
Vast Sea Visualization

In a world where magic meets the mind's vast expanse, Lucas, reborn as Harry Potter, wields the power of visualization to master his emotions and wandless magic. With a tranquil sea as his mental fortress, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and magical mastery.

Evoxius · Book&Literature
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84 Chs

Ancient Timeline

Excited chatter filled the library as Lucas and Hermione gathered their belongings. Hermione froze mid-step, eyes widening at the towering stack of books drifting alongside Lucas. Frayed spines and faded covers were set aglow by slanted sunbeams piercing the library windows.

"You must've read hundreds already!" Hermione exclaimed, untamed curls bouncing as they walked.

Lucas chuckled, giving a casual flick of his wrist to send the books sailing back onto the shelves with a whisper of parchment. "Could get through them in eight months at a couple hours per day." He shot her a grin. "But realistically, a couple years is more likely."

They walked out of the library and along the Viaduct Courtyard Bridge. The lake's glassy surface mirrored the surrounding peaks as their snow-capped tops pierced the cloudless sky. Towering pines lined the shoreline, and their deep green hues contrasted with the brilliant blues. Sunbeams danced across the rippling water. All around, students chatted animatedly as their voices mingled with the soft flapping of robes caught in the cool mountain air.

Five students on broomsticks suddenly zoomed overhead, robes whipping behind them as they raced each other, the rush of air causing Hermione to stumble. She clutched her books tightly, craning her neck to follow the broom riders' path.

Hermione's brow furrowed, eyes tracking the broom riders weaving overhead. "Those thin broomsticks seem rather dangerous," she fretted, worrying her lower lip.

Lucas chuckled, eyes crinkling at the corners as he took in Hermione's worried frown and furrowed brows. "They must know what they're doing. I'm sure it's not that difficult." His grin widened. "Besides, we'll get to learn for ourselves in our flying lesson tomorrow. It'll be a piece of cake!"

Lucas's words tapered off, his gaze fixating on the intricate metalwork beneath their feet. Delicately embossed Roman numerals adorned the grate. "Hogwarts Legacy..." he murmured, brow furrowing contemplatively.

Hermione paused mid-step, following his line of sight curiously. Brushing an escaped curl behind her ear, she asked, "What is it? What do you mean by 'Legacy'?"

Pulling his thoughts back to the present, Lucas shook his head and motioned for her to keep walking. "No, no, I was just curious about the Roman numerals. It's amazing to see things like this at Hogwarts, and I couldn't help but wonder about the legacy behind it. But I'm sure I'll find the answer eventually in the library, right?" He flashed Hermione a warm grin.

Hermione bobbed her head eagerly, eyes sparkling as she delved into an enthusiastic discussion about wizarding life in ancient Rome, hands waving expressively.

Lucas nodded and murmured "Mmm-hmm, interesting," but his gaze grew distant, eyes unfocusing slightly as his brow furrowed. A thought had taken root, demanding his attention - Is this even the canon timeline? I remember that grate from the Hogwarts Legacy game, and now that I look around, I can see the subtle symbols on the braziers. They're not exactly the same as in the game, but their presence suggests that the events of Hogwarts Legacy might have taken place in this timeline.

The Undercroft in the Defence Tower would be the easiest way to confirm this, Lucas pondered. If I can access it, then it's almost certain that the game's events are part of this world's history. And if that's the case, then Ancient Magic exists here too, and that's definitely something I want to explore further.

When they neared the Grand Staircase, Lucas tuned back into Hermione's words. Her brow was furrowed in thought as she pondered whether the Greek and Roman gods could have been powerful wizards. He listened to her talk while they waited for the staircase to swing into place, and descended to the ground floor, with their footsteps echoing dully on the stone steps.

The Great Hall's enchanted ceiling showed a bright, cloudless sky as Lucas and Hermione joined their friends at the Hufflepuff table. After greetings, Hermione immediately launched into her theories about ancient gods, words tumbling out in an excited rush.

