sleek form a stark contrast against the gloomy sky. Batman emerged, his cape billowing like a haunting specter. The others followed suit - Cyborg, Martian Manhunter, and Wonder Woman. Together, they formed a somber circle around Superman's fallen form.

"We need to act quickly," Batman's voice was a low growl, his eyes masked in determination.

Cyborg's mechanical face bore a conflicted expression. "But how do we cut through his skin? It's too thick."

"Kryptonite, and you are going to be doing the cutting," Batman's voice held a hint of grim resolve. He produced a small, glowing shard, its green radiance casting eerie shadows on the faces of the gathered heroes.

"Who with the what now?" Cyborg asked, surprised at Batman's response. 

Batman grabbed his hand and placed a small amount of Kryptonite in his palm. "What's that?" 

"A piece of Kryptonite that you are going to use as a lense, narrow your blaster to minimum and filter it through." He responded. 

"But using Kryptonite is risky," Wonder Woman cautioned.

Martian Manhunter's eyes glowed with empathy. "It's our only option. We must save him."

A doctor on the scene approached, his demeanor a mix of trepidation and professionalism. "Here," he pointed to a spot on Superman's chest. "This is where the bullet is lodged."

Cyborg hesitated, his gaze fixed on the Kryptonite. Then, a plea cut through the tension. "Cyborg, please," my voice wavered. "We have to save him."

He nodded, his resolve firming. "Tell me what to do." The Kryptonite transformed into a small laser tool in his hand, its green light mingling with the new found resolve in his eyes. He pressed the tool against Superman's skin, a thin, precise cut forming along the bullet's path.

As the laser worked its magic, Martian Manhunter's hand shifted, elongating into a tentacle that reached into Superman's chest. The scene was surreal, a testament to the lengths these heroes were willing to go to save one of their own.

Minutes stretched like hours, every second an eternity. Then, a collective breath exhaled as the bullet was extracted. Superman's body convulsed a bit as he gave a breath of relief, weakened by the ordeal, but he was alive. 

The wounds sealed shut, vanishing as if they'd never existed. Suspense hung heavy in the air for a heartbeat-stopping moment, until his eyes fluttered open, and the jubilant roar of the onlookers erupted into a wild celebration of his survival. My eyes welled with tears, a flood of relief and gratitude washing over me. The heroes had achieved what others might refer to as impossible, snatching him from the brink. As the tension ebbed, the weary heroes exchanged glances, while I found myself enveloped in Clark's embrace, holding him tightly.

In that instant, fear gripped me, a fear that I might have lost him forever. The weight of responsibility pressed on me, knowing that it was my call that led him to that fateful scene, to fall into the trap orchestrated just for him.