
The child

I turn around to see the child form the other room. It was me. He had the same eyes, the same skin, the same freckles in the same places, and most of all... He had the same voice I had when i was younger. The only difference was that his hair was cut off. He speaks. "You know not what you do, for you do not know any better.You have been taught in the ways of the wicked. So you shall not be punished, for you know not what you do." I close my eyes and sigh. I know what I'm doing. I know what I do is bad, but it's for a good cause so I continue to do it. "You are not who you know yourself to be, though. You are surely a Patron, but are you a Patron? No, you know not who you are, for your mind has been tampered with, changed to the way one has wanted it to be. I have seen what you have been through, you have not. Check your body. The scares thou has been given by those he trusts." I look down at my leg. "I don't know what you're talking about so shut it." He continues to speak. "You have seen not your past the way it is, but the way it has been given to you. Have you not wondered what you were like at young? Have you not questioned the brand on the back of your neck. Have you not questioned your numbers?" I look up. "Shut up."

"Have you not questioned your father's ways?" I begin to get frustrated. "Shut up!" I clench my fist and swing at the child, he vanished. I have not idea where he went, but I'm glad he's gone. I look at the door. it was still unlocked. I look at the window aimed at the moon and sit on the floor. I can't understand anything in this world. I want to go back home. "You want to go back, yet you say you know what you do. What you do is wrong yet you continue? I was wrong, I do not know how you can, but you deserve what you have done. You will get what you give the children. No, you will feel a similar pain. The pain your father has given you. You will feel his pain and wrath, unless you kill John Patron."

"You need a cork." I feel a breeze on my neck.

"What are you doing 2654-3396?" I turn my head to see my father. "Father!" He lets out a sigh. He

walks towards me and grabs me by my arm. Tightly. He begins to pull me forcing me to stand up and walk. "F-Father?"

"You have gotten out of that cage of your for the tenth time this week. No matter how much I amp the security, you find a way to get out." I want him to let go. We enter a room. It was C-3. The room where the pain begins. I pull back. "What are you doing 26? Let's go. I told you what would happen if you kept this up." He tugs on my arm, shoving me forward. "Let go of me! I am not a cage child, I am your child!" He sits me on a table and pushes me down. He let's out a chuckle. "I killed my child years ago. She was a blessing to me, but in the end my wife was right. She go berried right beside my child, inside the house I burned down. The you killed my adopted child. You and your rugged little friend." I look at him... It was believable that he killed his family. He grabs two belts and...