Filling his plate, Lucas opted for water rather than join in the abundant pumpkin juice, hiding his distaste behind a neutral expression. He was only half-listening as Hermione's speculation reached a fevered pitch - a flurry of owls had descended into the Great Hall, wings flapping as they delivered letters and packages.

One tawny owl landed squarely on Justin's head, talons tangling in his sandy hair before hopping to the table in front of Susan. "Hey! What's that stupid bird doing?" Justin protested, rubbing his head as he eyed the owl.

"It's just the Daily Prophet," Susan explained, untying the paper from the owl's leg and placing a single Knut in the pouch attached to its other leg. The owl snatched the coin and took off, disappearing among the other birds with a soft hoot.

Susan unfolded the newspaper, and gasped at the headline with widened blue eyes: "Justice at Last? Sirius Black's Trial Tomorrow as Pettigrew's Betrayal Comes to Light." Her eyes darted to Lucas, and she turned the paper towards him with trembling hands. "Look! The man everyone thought betrayed your parents might be innocent. He could be released from Azkaban soon."

Lucas studied the article and nodded slowly. "If he's truly uninvolved, then I hope he's freed quickly. No one should suffer in prison for a crime they didn't commit."

"If he's innocent, he must be relieved to finally get a fair trial after all these years in Azkaban," Hermione said, brow furrowed in concern.

Justin shook his head sympathetically. "I can't imagine being wrongly imprisoned like that. The poor guy."

"And the Weasleys too," Neville added dismally. "Pettigrew betrayed the Potters, but he also deceived them for years by hiding as their pet rat."

Hermione gasped. "You're right! Oh, that must have been so traumatic for them, having him in their home all that time." Her eyes shone with unshed tears.

While his friends continued debating Pettigrew's unforgivable betrayal and what this could mean for Sirius's freedom, Lucas listened silently as their words washed over him like background noise. His mind remained fixated on the tantalizing prospect of Ancient Magic - the idea ignited an insatiable curiosity within him. From what I've read in my past life, wizards or witches able to use Ancient Magic only start to wield magic around age sixteen, he pondered. Which means I won't be able to wield it innately. But even if I can't use it directly, I must investigate and understand this new form of magic, no matter what it takes. It's too powerful to be left alone, if it does indeed exist.

The lunch hour drew to a close, and the group gathered their belongings, the din of chattering students filling the Great Hall once more. "We'd better get going," Hermione said, slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Our first Herbology lesson is about to begin in the greenhouses."


The greenhouse was thick with the earthy scent of potting soil and the sweet fragrance of blooming flora. Rays of golden sunlight filtered through the glass panes, casting a warm glow over the cluttered workbenches and vibrant green foliage that lined the walls. Professor Sprout, a squat little witch with wisps of grey hair escaping from beneath her patched hat, stood at the front of the room, her dirt-smudged hands resting on her ample hips.

"Settle down, now," Professor Sprout's voice rang out, cutting through the buzz of chatter as the first-years found their spots along the workbenches. "Before we begin, we need to go over some important safety rules for working with magical plants."

The excited chatter gradually faded, replaced by an air of nervous anticipation as the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students settled into their places. Lucas caught Neville's eye, offering his friend a reassuring nod as the round-faced boy fidgeted nervously with the cuffs of his robes.

Professor Sprout held up a pair of thick, dragon-hide gloves, the well-worn gloves showed signs of heavy use over the years. "First things first – these gloves are absolutely essential when handling magical plants, especially the feisty little blighters we'll be working with today." She waggled her fingers, emphasizing the protective covering. "The sap from Bouncing Bulbs can cause nasty rashes and blisters, so keep those hands covered at all times, you hear?"

A few students exchanged uneasy glances as their earlier enthusiasm lessened because of the stern warning. Hermione, ever the diligent one, was already reaching for her gloves.

"Secondly," Professor Sprout continued sternly, "you'll need to maintain a firm grip on the bulbs. They're not called 'Bouncing' for nothing – these little buggers will jump away at the slightest opportunity." She mimed a bulb slipping through her fingers with a grave expression. "A loose Bouncing Bulb could do some serious damage if it were to strike someone in the face or eyes. We don't want any trips to the hospital wing today, do we?"

At the professor's warning about potential injuries from rogue bulbs, the students exchanged uneasy glances, their earlier enthusiasm dampened. A few nervous giggles escaped as they imagined the very real possibility of a Bouncing Bulb colliding with their faces. Zacharias Smith, usually so boastful, fell silent as he eyed the wriggling purple bulbs with apprehension. The bravado he typically exuded seemed to have deserted him in the face of the unpredictable plants.

Professor Sprout's expression grew stern. "Safety is crucial when working with these plants. No fooling around, understood?"

The students nodded and murmured their understanding, their earlier excitement now tempered by the professor's stern words. Even Hermione, who normally couldn't wait to prove her knowledge, remained silent with her quill hovering above her parchment as she absorbed the professor's words.

Satisfied that her message had been received, a warm smile spread across Professor Sprout's face, her eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. "Now, let's begin our lesson on Bouncing Bulbs. Who can tell me about their properties and uses in the wizarding world?"

Hermione's hand shot up eagerly, and she spoke without waiting to be called on. "Bouncing Bulbs are a key ingredient in the Pompion Potion, which causes the drinker's head to swell to an immense size."

"Well done, Miss Granger," Professor Sprout said with an approving nod. "Five points to Hufflepuff. Can anyone else share another use for these lively plants?"

The lesson proceeded at a good pace, with the professor guiding her students through the various applications of Bouncing Bulbs in potions and herbology.

Finally, Professor Sprout gestured to the long workbenches that lined the greenhouse, where trays of plump, purple bulbs sat waiting as their forms quivered with barely contained energy. "Now, it's time to put your knowledge into practice. We'll be repotting these Bouncing Bulbs today, so please divide into pairs and gather your supplies."

The greenhouse buzzed with movement as the students hurried to pair up and gather their gloves and pots. Lucas turned to Neville, who was eyeing the wriggling bulbs with cautious excitement.

"Want to work together?" Lucas asked, offering the other boy a reassuring smile.

Neville nodded slowly. "Yeah, alright. Just... try to keep those things away from my face, will you?" He tugged anxiously at the cuffs of his robes, his knuckles whitening slightly.

Slipping on the dragon-hide gloves, Lucas flashed Neville a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, mate. I've got your back."

As the lesson continued, the greenhouse was filled with the sounds of laughter and concentration, interrupted by the occasional yelp or exclamation as a particularly feisty bulb made a bid for freedom. Lucas and Neville worked in tandem, their movements growing more confident and assured with each successful repotting.

"Steady, now," Lucas murmured as he grasped a wriggling bulb firmly in his gloved hands. With a twist of his wrists, he transferred the plant to its new pot, packing soil around its base to secure it firmly.

Neville, his tongue poking out slightly from the corner of his mouth, followed Lucas's lead, and his fingers were surprisingly nimble as they worked the rich, loamy soil. A bead of sweat trickled down his temple, but his eyes shone with a newfound sense of accomplishment.

By the time Professor Sprout called for their attention, indicating the end of the lesson, the two boys were flushed with exertion and their robes were smudged with dirt.

"Well done, everyone," the professor said with pride clear in her eyes as she surveyed the newly potted Bouncing Bulbs. "You've all displayed remarkable care and diligence in handling these lively plants. I'm impressed with your efforts today."

She waved her wand in a sweeping motion, and the freshly potted bulbs rose into the air, floating gently back to their designated shelves along the greenhouse walls. A collective sigh of relief spread through the students as the last of the unruly plants was secured, their energy seemingly spent for the time being.

Neville's round face was flushed with exhaustion as he met Lucas's gaze. Lucas grinned and gave his friend's shoulder a friendly clap. "You did great, Neville. A real pro with those Bouncing Bulbs."

Neville ducked his head shyly, but his smile only widened. "Thanks, Harry. I couldn't have done it without you."